Susan Rice And The New Black Woman!

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( THE black woman today is a totally different woman than the one I knew as a child, the most prominent black women we knew were CORRETTA SCOTT KING , SHIRLEY CHISHOLM and the most radical would have been ANGELA DAVIS but today’s black woman has made the mistake of joining the establishment instead of fighting it and it done to her what it does to everyone else, it corrupted her.


JUST for the record SUSAN RICE is a RHODE scholar and a member of the ‘council of foreign relations’ its amazing because she has a very long career as a government employee it started in 1988 but it was in 1993 that she actually got her hands dirty when she joined the CLINTON administration’s NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL as the DIRECTOR FOR INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR PEACEKEEPING from 1993 to 1995 and it was during this time that the RWANDAN genocide was in process and it was she and her president CLINTON that blocked the U.N. from intervening by declaring ‘if we use the word ‘genocide’ and are seen as doing nothing , what will be the effect on the NOVEMBER congressional election’ and then in 1996 as SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND SENIOR OF AFRICAN AFFAIRS she and her president oversaw the invasion of the DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC IF CONGO its overthrow of its leaders by the neighboring RWANDAN and UGANDAN armies and she was the main player in suppressing the information that was coming out on the ongoing genocide in the CONGO she even blocked the U.N. security council from demanding that RWANDA immediately withdraw its army and support for the rebels.

THE DRC was targeted and looted because of its vast land and resources and it has cost the people of this nation dearly because they have had to endure uninterrupted warfare since 1996 and it resulted in the loss of well over 6 million lives making them the greatest victims of genocide in recent history and none of this could have been possible without SUSAN RICE.

SUSAN RICE ,HILLARY and OBAMA are also the architects of the destruction of LIBYA the richest nation in AFRICA at the time, not only did this war kill the nations leader GADDAFI, his family including 3 grandchildren but the whole native black tribe of LIBYA [TAWERGHA] that was targeted and wiped out by the terrorist OBAMA armed to overthrow GADDAFI , SUSAN RICE, OBAMA and HILLARY are directly responsible for massacre of at least 40,000 black LIBYIANS.

SUSAN RICE was also the one chosen to cover up the murder ambassador CHRIS STEVENS by going on countless news shows claiming he was murdered because of low grade anti muslim youtube movie and knowing full well he was killed to hide OBAMA’S arms trafficking operation to the terrorist in LIBYA and SYRIA.

SUSAN RICE apparently enjoys destroying AFRICAN countries because working under CLINTON she was instrumental in the bombing of the pharmaceutical plant outside of the capital of SUDAN, KHARTOUM in 1998 claiming it was producing chemical weapons, and with her and her president continuing interference in the affairs of the SUDAN and again by the arming of rebels, the great land mass of black AFRICA was broken in two, a north and a south thanks to SUSAN RICE.

AND by the way even though she has always been a government employee that never made more than $200k a year she is now worth $50 million.


CONDOLEEZZA RICE the former secretary of state under BUSH2 has recently reappeared and she’s making some startling statements and admissions about the IRAQ war that she and her president started in 2003, she recently said, ‘WE didn’t go into to IRAQ to bring democracy to IRAQ , we went to IRAQ to overthrow SADDAM HUSSEIN, who we thought was reconstituting his weapons of mass destruction and we knew had been a threat to the region . it was a security problem’.

IF you had been around or have done a little reading on this subject you’ll know what a complete contradiction this is of what we were told at the time not just by CONDOLEEZZA but all the BUSH administration , they were there to introduce democracy to the region and the named the war ‘OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM’.

OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM didn’t work out too well for the IRAQI’S the war itself cost them one million lives and have completely devastated their country and culture the oldest CHRISTIAN community in the world was wiped off the map and 14 years later the war still rages on, and the U.S didn’t come out unscathed either it cost lives , 5 trillion dollars with a [t] and earned the distinct honor of being a war criminal nation and AMERICA is still there.

BUT the worst thing that came out of the IRAQ war was the reintroduction of state sponsored ‘torture’ something that is completely outside of international law and simple human decency but the BUSH administration didn’t see it this way because not only did CONDOLEEZZA admit– that she and her administration openly talked about the technique of waterboarding [torture] on prisoners which was eventually authorized by the justice dept which then led to the ABU GHARIB prison torture scandal and the horrible pictures that emerged but she then stated ‘ I expressed concern that the CIA interrogation techniques comply with applicable U.S law , including our international obligation’ , we now all know that wasn’t true.


IT seems almost every week a black congress person is either indicted or convicted , the most recent one was CORRINE BROWN of FLORIDA, she was convicted of 18 of 22 counts against her, everything from wire fraud to tax evasion , she and her chief of staff were running a sham education charity in which they used CORRINE’S official post as a member of congress to solicit $800.000 in contributions for her charity ONE DOOR FOR EDUCATION.

IN the real world this is really a small case considering her friend HILLARY does the exact same thing but on a much more massive level , CORRINE was a small fish and a notch in the belt of a eager prosecutor, but she chose the world of corruption and there’s no honor among thieves and you’ll also find if you research this subject, everyone of these black congresspeople have some sort of money making scam some legal, some not.


YOU would think with all the attention MAXINE is bringing to herself she would have hands as clean as the driven snow but that’s not true , MAXINE is one of the most corrupt members of the CBC and that’s saying something for a group known for its corruption.

MAXINE also has a money making scheme of her own involving her daughter KAREN and according to the WASHINGTON FREE BEACON

‘REP. MAXINE WATERS is slated to pay her daughter another $108.000 for running a lucrative campaign operation that pulls in hundreds of thousands of dollars each election cycle FEC filings show.

KAREN WATERS , the daughter of REP. WATERS has collected nearly $650.000 to date for running the operation for her mothers campaign.

KAREN is in charge of a ‘slate mailer’ operation for citizens for waters , REP WATERS federal campaign committee , slate mailers or endorsement mailers , involve a candidate or political group paying for the endorsement of another politician’.

ITS just another pay to play scheme where MAXINE sells her endorsement to anybody with the money and she and her daughter are getting rich, MAXINE WATERS lives in a $ 3 million dollar home in the exclusive section of L.A., HANCOCK PARK, she has a live in maid and a personal driver, MAXINE WATERS neighborhood is less than 3% black even though her district is mostly black and latino with one of the highest unemployment rates in the country at over 11%.

AND also being true to the nature of a leftist politician she’s a hypocrite because after all this contrived outrage and demands of TRUMP’S impeachment in 1998 when her president BILL CLINTON was being impeached she had a total different tune , she stood on the house floor and stated the impeachment proceedings were a coup d’ tat and a unapologetic violation of the will of the people and she said she was appalled at all the hatred and meanest directed against CLINTON it’s unbelievable but we shouldn’t be surprised , we should all be thankful MAXINE is giving us this clear display of incompetence and ignorance and it should motivate us to change our leadership!

Staff Writer; Robert Jordan

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