Black Lives Matter and The Trump Reagan Similarities.

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( So much to talk about.  So little time.

Item # 1.  Since 2004-spanning the Richard M. Daley and Rahm Emmanuel administrations-  the Chicago Tribune reports that the city of Chicago has paid out a half billion dollars for police misconduct!  Chicago is closing schools, laying off teachers, and  cutting back services, but has $500,000,000.00 to pay for police misconduct without anyone being fired or prosecuted or anything.

Emmanuel was simply following the long standing tradition of looking the other way, whether it was torture, as in the case of former police commander Jon Burge, who infamously ran a torture ring and whom Daley chose not to prosecute, or murder as in the Laquan McDonald case.  Just another example of how firmly entrenched the culture of racism and cover up has been in this city and country.

Item #2  I’ve been impressed by how comprehensive the demands for justice have been in the Black Lives Matter movement.   Thanks to the Laquan McDonald case, we know that the entire system, not just individuals,  has to change.  But the one area that has to be addressed is that of police screening.  All the training in the world is not going to transform a racist police thug like Jason Van Dyke (Laquan McDonalds’ killer)  into a professional police officer.
Van Dyke had already cost the city at least $350,000.00 for a Ted Nugentbrutality case, prior to the $5,000, 000.00 the city paid the family of McDonald without a lawsuit having been filed.  Applicants need to be screened for violent tendencies as well as racist tendencies.  Having studied under some of the most brilliant social psychologists at Northwestern University, I can assure you that a test can be devised that will screen out many of these defective individuals.   Is it possible for the justice department to establish national standards?  Worth looking into.
Item #3  The similarities between Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump are enough to scare the bejeezus out of any rational person.  Just as mainstream politicians and pundits declare that Donald Trump cannot win the presidency, so too did they declare that the American public had too much sense to elect a borderline senile former actor named Ronald Reagan.  Both Reagan and Trump exploit the fear, ignorance, anger and racism of their bases.
Reagan based all of America’s economic woes on the mythical black welfare cheats who stole thousands and thousands of dollars right out of the hands of hardworking honest white people.  He either created or exacerbated virtually every social ill, from homelessness to income inequality, but was known as the “Teflon president” because none of his bad deeds stuck to him.  The reason for the Teflon?  He made racism fashionable again.   Now Trump blames all of America’s problems first on illegal Mexican immigrants and now wants to ban the immigration of Muslims.  Like Reagan, he can do no wrong with his constituency.
Item#4  The Texas Board of Education continues to push for a whitewashed history in which slavery , now Jim Crow, ever occurred.  The reason the racists are such virulent adversaries is that they never run out of energy.  Their very will to live is based on being better than someone else!  I don’t know if there is anything we can do about these people.
Staff Writer; William Griggs
One may connect with this talented writer over at; http://WilliamGriggs.Net. You can also pick up his “newly” released novel entitled: The Megalight Connection.