Five Tips on Making Your New Year Exercise Program a Smashing Success.

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( It’s the eve of a New Year and millions of people across the country are gearing up to get in shape! Some will join gyms, others will try boot camps; some will hire personal trainers, many will go it alone. It’s the chance to leave the disappointments behind and begin anew.

But how many will actually finish? Who will actually still be following an exercise routine deep into 2016? The statistics suggest only 2 in 10 people stick with an exercise program. According to WebMD, one out of every two people will abandon their fitness program within the first thirty days. Why? It can be anything from overtraining to unrealistic goals that cause many New Year exercise programs to crash and burn.

Whether home, gym or group exercise-based, those who stand a chance of sticking to an exercise routine and seeing smashing results in the New Year are the ones who take heed to these five simple tips.


Get a Goal

This is the number one reason why so many exercise programs fail: the lack of a clearly defined goal. The prolific martial arts expert Bruce Lee once said, A goal is not always meant to be reached; it often serves simply as something to aim at. Well-said, indeed! If you have no aim with your exercise program, you are much more likely to fail at it.

A goal answers the question, what do I want to accomplish with my © Copyright 2010 CorbisCorporationexercise program? Is it to increase endurance? Lose weight? Improve bone strength? Even if you don’t have a specific weight-loss goal, at least define a range of weight you’d like to lose.

Each person’s goal is unique, but whatever your goal is – don’t leave home without it!


Get a Vision

As the Holy Scriptures enjoins us, without a vision, the people perish – so will your exercise program perish without a vision. A vision is a picture held in the mind of your desired outcome; it’s seeing the end at the beginning. When you see yourself with a strong body, you exponentially increase the likelihood of realizing that result. Develop an ideal of your future body. See the weight coming off; imagine the inches reduced. If you have chronic issues such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes, imagine yourself coming off medications as your body become stronger.


Get a Plan

A plan comes as the result of a goal and a vision. A plan governs the what, when, where and how long of your exercise program. It also covers the exercise particulars such as the amount of weight you plan to lift, how many reps and sets etc. Having a plan inoculates against inefficiency. It allows you to get in, get your work done and move on with your day. But it must be a plan that works for you, one that addresses your fitness level and goals. Don’t be too proud to consult with a fitness professional and at least get your body fat and body mass index measured.

Make sure you keep the words of Anatole France in mind as you plan your work and work your plan: To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.


Get an Attitude

Thomas Jefferson wrote, Nothing can stop the man with the right attitude; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. You can have a goal, a vision, and a plan but if you don’t have the right attitude, the game is over before it begins. Attitude determines altitude. How you feel about yourself will determine the success of your exercise program.

Attitude also covers your belief – how bad you really want to hit your goals. Is it just a New Year thing or are you in it to win it? Are you going to quit if you don’t see instant results? Will you persist when others have thrown in the towel? Have the attitude that nothing can stop you!


Get a Break

I insert this as number five because I’ve it seen time and again: people come into the gym six or seven days a week at full throttle, going full-blast on the treadmill and trying to lift ridiculous amounts of weight. They end up staying in the gym two hours a day. Before long, they are gone! Why? Because they tried to build Rome overnight. It’s important that you take a break and recover from your workout regimen. Guard against overtraining. Pace yourself. The body gets strong not during exertion, but from recovery. Be careful, though, not to confuse rest with leisure. As John Lubbock put it, Rest is not idleness. Rest your body at least twice a week while following sound nutrition practices – then get back at it!

Remember the above tips and see smashing results on your New Year exercise program!

Staff Writer; W. Eric Croomes

This talented brother is a holistic lifestyle exercise expert and founder and executive coach of Infinite Strategies LLC, a multi-level coaching firm that develops and executes strategies for fitness training, youth achievement and lifestyle management. Eric is an author, fitness professional, holistic life coach and motivational speaker.

In October 2015, Eric released Life’s A Gym: Seven Fitness Principles to Get the Best of Both, which shows readers how to use exercise to attract a feeling of wellness, success and freedom (Infinite Strategies Coaching LLC, 2015) –