The Rwandan Elders: A Toxic Generation.

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( The beauty of life is that we get to be born free. At birth,we are very immaculate until we learn evil and good from the society we are exposed to.In short-”the environment in which a child is raised has everything to do with the type of man he will become.”

Rwandans have been unlucky since time immemorial.Children are born in Refugee Camps or in exile where their parents have been living for various reasons.The idea of “home” is too cosmetic for even those who still live in Rwanda yearn for an opportunity to seek refuge.Anyway,that is a topic for another day.

Growing up in exile is the most difficult experience for any child.They are denied the opportunity to learn their traditional values COMME IL FAUT.The burden is on the elders to propagate the culture of the child’s domicile in a manner that will ensure that the said individual will not be inalienated with his/her country of origin in all entirety.

What do Rwandan Elders do?


Children are taught to hate their fellow countrymen because they come from different regions(The South vs. The North).This one is done by implication-Rwandans­­ from Gisenyi will only associate with those from the North and the ones from Butare will also have their own cliques.

At weddings-these things are exposed or simply put-at many social gatherings,it is easier to see how Rwandans are divided.

Children fall victim of this divisionism and start to think that this modus operandi is the right one.After all,children learn better from their parents(LA CHARITE BIEN ORDONNEE COMMENCE CHEZ SOIS).Rwandan-2015

Is it really a TUTSI-HUTU problem?

I ascribe to the school of thought that believe in the notion that Rwandan Elders are possessed and need exorcism.They carry serial demons with them and love to justify evil even when it is apparent that their lines of thought are preposterous.

Here is an example-A Southerner(Hutu) will convince his child that Juvenal Habyarimana was not Rwandan.He hailed from Uganda and that is the reason why he did not declare a war against Uganda because Museveni was his brother.Can you imagine how “ridiculous” that sounds?

Some Tutsis also believe to be superior species.They are of the view that they are supposed to lead their other clan members.They teach this retrogressive notion to their children and inculcate this evil ideology in them for decades.

One Tutsi from the royal family swore that he would rather die as a Taxi Driver in exile than be led by an inferior Tutsi tribe(Abega)-the tribe of Paul Kagame and so he died.

Each ethnic group has its internal problems which they keep inculcating in the new generation.Before anything else,Hutus hate eachother and so do Tutsis.

As Future Leaders of Rwanda-we reject this madness that has caused pain to our people.Tutsi,Hutu or Twa-we are all Rwandans who have fallen victim of MEDIOCRE LEADERSHIP since the Tutsi dynasties that practiced apartheid,Kayibanda and Habyarimana’s nepotism and political patronage and the kleptocracy of the RPF and all the ‘evil’ that surrounds Rwanda’s history.

We have to rise above this primitive way of thinking by accomodating eachother as ‘brothers and sisters’.We may differ on policy-related matters but Rwanda is bigger than our NOSES,REGIONS and FAMILIES.


Staff Writer; Lionel Nishimwe

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