Know Your Brain: Exactly What Kind of Learner Are You?

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( To get the most out of any training programs it would be beneficial to understand that we have different learning styles and if you are able to identify what kind of learner you are, you can then apply the best techniques based around this information.

If you are going to make the most of training programs available through resources like simplilearn, here is a look at what you should know about the different learning styles and identify which ones fit your particular profile.

See, Hear, Touch


Visual learners often achieve better academic accumulation through the process of using vision to read, watch a demonstration or look at graphics. People who are more inclined to be visual learners often struggle to focus their attention when listening to an explanation.


An auditory learner is more comfortable listening to explanations and information rather than reading about it.

Strangely in some respects, people who are classed as an auditory learner will often consider noises other than the information they are trying to take in, as an unwelcome distraction and will often choose to recite out loud as a way of retaining new material.


If you are a kinaesthetic learner, you are going to be a person who manages to process information more easily through a hands-on type of experience.

This means that carrying out an activity whilst learning is easier for someone who is a kinaesthetic learner.

There are the three main types of learning styles and these are then broken down into specific traits that define you more specifically.

Easier to learn

Getting to know how your brain works best will unlock the key to more successful and productive learning.

Many of us tend to use a combination of up to three different learning styles and the majority of us often have a clear preference for one particular learning styles over the others.

Knowing and understanding the different ways our brain works in absorbing new information will help you to pinpoint the best methods to employ for your own profile, which will make it easier and less stressful to learn as well as easier to practice other types of learning styles using your knowledge of the varied ways we accumulate new data.

Accelerated learner

The typical profile of someone who is an accelerated learner is someone who is predominantly a reader.

This will normally mean that you are enrolled in AP Language and other similar AP courses and an accelerated learner will simply need to achieve validation and a minor adjustment to the skill sets that you possess already but have probably not given that much thought to up to this point.

The positive attribute of someone who is an accelerated learner is that these reading skills are extremely useful when it comes to completing standardized tests.

Sound learner

You will know if you are what is classified as a sound learner by the fact that you have always excelled in a school environment and are always prepared to put yourself out in the name of education.

It is likely that if this an apt description of your approach to education, you will often study hard but will also be prepared to acknowledge when you have reached your limits of endurance despite being extremely motivated about study and getting solid grades.

Unmotivated learner

The standard profile of someone who could be considered to be an unmotivated learner is that you genuinely want to do well in your academic studies but often lack the required level of interest or feel challenged enough by the learning process.

The good news for unmotivated learners is that this is actually a method where you have good prospects of achieving success in the longer term.

An unmotivated learner can develop and apply strategies that will change their mind-set and this will invariably lead to higher test scores and a greater level of educational satisfaction once you harness these attributes in the right way.

Maverick learner

If you are someone who often considers yourself as having your own study path that you are prepared to follow to the exclusion of more conventional methods, then you are likely to be classed as a maverick learner.

The stereotypical actions of a maverick learner would be to engage in a combination of different learning style categories in order to create a bespoke method that you feel most comfortable with.

There is generally nothing wrong with being a maverick learner as long as you have the backing and support of your teacher and there plenty of examples where mavericks actually excel.

Staff Writer; Lewis Hall