Paul Robeson: Real Life Superhero…

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( Anyone who knows me knows I’m a big fan of Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze from the pulp novels. I’m also a big fan of another ” man of bronze “, none other than 20th Century renaissance man/activist Paul Robeson. That gangsta rappers are better known than he is beyond tragic. A 1919 Phi Beta Kappa Rutgers University validictorian, he collected letters collegiate athletics and multidisciplnary awards like box tops. He even graduated from Columbia Law School while playing pro football, singing and acting to make ends meet. His subsequent career in the Enzi100 arts and human rights easily eclipse modern superstars. As someone fascinated by fictional “super” people like Doc Savage, a real life superhero like Paul Robeson is a lifelong inspiration.

His worldclass ranking in so many fields should spur current competitors into greater action. Racists tried to explain away his genius as proof of ” white blood. ” Born just a step out of slavery his is an eternal example of sheer excellence without limit nor hesitation. Some caution tempering our enthusiasm with rumored Communist affiliatiion and publicized fondness for the former Soviet Union. His achievements cannot be discounted. Reaching such heights during American Apartheid was nothing short of miraculous. Political questions aside, his commitment to national ideals and world peace remain unquestioned.
Education is a hot button topic these days. Namely elevating inner city academic performance. If a Paul Robseon could be produced on virtually no budget by todays standards, what excuse does anyone have today? He was the child of slaves ( literally! ) who showed Earth the heights a free man could climb, even while shouldering the burden of Jim Crow.
Paul Robeson was in fact what Doc Savage is fictionally: a huge man of stellar abilities committed to helping the underdog. Imagine taking your favorite
public intellectual/singer/rapper/actor/athlete/activist, etc., season from the A-Z of human potential and what emerges may still fall short of Robeson’s impact. His stature in any one area would be impressive. Taken together his accomplishments are incredible! My question is with all the money spent on public schools and easy access to information why aren’t there more Paul Robesons? The ball of mass producing champion citizens was fumbled somewhere and it behooves us to retrieve it.
Doc Savage is the pulp novel Man of Bronze. For decades Paul Robeson was the headlines Man of Bronze and something more: an authentic real life superhero for his country and planet. I learned about him at Savannah State College ( now University ) and am continually inspired by what was learned.
Paul Robseson’s birthday is April 9th. Why not give yourself the gift of learning about this real life superhero and his legacy.


Written By Nadra Enzi

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