“You Know You’re a Introvert/Extrovert Blogger When……..”

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Did you know there are introvert and extrovert bloggers?  Reading “What Is Your Blogging Personality” by Rabia Lieber http://www.thesitsgirls.com/blogging/blogging-personality/ helped to inspire my blog: You Know You’re a Introvert/Extrovert Blogger When……..”

It is beneficial to understand your writing style to increase your potential to create content that connects people. Social Media is a “social” activity that incorporates the diversity of “media” to share content on diverse platforms.

If you’re excited by the direct connections, fellowship and camaraderie of Social Media you are probably a candidate for being an extrovert blogger. Your blogging gives you energy and excitement to finding connections beyond your current circles of interactive involvement. You seek to increase your friends, likes and hits, and you look forward to feedback.

The other extreme is where your writing gives you peace and comfort. You’re happy with the current friends and followers and not extending yourself too much to increase a Social Media following.

Your writing is personal, you are probably an introvert.

Each of our personalities helps to dictate our place as a blogger/content creator. Our relationships and future collaborations and associations are dictated by our personalities and in some cases many of us are a combination of intro/extro – verts.

You Know You’re a Introvert/Extrovert Blogger When……..

1. You have constant thoughts of ideas to Blog about running through your mind all day.
2. You dream of blogging subjects and wake up wanting to write your ideas down.
3. You carry a notebook filled with blogging tips and tricks either original ideas or borrowed
from other bloggers.
4. Your Smartphone and tablet have links to blogging resources that are greater than your phone contacts.
5. The people you follow online are content creators of all types and i-am-a-blogger-2015feel like family.

6. You know when workshops, seminars, conferences and Meetups are in your community,
city and state.
7. You get angry when you miss a conference, workshop, and seminar because you cannot get off of work.
8. Your car, computer, tablet, phone and other items that have a flat smooth service are covered with stickers from Blogging and Social Media events.
9. You have so many domain names your name pops up on a Google search like a corporation.
10. Your summer and holidays are planned around Meetups, conferences, workshops and seminars.

11. Your phone and tablet have links to Podcasts that are over 6 months old, but you swear you are going to listen to them.
12. You jump up out of bed because you thought you forgot a webinar or Meetup was that night.
13. Your Google calendar is almost full each month with STUFF to do online or places to go.
14. You make excuses why you can’t go to family functions because of the online stuff your involved in.

15. You wish they invented a external hard drive for your Smartphone or tablet with all the Social Media content you created, pictures you have taken and video content…. Oh wait they do, it is the cloud..

16. You have multiple domains that point to your main domain.
17. When writing your blog you use a thesaurus to bring a diverse meaning and perspective to your content.
18. You use CMS – Content Management Software to manage your broadcasts for your content.
19. You get excited as your followers grow on your Social Media platforms and want to invite them all to parties.
20. Your get giddy when you receive comments, likes and other feedback from your postings.

21. You get excited when someone is critical of your blog when someone disagrees with you or challenge your blog.
22. The word dissertation comes to mind when you write about something you are passionate about.
23. Your Social Media platforms have to have that right picture that defines your Brand and marketability.
24. Your ears sharpen when you listen to people talking about Social Media and you want to jump in when they state incorrect information.
25. When you attend a conference you wear your lucky clothes that show your SWAG and how much of a Social Media BEAST you are.

26. The helpdesk that hosts your site knows you by name because you send them birthday, anniversary and other special occasion cards for them and their family.
27. Just for fun you memorized the IP address of your 10 favorite web sites.
28. You have been investigated twice by law enforcement just because……………..
29. Your Google calendar is full with events for the next two years.
30. The International Space Station can follow your heat signature from your digital devices.

Staff Writer; William D. Jackson

Find out more about this talented writer over at; OCS For Education.