The Truth of Genesis: An Attack Against Christians & Jews – Part 4, Birth of Demons!

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( Do atheists and evolutionists deny the existence of spirits (the paranormal)?  They have to, else their belief system crumbles.  Therefore, they are in denial of reality.  Spirits are incorporeal entities that after they are created, they are eternal beings.  The Supreme Spirit  (Yehovah, who created all others) is the only Entity that always was.  All other spirits are born, except for those of the male and female patriarchs of each advent of mankind.  Ghosts are spirits that once had a human existence on Earth.  Many spirits can be housed in the soul of mankind at one time.  Floating around on the loose in this realm, outside of a body, is like walking around with a migraine headache.  They want a human soul to inhabit.

The “fallen angels” were arc-angels, who sided with Lucifer, in an attempt to gain absolute rule over their assigned provinces (universes). As explained in Part 1, they are imprisoned somewhere.  Our universe has been in more than enough turmoil with just one renegade arc-angel on the loose.  Just imagine if there were billions of them!  Angels do not have internal organs, nor reproductive organs.  It is doubtful that they even have internal skeletons. 

Neither can they inhabit another being.  Spirits were created to give life to physical forms in this existence.  Angels were not created to have that capability. 

Resuming from Part 3, it is 7200 BC, several years after the end of the fifth era of mankind. This next era, which begins Restoration Week Five, is represented by the 2nd day of Moses, Genesis 1:6 – 8.  The Earth was again completely covered with water. 

A mistake (typo) was made in some versions of Part 3.  The second paragraph ended saying “This is the opening scene of Restoration Week Cross2014Five (1st day of Moses),…”, which was incorrect.  It should have said “This is the opening scene of Restoration Week Four (1st day of Moses), which would begin the fifth epoch of mankind on Earth”.  Creation Week began the first era of mankind, and the second era of mankind began with Restoration Week One. 

This being Restoration Week Five, Adam was made and put in the Garden on the sixth day of this week, which is narrated in Genesis 2:4 – 17.  Without understanding the writing style of Moses, Genesis 2:4 is misleading.  Chapter two is a restoration account, not a creation account.  Genesis does not have any “creation accounts”, except for the “Fourth Day”.

This sixth era of mankind, would be different than the previous five.  On the fifth day of the week, God only made the sea creatures, and not birds.  After 70 years, only then does God make the fowls of the air and modern land animals, to let Adam name them.  After 70 more years, God then makes woman (Eve), to be a helper and wife to Adam.  Adam conveys to Eve that they are not to eat of the evil tree.  But after 2,793 years of being in the Garden, Satan is successful in making them disobey, in 4267 BC, and obtains the birthright from mankind.  He had failed to accomplish this in earlier advents of mankind.  Perhaps now, Satan felt that if the Creator’s Son is born, that the child would be under Satan’s rule.  But this created the loophole, nullifying the covenant, which God needed in order to righteously rescind Satan’s authority.

Ten generations after Adam, in 2611 BC, God again brings a global flood upon the Earth.  But this time, He saves a remnant upon the Earth, instead of within the Earth.  Mankind had turned evil, much more severe and quickly than in earlier advents of man.  Mankind was now born into this world with the nature of sin, thanks to the patriarchs (Adam & Eve) relinquishing their souls to the lies and treachery of Satan.

But another dilemma would face modern mankind.  Prehistoric mankind of the fifth epoch unwisely interacted with the sixth advent of man.  Adam and Eve had two daughters before having their first son, named Cain.  Then they had another daughter, then their second son named Abel.  Cain married the youngest daughter (forsaking the older two), yet Abel married the oldest sister, which pleased Adam.  Abel had two girls, while Cain to this point was childless.  Add this to the discontentment of the sacrifices to Yehovah, Cain’s jealousy drove him to kill Abel.  After asking “Am I my brother’s keeper?”, Cain took his wife with him to the land of Nod.  With Abel dead, and Cain gone, Adam is left with Eve his wife, an unmarried daughter, a widowed daughter, and two young granddaughters.  Until Adam and Eve have their third son born, named Seth, there is only one male, and five females in the Eden community.

The only other family is that of Cain, who later had a son named Enoch.  After decades of five females to every two or three males, there became a shortage of men, and an over abundance of women.  Even many men having two wives did not stabilize the situation.

This opened the door for prehistoric mankind (sons of God).  Using the severe imbalance as an excuse, the “sons of God” from the fifth epoch emerged to the surface and married many of the “available daughters of (modern) man”.  The children of these unions did not belong to this era.  The fathers were not of the seed of Adam, thus their seed not have the curse of sin.  Their offspring did not often mingle well with the children of Adam, while they also inherited the advanced knowledge of their fathers.  Segments of them withdrew into their own advanced communities. 

But the main problem was, that when the flood of Noah came, in 2611 BC, the seed of Adam died, and their souls went to Sheol, as defined in Part 2.  However, spirits of the offspring of the “sons of God” had no assigned place to reside, and their souls remained in the realm of humanity, upon the face of the Earth, as “disembodied spirits” (ghosts).  Some of them practiced evil while they were alive before the flood, and Satan enticed others of them that were godly, to do evil to modern man after the flood.  Now, Satan had an army of evil spirits to be a menace against modern mankind.  This is where the Jews come in, as explained in Part 5.

Written By Herman Cummings

You may also purchase this writer book which is entitled; Moses Didn’t Write About Creation.