Your Social Media Platforms.

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( The Social Media expansion in the last 5 years has created a digital atmosphere requiring individuals, businesses, and organizations of diversity to take a serious look at their  digital presence; Marketing a person, business or organizations Brand is conducted on multiple Social Media platforms, but is that enough for 2014 and beyond?

There are multiple strategies, guidelines and policies in the use of Social Media to gain the attention of potential customers, consumers of content, collaborators of resources and thought leaders for growing intellectualism of digital content.

Financial gain is not always the objective in creating a social media presence; there are civic and community organizations that work to gain the attention and support of liked minded  and passionate people. Sharing a passion for change in social awareness, education and community activism.

Recent events in raising awareness for the cure of breast cancer, drug prevention awareness, bullying and cyberbullying awareness, and the growing movement to increase funding by  using social media platforms in various fund raising efforts has shown that embracing social media is an effective tool for connecting with diverse populations. Marketing andSocialMediaIconcollage-2014 Branding is key to success in being seen and being heard using diverse digital tools.

The flexibility of connection to diverse populations and the expansion in networking opportunities opens digital doors for collaboration allowing unprecedented access for people to connect, make immediate and transformative changes in social issues and influence political outcomes and electrify the emotional stability of millions of people.

Effectively “Marketing a Brand” whether it is a personal brand, vision for change, bringing awareness to a social issue, business interest or an organization, social media enhances the building of information sharing. There is a building of you; ”A culture of you,” this culture is your vision and mission of you to create a social presence. Your “culture” attracts those of similar interests, ideas, passions, expressions and importantly a vision/mission to create potential change.

The social media culture you create allows a cohesiveness, it is important as you “Market your Brand” you have carefully crafted, your vision that guides your message, that identifies who you are and who you want to attract in like sentimentalism and passions.

Your brand should not be marketable by only one social media tool or platform; it should be as diverse as the personalities that will potentially connect with you. An important understanding is using social media is not a tool to create separatism it is a tool to unify similar interests, share a passion for commonality, build a foundation for growth and bring attention to issues that change either politically, culturally, ideology, religiously and affect lifestyle choices.

The power of social tools can be seen in the ability to create new behaviors; the behaviors ultimately create the basis of thought development and creation of content that is expanded  on social platforms.

This use of Social Media brings a unique connection to the21st century digital age users of wireless technology. The Darryl for Duval has a transformative and inclusive campaign that allows for connectivity with mobile parents of technology, professionals on the go and parents that are comfortable with wireless technology.

His campaign also embraces those that are less tech savywith traditional face to face connections.

SM Guideline:

Are your Social Media platforms Social enough A guideline to evaluate your social in Social Media is listed here;

1. Look at your Social dashboard and where are you connected (FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinetrist, Youtube, Vimeo, Foursquare, Yelp, Photobucket, Itunes, Podcasts,Tumblr and Instagram). Who are you connected to on these platforms? Do they share similar interests, passions and a thirst for knowledge? Is there power in your purpose and collaboration? Does your social media  build relationships beyond a handshake both physical or digital?

2. Look at your Local influences. Do you promote, sponsor, volunteer and encourage others locally? Is sour social presence expanding as your local influence expands? Are you building on relationships?

3. Political campaigns are embracing the power and networking of building bridges with parents of diverse backgrounds. Those running for school board positions, PTA and other related titles are using the connectivity of Social Media to connect with parents and educational stakeholders.

4. Social media integration and interaction is not always on a desktop, laptop or tablet. Millions are using Smartphones and even watches. Mobile technologies use texting, video, audio and growing web conferencing. Do you evaluate your social media platforms monthly
for maximum adaptability to devices of today and the future?

5. Do you embrace diversity (cultural); our global connections are not dependent on one economic influencer. The face of social media is representative by the colors and cultures of our world.

 There are no geographical boundaries in cyberspace, social media is a vast platform that should be taken seriously in the ability to market a brand and expand a presence globally. Marketing is requiring strategy, planning, policies and procedures. Branding should have a foundation of passion, purpose and a place to embrace diversity.

2014 is a New Year of exploration and expansion. Is your Social Media presence ready???

Staff Writer; William D. Jackson

Find out more about this talented writer over at; OCS For Education.

Also check out; http://www.About.Me/WilliamDJackson