Ron Paul 2nd in Iowa Poll…

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( Rep. Ron Paul, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, defeated former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and Georgia businessman Herman Cain in the latest poll of likely Iowa Republican caucusgoers with 13 percent of the votes for a 2nd place finish. According to the Insider Advantage poll, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich pulled in 28 percent of the votes to beat Rep. Ron Paul by 15 percentage points. Mitt Romney garnered 12 percent of the votes to earn 3rd place and Cain tied Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann with 10 percent of the votes to take 4th place.

Herman Cain, who once led the GOP field in a number of state and national level polls, has fallen out of the top tier in the latest Iowa poll. However, Cain’s fall from the top has left the door wide open for Gingrich and Ron Paul to solidify their support in Iowa.

The Iowa presidential caucuses will be held on January 3rd. The Ron Paul campaign is preparing to launch its “Christmas Vacation with Ron Paul” program in order to drum up support for the Texas Congressman before the first major event of the 2012 presidential race. According to a campaign email, 500 youths from the “Youth for Ron Paul” organization will knock on doors and make phone calls for the Texas Congressman. “I firmly believe the next generation needs us to fix our problems now, so there will be a great country left to give them,” Ron Paul said in a campaign email.

Ron Paul’s 2nd place finish in the latest Iowa poll is a positive sign for his campaign team. GOP Ron Paul campaign chairman Jesse Benton told POLITICO in November that his candidate needs to finish in the top tier in the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary. “We need to do well in Iowa and New Hampshire, because it’s very important for perception,” Benton said. “It’s also important because the voters in those states are very adept and astute at evaluating candidates, so we need to be in the top three in those states, no question about it,” Benton added.

The Insider Advantage poll was conducted for Newsmax.

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