(ThyBlackMan.com) The Right Rev. Mariann Budde is a woman of power. Budde is the first woman to lead the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, a position she’s held since 2011. As bishop, she oversees 86 churches across Washington, D.C., and Maryland, with 38,000 members. She is a bold woman who knows ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) A little more than a year ago, I wrote about the MERIT Act, which was introduced by Sens. Todd Young of Indiana and Tim Kaine of Virginia. Democrat Kaine and Republican Young proposed MERIT, which stands for Merit-Based Educational Reforms Institutional Transparency. The proposed bill would curtail legacy admissions in ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Several years I did a two-part series on eugenics explaining how the globalists want to limit human procreation through sterilization, selective breeding and new technologies such as gene splicing to create “better” human beings via “designer babies”. As we celebrate the ninety-sixth natal day of Martin Luther King Jr. ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) In the midst of chaos and confusion, there is opportunity! Donald Trump has been in office for just a week and yet extreme radical liberal Democrats have lost their minds, especially Black ones. Derrick Johnson head of the extreme radical liberal NAACP, Marc Morial, head of the extreme radical ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Part 1. In celebrating this the 221st anniversary of the world transformative liberation struggle and Revolution of the Haitian People, we understandably and unavoidably focus on and think about Haiti’s ongoing struggle, not only for liberation, but also their continuing efforts for life itself in the midst of the radical ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Ratepayers beware. Team Trump’s eagerness to enrich his fossil fuel industry cronies with his “drill baby drill” (and export baby export) agenda is going to raise energy costs for American households. Burning fossil fuels is deadly on many levels. The pollution in our air and water from burning coal, oil, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I can’t begin to describe the exhilarating surge of relief and joy I felt when I stood in front of a family member’s home in West Altadena three days after the Easton fire ravaged the neighborhood. Her home was one of only three homes that stood intact on her ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The nation is just hours away from witnessing a historic moment in presidential history with the second, nonconsecutive inauguration of Donald Trump. Moments like these do call for pomp and circumstance but after confetti has settled and the last dances are called at inaugural balls, the real work of ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Many experts in neuroscience and psychology have concluded that dreams are essential for all of humanity. Dreams are needed for our mental, emotional, and physical health. Before August 28, 1963, many Black Americans would contend that their lives in America had been anything but a dream because their lives ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) A Black American political and civil rights organization, which by its own admission was worth $90 million in 2021, is not currently delivering on its promises to Black Americans. If you review the federal tax return of Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF) for the tax year beginning ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) It is official: 2024 was the hottest year on record. Temperatures not only surpassed 2023 as the previous hottest year, they leapt – for the first time – past the goal set in the Paris Climate Agreement of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Whether you ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) This is a necessary revisiting of a critical issue, reclaiming King in the turbulent and taxing context of our time. In the midst of our rightful celebration of the life and legacy of Nana Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it is important to note that no honor is more ...
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