(ThyBlackMan.com) They lay silent in their graves. Crosses and tombstones in tight formation proclaim their brief lives and their untimely deaths. They died in the service of their nation.
Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, other family members and friends accepted that those who died did not die in vain. The death of their loved one was hard. However, they believed it was for a cause greater than themselves.
In their death they died for something which gave their family and others the belief that their deaths had meaning and purpose. It did not make the pain less easier. Nonetheless, mixed with the pain there was pride, purpose, patriotism and righteousness that family members and others could hold dear to as part of their personal sacrifice to the nation.
Still, there would not be additional birthday celebrations to share with sons and daughters, fathers and mothers. No additional Thanksgiving, Christmas and other holiday dinners to celebrate with them. No weddings or child births to witness. All of that and so much more had been sacrificed when their loved one fought and died for the great nation.
They had gone off to serve knowing that there was a chance that they might not return. However, they were young inebriated on the youthfulness of immortality. They also knew that good and righteousness was on their side.
It had always been that way since the Revolutionary War. They marched off inebriated in the immortality of youth in the War of 1812, Civil War, Mexico-American War, Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, Afghanistan War and Iraq War.
Infused with their intoxication of immortality, adventure, conflict and challenge they were led to believe the cause for which they risked their lives was just. It represented the greater good. America was not just good. It was blessed among all nations.
They were told that because America was good, America was blessed. They were told God shed His grace on America because America gave brotherhood and sisterhood to all that resided in its land from sea to shining sea.
They were told that America was beautiful due to individuals like themselves who unselfishly were willing to give their lives for a cause that was greater than themselves. That they were heroes.
They were told that America was one nation of many different people but without division and strife. A land where liberty and justice was shared with all. A nation under God and laws. That those laws would be administered justly and fairly. That no man or woman was above the law.
They were told that America was the land of the free and home of the brave. That America was preternatural and as such it had a duty and responsibility to confront bullies, tyrants and dictators.
They were told that America was a land of second chances. A land where people throughout the world were welcome to come and partake of the American Dream. America proclaimed to the world that it welcomed all those who wanted to flee tyranny, poverty, war, intolerance and war.
America proclaimed that it wanted the world’s tired and poor. It wanted its masses yearning for freedom. It wanted its wretched refuse and it’s homeless.
So they came with the clothes on their back seeking a better day for themselves and most important their children. So they came, no documents in hand nor in pocket. So they came, no American Express, no degrees, no exclusive private club house privileges, only hope in fellow man and faith in their God.
The young men and women as they went off to war were told their mission was righteous. That they were part of a great crusade to protect freedom loving people everywhere. To protect the frail, weak, meek, innocent and pure in heart. To safeguard a system, democracy, that allowed free men and free women to remain free of tyranny.
No, the American system was not perfect, far from it. Nevertheless, it had leaders who encouraged America and its people to be better, to do better. To become a more perfect union.
So the young men and women marched forward into battle believing right was on their side and a good nation had their back.
It really didn’t matter to them that there were some who, because of status, privilege, money or connections, refused to serve the country. Some would even mock, scorn, deride as well as express hostility at those who served.
As those in their late teens, twenties and thirties headed to war, the more learned among America’s society were compelled to wonder how the good people of other nations allowed their nations to be hijacked by petty tyrants, dictators and shadow men. By political systems that made slaves out of men and women. That allowed injustice, inhumanity, inequality, barbarism, intolerance, hate and evil to proliferate.
As they might be able to see now, the answer to their question is twofold: One, when truth is believed to be a deception, the lie receives its best reception; and two, when good men and women do nothing.
So, America ended up with paper mâché caricature leaders. Confidence men and grifters devoid of sensibilities and humanity. Little men who desire to be kings of molehills. Little men rejected by their fathers and whose mothers when pregnant were compelled to wonder if they were carrying a demon within their womb. Flimflammers, charlatans, grifters and confidence men who slithered their way into power and like thieves in the night stole the hopes and dreams of the people as well as their freedom and nation.
Young men and women had worn the uniform of their nation to fight to protect a government of the people, by the people for the people. Many gave their lives for that form of government. It was all for nothing courtesy of a government of oligarchies, by oligarchies for the oligarchy.
Memorial days may continue to be held. Taps and gun salutes may continue to be performed. Loved ones will continue to visit the graves of those who they lost. Lost before they had a chance to live. They will be forced to continue to grieve not only their loss but knowing their loved ones died in vain.
Staff Writer; Al Alatunji
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