(ThyBlackMan.com) There is constant discussion in women’s circles about protecting peace and working on self. This focus on health and peace seemed to be doubled down on given the social and political climate. Black women are not alone in the need for health and peace this year and going forward. Black men deserve to center their peace and their health…they also deserve to have those things values in their life. If we are being honest there are thing Black me will have to consider doing it they want to achieve and maintain peace and health this year. It is important to be mindful of your physical health. Many brothers have taken to the gym to strengthen their body, and as a positive emotional outlet. Many are also takin the time to work on their eating habits. This could have come from many places: losing a loved one, getting an unfavorable doctor report, or just realizing change in one’s body was needed.
Regardless of the reason, many Black men are addressing their physical health and encouraging each other to do the same. What they are finding out is it tasks more than the gym and a clean diet to obtain overall health and peace. Emotional and mental health along with peace forces one to deal with aspects of life that are harder than macing out on bench press. There are a few things Black men can consider that will assist them in their pursuit of health and peace holistically. There are several paths to achieving these goals as Black people and Black men are not a monolith.
You must be willing to look at yourself in the mirror. This Is probably the most difficult thing you can do as a Black man. You might find that you need a confidante you trust that will can help you, or you might decide to see a therapist. Some Black men choose to navigate this area alone initially. Whichever route you choose you must deal with yourself fully, honestly, and with an understanding that accountability will be necessary. You cannot just look at your positive traits and neglect to address your toxic flaws. However, it is important that you embrace your positive areas. Facing yourself and working through that space will begin to lift burdens off your shoulders. It will allow you to better understand who you are and be comfortable within your own skin. This is something that brings about wellness and peace.
You must create boundaries. Black men deserve to boundaries, and they own this to themselves. Those boundaries can’t just be in the workplace, or in your male friend circles. The boundaries must include all relationships. Some of the hardest relationships to navigate is family. Black men if the relationship with family is toxic that needs to be addressed. If you are constantly having your boundaries adjusted, and not by you, then this must be handled. You might find talking to someone to help navigate this to be useful. Some relationships can mend and heal when all parties work together, but Black men might find that their peace and wellness is obtained and maintained by keeping a healthy distance from those that threaten the peace.
Meditated with intention. Many Black men have opened themselves up to the art of meditation. It is a stress reliever to be able to sit and allow the mental weight of the day to melt away in a calm still space. Please consider setting your intention when you meditate. For some that might be based on one’s religious beliefs, cultural practice, or just targeting the focus for said meditation. This is useful for improving mental and physical health. It also helps one maintain peace and that must begin on the inside of the individual if it is to be maintained. Black men may find that their methods of mediation vary, and that is quite okay. Everyone has different needs from their meditation. So, it won’t be the same for everyone.
American is a dangerous place at any given time for Black people…and definitely Black men. With so much to navigate from day to day it is important to may your mental and emotional health [in addition to physical] and your peace a priority. Black women ought not be alone in the “Protect My Peace” mantra; Black men need that internal safe space, and it has to be protected. You don’t know what the next few years will be like, but you can make changes to better govern the Black man you are according to your principle while maintaining healthy boundaries. This will add value to your life that only you can enact. Those that love and care about you will respect your health and your peace…even when it is difficult for them to understand they will give you the same respect they demand. This year can be the beginning of a practice of health and peace in your life that can bless you, your family, and community.
Staff Writer; Christian Starr
May connect with this sister over at Facebook; C. Starr and also Twitter; MrzZeta.
Also via email at; CStarr@ThyBlackMan.com.
Health is very important for our Black community. Our black brothers must ensure to stay healty, eat healty and exercise our bodies andminds with positive thinking and with reality of what is really going on in our Country, since America is country that will do everything in their power to demonize, humiliate, label and profile the black men with negative stereotypes that will be spread around the world as a way of making the black men feel inferior and less of a human being.
Black men should eat from home and cook his own meal or purchase food and groceries from a black own restaurant, market or grocery store. A black men must select a black doctor, black nurse, black dentist, black optomestic/ophtamology for all our medical needs becuasue it is already been proven that other races and white doctors will always diagnose our community with the wrong illness and will prescribed the wrong medication intentionally as a way to eradicat our society from the face of America.
Remember when a Jewish person goes to the hospital he asked fo ra jewish doctor and Jewish nurse.
when a Korean or japanese person goes to the hospital they asked for an Asian Doctor
when an hispanic or latino person goest o the hospital they aske for a latino or hispanic doctors.
therefore, black people must do the same and aske for a black doctor and a black nurse.
Likewise, an Hispanic man will never allow his hispanic wife and daughter to be medically and physically examined by a black Doctor. an Asian man will never allow his Asian wife and daughter to be medicall and physically examined by a black doctor, So we as race should do the same. We as black people should only do business with our own people that look like us, suffer like us and endure 400 years ofoppresion under slavery and Jim Crow laws of segregation.
Be watchfull black man of America of everything and everyone around you. the Hispanics are not your friends and they will spit in your food if you purchase food from their restaurants, they Asians will give you spoil and rotten food from their restaurants, the whtie men will poison your food in their restaurant, so do not eat from them and do not trust any of them becasuse the white men and white women of America speak with a fork tongue and they have been lying to us in the same way that they lie to the native americans indians of this country and took it away from them by using force, poison, lies, deceit and genocide.
Black men please take care of yourself, eat healty, stay healty and dont every trust the white men.women and any one who defends them such our house negros, sellouts and swirlers. Remember, the white doctors and hispanic nurses will purposely misread your blood pressure in order to have the white doctor medicated you with prescriptions that you do not need but will make you dependent of it for the rest of your life. When ever you are having your blood pressure read make sure the cuff is snug to your arm. It should not be to thight or too loose. It should be snug to your arms midlevel above your elbows. Why, because this is how they miss diagnose the black men by making to lloose or too thight, so your readings will be either to high or too low and then they can give you and or dope you with a medication that will make you dependent on it for the rest of your life.
Never surrender and never retreat black men and always get a second and third opinion before any medical procedure and before taking any prescribe medication from a white, hispanic, Jewish, middle easter Doctor or Nurse Practicioner
So, we’re supposed to believe that health is important for the Black community, and I’m all for that. But then your commentary takes a turn into the Twilight Zone of Conspiracy Cooking. Apparently, the entire American medical establishment is in cahoots to take down us Black men with a deadly combo of misdiagnoses and expired medication. I mean, if doctors were as good at medicine as they are at being villains in your narrative, we’d have cured the common cold by now.
Let’s talk about your dietary strategy: “Eat from home or from a Black-owned restaurant.” Because, you know, a burger from a Black-owned business comes with a side of racial solidarity and a large order of freedom fries. I guess the local Black-owned salad bar is supposed to be the antidote to centuries of oppression? Who knew spinach had such revolutionary potential?
Then you have this ridiculous medical matching game. It’s like Tinder for your health, but instead of swiping for a date, you’re swiping for a doctor who shares your melanin level. Apparently, medical degrees are handed out based on skin color, not on years of study and clinical practice. Got it. I mean, if I’m having heart surgery, I don’t care if my doctor’s bedside manner comes with a side of salsa or soy sauce, as long as they know their way around a ribcage, you hear me?
I love your conspiracy theories! Every other race is out to get us, huh? Hispanics are spitting in our food, Asians are serving up spoiled sushi, and white people? They’re basically the Satanists of the culinary world.
My favorite is your blood pressure cuff conspiracy. It’s like a magic trick where your hypertension disappears if the cuff is on just right. Who knew nurses were trained in the dark arts of cuff inflation?
Your call to arms to never trust anyone who isn’t Black with our health is something else. Obviously, the global pharmaceutical industry is run by a secret council of villains from a James Bond movie, and they’ve got a special blend of “Knockoff Nightshade” just for us Black men. If Big Pharma put as much effort into curing diseases as they do into your alleged shadow campaign, we’d all be immortal by now.
Take a deep breath, maybe do some yoga – preferably taught by an instructor of your own race, of course.