(ThyBlackMan.com) I know we’re charged with accepting the results of the November 5th election. President Joe Biden reminded us that it’s the American way. Many of us were given reasons to reject that, but we should just smile and accept a convicted felon to lead our nation who totally showed his disrespect for all women. How can such a person even get a security clearance? He told us he was going to force his choices for our lives “whether we like it or not!” Doesn’t it say something about how far back those who voted for the felon want to take us? George Conway said, “America did this to itself. We knew this man and how evil he is. He showed us with his racist, sexist and abusive behavior historically.
White men knew more than anyone who Trump is, but they sank to being his biggest supporters. Certain Black men, after Vice President Harris laid out an impressive program for them, voted for him! Hispanic men knew Trump vowed to mass deport millions of them and their loved ones, but they voted for him too. He called Puerto Ricans garbage, but many still voted for him!
One of our great Generals warned us Trump was a fascist. Several military men agreed and spoke out because they didn’t appreciate the way he described them—especially their injured or dead, but some of them voted for him, too!
While Black women knocked ourselves out working to elect the smartest, most accomplished person in the race and who offered improved health plans, while he only wanted to get rid of what President Barack Obama left us with. All Trump could only say was he had a CONCEPT! Some who stood to lose their health care voted for him!
Some who voted for Trump can’t explain why they voted for this convicted felon who has always shown his plans are for him– not for them. During the campaign, he was selling to them his MAGA caps, gold tennis shoes, Bibles made in China! He tried to sell his friends $100,000 watches and took money from a well known racist willing to buy votes for him! They voted for Trump anyway!
Now, it really hurts to get to my white women “friends”. Like many, I’ve tried to explain what they do time after time. This time was no different, but they had convinced us to believe we were together. Their voting in this election has made “Friends” a word I will forever use with caution. I really can’t explain their giving not just some, but a majority of their vote to the man they charged with taking away their right to control their bodies! I know they will all tell you, “I voted for Kamala Harris!” I know that is coming, but it rings hollow. I didn’t hear from a single white woman leader who previously called on me to speak at their rallies! I even got awards from them!
How did all of this happen? I know a few white people did the right thing. Others were perfectly satisfied with stepping on the hopes and dreams of Black women and little girls who loved and wanted to be like Kamala! George Conway told us it happened because even good people normalized so many abnormal things in Trump and gave credit for the victory to a man who is not well psychologically. He insulted our race and gender every time he spoke. His niece had warned us! Vice-President Harris faced the loss the same way she ran her campaign—with CLASS! While she conceded the election, she did not concede the fight that fueled her campaign. Black women, it’s on us. A majority of our white sisters are still too busy protecting white privilege, so let’s follow Kamala’s lead!
Written By Dr. E. Faye Williams
Official website; http://www.efayewilliams.com/
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