Things Vice-President Kamala Harris Must Do To Get The 2024 Black Vote.

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( We now have a Bi-racial woman who have never done anything to help, promote, fix, help, empower, educate and embrace the African American community; But, now she is crip walking her way to our black community holding a bucket full of fried chicken and water melons on her left hand and empty promises on her right hand. Yes, I am talking about Vice-President Kamala Harris, who for the last 4 years and prior to becoming a vice president has only spoken highly of her Indian heritage and her husband of Untouchable heritage, but She has never spoken or showing anything about her black heritage. Nevertheless, she has willingly appropriated the black culture and their sympathy n order to get the black vote for the 2024 election against Trump.

Things Vice-President Kamala Harris Must Do To Get The 2024 Black Vote.

It is advisable, Before African Americans vote for this woman who have only spoken and paraded her Indian side of the family and her non-Black husband, to asked her to Sign and Notarized a document indicating what she will do and give to African Americans descendants of salve, that is specific and tangible to the prosperity, empowerment and financial freedom of all African American men, women, LGBT living in the inner cities of America. Remember, Black America voted for Biden after he made the statement of  ” If you don’t vote for me then you are not black”, Well, black people voted for him to prove their blackness; Yet, in return, Biden gave you nothing  and did nothing for our black families, friends, neighbors that was specific and tangible to our economical, financial prosperity; But, He did everything and gave everything to the Asians, Hispanics, Afghan Refugees, Ukrainians, Armenians and Untouchable communities that they asked for and everything  did not asked for.
Black America must asked and demand that  Vice-President Kamala Harris agreed to the following things in order for her to receive our black vote.
Issue #1  that she must signed, registered, patent and notarized a document of agreement with the African American community on national tv and in front of the mainstream media indicating that black people will receive reparations for slavery in the same matter that Racist America gave reparations to the Jewish people for what they endure during world war 2, in the same way that they gave Japanese Americans reparations for their forceful encampments for over 5 years during world war 2, in the same way that native Americans receive reparations for all the atrocities and the extinction of many tribes in the Americas at the hands of angry, racist America.
Issue #2  Kamala must authorized the construction and building of factories in the inner cities or near the inner cities of African American communities in every state that will lead to the creation of  jobs for our young black boys and girls in order to prevent them from falling victim to the school to prison pipeline. Kamala Haris must also authorize the construction of Vocational trades schools in our inner cities in order for our black boys and girls to learn how to become contractors, mechanics, carpenters, electrician, plumbers, gardeners, painters, air conditioning and heating repairmen in order for our generation to only depend on each other for service and not relied on some illegal immigrant to come cut your grass or fix your water leak problem at home.
Issue #3  Kamala Harris must also sign a bill and pass a mandate in Congress stating  that any racist and corrupt police officers must  spend a minimum of 5 to 20 years for illegally and racially stopping and profiling  black people for no reason and for the wrongfully killing of any black men, women and or LGBT.
Issue #4  Kamala must pass a bill to give every black men, women and LGBT an annual check of 10,000  per adult over the age of 18 years for 200 years to compensate for the 200 years of slavery and Jim crow in America.
Issue #5  Kamala Harris must pass a bill making African Americans  except from paying state and federal taxes.
Issue #6  Every liquor store, nail saloon, marijuana dispensaries, tobacco stores located in black inner cities must be mandated via a bill pass by congress to donated 20% of their annual income to a fund at a black owned control bank that will use that money to help the poorest of our community children to send them to black HBCU;S, black private schools and to use that money for housing for black homelessness.
Issue #7  Kamala must do for blacks what Deviant Biden did not do for us and if she does not comply with our rightful request then African Americans must never vote again for anyone regardless of political party.
Issue #8  Kamala Harris must pass a bill mandating that every business located in a black neighborhood providing services to black people must employed a minimum of three (3) black employees for every 5 Hispanics and or Caucasian persons that works at such businesses.
Issue #9  Kamala Harris must order all black churches in our communities to place all their donations and contribution money receive every Sunday or every bible study days to be deposited in  black owned banks and these black owned banks must invest this money in the black community. All black pastors must live and reside in their black communities and within 10 miles of their black churches, their children must attend black private schools and black HBCUS’s and they must be married and be loyal to black men, black women and black LGBT.
Issue #10  Kamala Harris, must also pass a law making it a felony for any black men or black boy wearing saggy pants exposing their buttocks on the streets of America, with tattoos on their face and neck; but more so, any black men that walks down the street stunk of weed must also be charge of a crime; unless, it is been use for medicinal purposes. Enough is enough with the vulgarity of black men with saggy pants who are mostly democrats born to single mothers with no father figure or black male role models in their homes. Additionally, any black men or black women who makes, writes, or sings a rap music about sex, shooting, drugs, alcohol, child molestation, pedophilia etc. must also be charge with a felony with a minimum of 10 years in prison for singing rap music that causes death and destruction in our black communities.
With that said, All African American must remember that you should not vote for someone base on race because many who look like us are actually not like us and not for us, so lets vote for the person that is going to help our black community and stop the police brutality, racism, discrimination, replacement theory and unemployment that is destroying the black families and black communities.

Staff Writer; Eugenio Stewart

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