Donald Trump’s America First Policy.

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( There has been much written about what convicted felon Donald J. Trump’s return to the Oval Office will look like. Such articles need to continue so voters when they go to the polls have a clear understanding of what they will be voting for or against.

It is essential for democracy to function well for its citizens to be knowledgeable of the issues impacting those citizens. It is also greatly important, if not more so, to know the character of those selected to represent them.

Traditionally, during an election campaign voters have been able to get a clear picture of a candidate’s vision for the direction of the country. Unfortunately, convicted felon Trump is a transactional individual.

Everything is about the transaction, about the deal. With him truth like a bird is fleeting. He may not be able to do anything differently.

Convicted felon Trump may be a pathological liar. I say that hesitantly and respectfully.  I am not a trained clinician. Nor am I saying that as a political attack. It is concerning however if he is and raises serious questions about his ability to serve as President in terms of dealing with the American people, allies and foes.

Donald Trump’s America First Policy.

A pathological liar is someone who lies habitually and excessively. Their lies can be irrational and may involve fabricating stories, events, or facts. Pathological liars may lie for no reason. They may not be aware of their behavior.

One thing however, convicted felon Trump is not and that is an idealogue. At the same time, he has no core principals about anything other than what is best for his own narrow self-interest.

Nevertheless, it is not hard to paint a picture of what convicted con Trump’s domestic agenda will look like by the people actively supporting him. As the saying goes, tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.

The bigots, racists, xenophobes, neo-nazis, misogynies and homophobes can’t wait for convicted felon Trump to raise his right hand and swear allegiance to the Republic of Trump.

Voters need to know what they are voting for or against and articles exploring what the Republic of Trump might look like are critical. This article focuses not on the domestic ramifications but the foreign policy implications of convicted felon Trump’s America First policy.

Under the America First policy, the US would basically retire the role that it has played since the end of the Second World War as the leader of the free world. People seeking freedom in third world countries, Africa, Asian and Latin America, definitely had the right to question whose freedom the US was championed since it definitely was not theirs.

Nonetheless, the US actively and prominently engaged itself in the affairs of other nations in ways other nations did not. The US also spent gargantuan sums of money conducting its foreign policy activities over the years.

Such activities were not always due to humanitarian purposes. In fact, they were primarily due to its all-consuming Cold War conflict with the former Soviet Union. It was a heavyweight battle between the two superpowers for the supposedly hearts and minds of people in underdeveloped nations.

It might be quite interesting to see how future historians will write about the Cold War era and its effect on promoting liberty, justice and freedom for people throughout the world. It might be a different picture than how current historians present it.

Under the America First policy whatever happens in other countries will not be the concern of the US government. Many Americans, both Democratic and Republicans, support the US stepping back and focusing its attention and its resources at home and not abroad.

“Let’s take care of our own problems. We have our own wars, our cultural wars, that we must fight. Let the rest of the world do its thing. It is not our problem. Hell no, I am not my brother’s nor my sister’s keeper.”

Such sentiment will be music to the ears of such people as Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu, Iranian Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as well as the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah.

“President Xi Jinping, notice to hear from you. What’s up?.”

“Just calling to let you know as a courtesy that China has reclaimed Formosa back into China and has arrested the rebels, I know how some of your media people can get all wind up over nothing. We don’t have that problem here.”

“I know I am working on it. Those media people are a pain in the butt. But soon, I won’t have that problem either. As for you going into Formosa. No problem here. I don’t have any hotels or golf courses there. Do whatever you want. Where is Formosa anyway?”

Putin, Xi Jinping and others will be quite pleased not to have to deal with US’ interference in their geopolitical pursuits. Others, however, including nations in Europe, Japan, Southeast Asia, Baltic nations, Africa and Latin America as well as the people of Palestine and Israel might not be so happy.

Ukraine as well as the leaders of various European countries are clearly hoping for a miracle preventing convicted felon Trump from adding any additional titles to his name other than inmate.  They understand full well what convict con Trump’s America First means.

They understand that it will lead to worldwide instability and increased threat of conflict and war, including world war. The instability will increase population displacement, worldwide hunger and poverty on a scale unimaginable. Repression and tyranny will become more commonplace.

They understand that America First will not be good for themselves nor their children and their children’s children. Americans going to the polls may think an America First policy is rosy but it is a patch of thorns that will negatively impact their children and children’s children as the entire world does not limp but speeds into the abyss.

America First might sound sexy. There might be those who think that it will provide the US peace and tranquility. That it will save the American taxpayers huge sums of money that can best be used inside the US.

But it will not be sexy at all. It will be syphilis, herpes and gonorrhea all rounded into one. They might be those who believe the horror and terror will be kept out when Trump’s twenty-foot-high walls are built completely around the nation’s borders.

They will be greatly mistaken. America’s retreat from the world stage will cause instability, violence and despair that will not remain outside its walls. Then again, “Don’t worry, if there’s hell below, we’re all gotta go.”

Staff Writer; Al Alatunji

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