(ThyBlackMan.com) I’m going to get straight to the point and go down this rabbit hole, exposing the scam based on the facts. I wrote an article on the alleged assassination attempt of Donald Trump a short time ago. But before writing this second article, I needed to see what additional facts would be uncovered. So while the first article was based on specific training and theory, this article is based on what has come out since that time. Even so, it is doubtful that these two articles I have written will conflict. The second article will simply tell you more of the story concerning the scam that everybody seems to be shocked about. The alleged, attempt to assassinate of Donald Trump by Thomas Crooks.

Staff Writer; Trevo Craw
Listen to me Black America, Please do not encourage or spread propaganda about the Attempt of Trump assassination is fake! the reason is white Liberals are the ones pushing these agenda to create chaos and confusion and to detter law abiding African Americans from voting for the rightful and more capable person in running the country.
Yes, the left is and was behind manipulating these young men into committing a crime against a Republican Candidate that could have ignited a civil war in the country if the suspect had succeeded in taking the life of Former President Trump. Black people of America the left and democratic party are going to provoke the far right into a situation where the people that will suffer the most is African Americans. If Trump had been killed by that nerdy goofy looking Democratic boy, then the Republican right consisting of hundreds of thousands to millions of white militia groups and far right radical would have blame the African Americans for Trump’s death and they would have descended into all our black inner cities and burn us down and kills us in the same way that in the 1920’s to 1950’s the white democrats and republicans went on a bloody campaign of destroying all the Black Wall Streets businesses, neighborhoods and killing tens of thousands of innocent black men, women and children.
Remember the Whtite Liberal Democrats have not stop Cops and white Vigilantes from Killing our innocent black childrens on the streets of America, so What makes you believe that they will stop a mob of Armed white Republicans from entering into our black neighbhorhoods and doing to your children the same thing that they forefathers did the blacks ddoing slavery and to Emiit Till.
Black people! do not let Crazy Karmala lead you to destruction with her lies of been for the black community because this happy feet Creature has never spoken and or brought into public eyes any member of her black side of her family; even though, her father Donald J. Harris is very well respectful men in the Caribbean and Africa was a college graduate with Bachelor and Masters Degree and an advocate for civil rights around the world. Yet, Karmala Harris have never spoken of him and the black side of her family who are also very respectful individuals and college graduates. Instead, she has only spoken about her INDIAN side of the family who we already know have never been supporters of the black movement for the betterment of all African Americans and our inncer cities .
The month of November and the ending of October are going to be dangerous times for all African Americans regardless of any political affiliation and for that reason, I am asking all African American men, women and LGBT to exercise your second amendment rights by legally purchasing rifles, shot guns, pistols, revolvers, cross bows, ammunition, body armored, Kevlar helmets, first aid kit and 3 month supply food because we are going to experience severe chaos and civil unrest if either candidate is elected and regardless of the election outcome, the racist white people from both political spectrum will blame the Black community and use us as the escape goats for the election fraud.
So be ready by black brother, sisters and LGBT and be ready to fight any racist white Demons to protect our black children and our communities and be willing to die to ensure the safety and the survival of the African American communiites in America.
It is refreshing to see someone willing to speak the truth. The mainstream media’s portrayal of this incident as a genuine assassination attempt is questionable. Mr. Trump appeared remarkably calm despite reports that bullets supposedly grazed his left ear. It is disheartening to witness the lengths some politicians will go to in their pursuit of reclaiming the White House.
Your theories put forth in this article are examples of excellent police work. Thank you for your insights.
This individual shows no sign of disappearing and seems to be evolving into a folk hero. Despite the constant controversies, Trump continues to remain prominent. Whether the recent shooting incident was genuine or a hoax is uncertain. However, it is clear that the GOP is gearing up to reclaim the White House.
So, Trump staged a fake assassination plot to get re-elected and got one person shot and killed in the process and two others seriously injured and hospitalized! I understand there is lot of insanity when it comes to talking about Trump, but in this case it looks like it is a clinical situation needing some help. Please get some help.
It is refreshing to see someone willing to call out this man. It is astonishing that millions of people genuinely believe there was an attempt on his life. Furthermore, the apparent lapse in security by the Secret Service, allowing a young man to roam freely on a rooftop, raises significant concerns. There is undoubtedly something questionable about the entire situation.
Many Republicans seem eager to cast Donald Trump as a martyr, even considering the possibility that he might fabricate an assassination attempt to regain the White House. This individual appears willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goals. It is crucial to remain vigilant and not be swayed by mass media narratives. There is a widespread concern that a return to Trump’s leadership could bring about challenging and potentially divisive times. Thank you for shedding light on this issue for all Americans.