(ThyBlackMan.com) I do not know if Vice President Kamala Harris or convicted felon Donald J. Trump will win the November 2024 general election for President. What I do know is the impact of the election will have a consequential impact if this nation remains a quasi-democracy or drifts extreme right into the abyss of authoritarianism, repression and chaos.
The US is a very divided and polarized nation. Is there anyone who has not made up their mind as to who they plan to vote against in November? Let’s be real, Americans rarely vote for someone.
The choice will be between a former prosecutor whose job it was to uphold the law on one side. On the other side is a man who is a convicted felon and has shown total disregard and disrespect to law and God.
People will find the most asinine reasons to suggest that Vice President Harris is not qualified to be President. That as a prosecutor she locked up Black and Latinx criminals who had committed crimes against other Black and Latinx individuals. Black and Latinx criminals who were convicted of killing other Blacks and Latinx individuals.
But now we have people who talked about Black Lives Matter questioning Vice President Harris’ Blackness because she tried to help save Black lives. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t support Black Lives Matter and at the same time bury your empty head in the sand regarding Black-on-Black crime.
Then you have those who say “Well she is married to a white man,” as if that matters. Simply asinine. Reminds me of the criticism some colored people were yapping about President Obama. “He is not a real Black because his mother is white.” Simply asinine.
People will find the most ridiculous things to say about Vice President Harris as to why they will not support her. They will not say that because she is a woman, Black woman, that they will not vote for her. But that will be the real reason and it will not just be white folks, white women, who feel this way. There will be a whole lot of non-whites, non-white women, who feel that way.
But they have no problem with a convicted felon, convicted rapist, convicted con man being President. A man who is a pathological liar. A man who launched a smear campaign that the first Black President was not born in the US.
A man who took out a full-page ad in the New York Times urging the return of the death penalty so it could be used against five innocent Black youth convicted of something that they had not done. To this day he has never apologized for that action. Nevertheless, he talks about and has his colored fools talking about how good he will be for Black people.
A man along with his father refused to rent housing to Black people. He has never expressed regret for those actions either. But supposedly according to his lackeys he loves Black people. Jeffrey Dahmer supposedly loved Black people too.
A man who allowed 600,000 plus people to die because he refused to do the responsible thing and temporarily shut down because he wanted to be able to talk about the great economy that he had created. The economy that he inherited from President Barack Obama only to ruin, forcing President Biden to pull the nation out of Trump’s mess. Have you forgotten the Trump years?
Also, let us not forget the age issue. If it was okay to talk about President Biden being too old then the issue has to be raised with Trump. I do not subscribe to the notion that either man was too old. Age was not a factor. What was and remains a huge factor is that one is a God-loving, honest, competent person and the other a habitual liar, convicted felon, convicted rapist who god is himself and who may actually be the Antichrist.
I will not be adding my voice to the talking heads and political pundits as to who wins the November election. Nor will I play Chicken Little and decry the death of democracy in the US. Democracy in the US, if there ever was democracy, had been dead for a long time. The illusion of democracy is alive but there are forces afoot that would bury even that.
What I do know however is if convicted con man Donald J. Trump is elected President, he plans to institute for at least day one of his Presidency a dictatorship. That is from his own words. Now he might not be a reliable source. Nevertheless, that is from his lips.
Okay, I know, during the debate if he spoke for 45 minutes, 44 minutes and 48 seconds of those minutes were lies. He stated that his name was Donald J. Trump. That was true, but every other word that he spoke according to the lie meter went in the red, deep red for untruth or more accurately flat out lie.
Let’s be truthful and call it like it is. No need to sugar coated. A lie is a lie every day that ends in the letter “y”. As they say in church, “The devil is a liar.”
If convicted business fraud Trump attempted to establish a dictatorship in the US, would he be successful? Damn skippy!
A majority, an overwhelming majority, of Americans believe the current political system is broken and ineffective. They believe the two-party system is not working.
A majority of Americans, an overwhelming majority, of Americans believe that Congress is ineffective and is useless.
A majority, an overwhelming majority, of Americans have lost faith in the US Supreme Court.
If convicted criminal Trump decides on that one day when he will be a dictator to disband the US Congress other than the people who serve in Congress and their families if Congressional members who would really care? If the Congressional members continued to receive pay even if they were not meeting, would they and their family members care?
Let’s be truthful, how many people would lose a night’s sleep if Congress were disbanded? Not one person. Why would they? Congress as an institution is clearly not working.
When the Republicans in the House of Representatives went to war with each other and shut down Congress for several weeks there was no negative impact on anyone’s life. In fact, it was probably one of the safest times in America for men, women, children and dogs. With the type of people currently running the Congress, in particular the House of Representatives, no one is safe, and nothing is sacred.
If the US Supreme Court was disbanded other than the justices, their employees and family members, would anyone really care?
We want our politicians to be honest. How about us the public being honest. We have lost faith, if we ever had faith in the American experiment with democracy.
If democracy is so wonderful, if it is all that it is hyped up to be, why will the number of eligible voters who don’t vote be higher than the number of people who actually will vote? Will it be because they all went fishing or did they decide that voting was a waste of their time? If it is the latter, what does that say about their interest and commitment to the governmental process, to democracy?
In order for a democracy to be effective, a significant majority of its voting age citizens must participate in that democracy. They must be knowledgeable of the workings of their government, the workings of their democracy.
Unfortunately, over the last several years the American public has been given misleading and false information. They have been fed a study barrage of misinformation, disinformation and outright lies.
They have been fed false news, and yes fake news. During the last two years in particular the misinformation, disinformation and outright lies have reached a fever pitch. Various conspiracy theories have been given life only to give birth to more conspiracy theories. It has been unfortunate but too many people have brought the bridge. Too many have drunk the Kool-Aid.
Then there are the non-issues and distractions that have been daily and weekly plaster on social media sites and other media outlets. We can expect a barrage of misinformation, disinformation and outright lies to be directed at Vice President Harris. No need to add to it with the asinine and downright stupid.
Trust was important when I was growing up. Truthfulness was important when I was growing up. Compassion was important when I was growing up. Decency was important when I was growing. Respect was important when I was growing up.
I grew up in a home where both of my parents were God-loving church going individuals who were born and raised in the Jim Crow South. Parents who believed in the Bible as being the Word of God, every word of it. Who loved and respected the land and the fruits and produce of that land. I am a product of my parents just like my older brother is. I was shaped by them and am proud of it.
The world had changed. But I have not. I am old school and proud of it. Character, principles, honesty, truthfulness. compassion, decency, respect means something to me.
Unlike some of the people who have constantly spread deceitful information, misinformation, disinformation and outright lies, my consciousness is clear. My pockets are not lined with thirty pieces of silver.
I assume after the election those of you who have spread your misinformation, disinformation, your make believe issues and outright lies will go back into your dark hole until they take you out, dust you off and send you to go fetch. Disgraceful, but a sad tradition going back to the years my people were enslaved and masta would send some house Judas to betray us.
Take the money and run. But understand you can’t run far enough. When the dictatorship comes crashing down on our heads your head will be there also. Your misinformation, your disinformation, your lies will not save you in this world and definitely not in the next.
Staff Writer;Â Al Alatunji
Unlike the biblical King Solomon, and past President Trump, Americans believe that a life has purpose,and is more than just ” a vanity of vanities .”Americans also believe that a life is more than a ” tabula Rasa “, or blank page to be written upon by a lavishly dined autocrat.
Many Americans believe that neither candidate is suitable to lead the country into the future. Unfortunately, it appears that these two individuals will be the primary contenders for the White House. Both the Democratic and Republican parties need to encourage younger politicians to step up, while the established leadership must be willing to relinquish power.
I sure hope you feel after your rant. Substance and fact-wise, though, nothing there.
The upcoming election is set to be an intriguing race, particularly if the Democratic Party selects Kamala Harris as their candidate. Both contenders carry significant baggage, with many African Americans still holding reservations about Harris’s tenure as District Attorney in California. It is clear that Donald Trump will face a formidable battle to reclaim the White House. For now, I will observe the sentiments of my fellow Americans as the election unfolds.