(ThyBlackMan.com) Recently, it appears that some person or persons attempted to assassinate former president Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania. But in my opinion, as I will cover this article, all may not be as it seems. In such case, I hope I am wrong, but I feel that I am not. Before we go down this rabbit hole, let it be known that I do not have any inside information from any source involved in any way with this incident. That being said, what are we to believe regarding this incident? Especially those of us who can see through smokescreens?
Supposedly, with all the Secret Service, state police and other law-enforcement agencies around, including on the roof tops, we are to believe that a lone gunman walked through monitored areas with a rifle in his hands, climbed up on a building without anyone noticing, stopping or challenging him and just started firing off shots at the former president? Give me a break. That scenario presumes incompetence within so many law enforcement agencies that it is almost impossible to believe.
Fortunately, I have a few theories, and I guarantee you one of them is likely to be correct, but I don’t know which one. Not yet anyway. I would like to believe that those who protect a president or former president are thorough experts at their job. Nobody is perfect, but for this to slip through raises a lot of questions.
The first theory is that the Trump camp set up the whole thing. But that they did not necessarily tell him that he would have to shed blood in the incident. Trump has a lot to lose if he does not win this election, and whenever a crime happens, criminal profiling teaches that you look at who has the most gain from it or who has the most to lose if it does not happen.
From this incident, Trump is going to raise a ton of money. He is also going to be able to reaffirm his idea that he is the “victim” and that the “deep state” wants to get him. And I guarantee you within 30 days Trump will be saying, hinting or implying that the Biden camp is trying to get rid of him. He already said the FBI was targeting him earlier this year. It is not at all likely that the FBI is trying to knock off Donald Trump. If they were, they would.

If my first theory is true, I doubt the Trump players told him that he would have to shed blood or that he agreed to that. They may just have felt like that was necessary for him to capitalize on the incident the most. Still, I believe that Trump is desperate to win this election so badly because he may go to prison if he doesn’t. So desperate that he would actually stage something like this. The old saying desperate times require desperate measures. And if this is true, Trump is well aware of the momentum it can give him, how to use that momentum and that nobody would ever believe the truth. At least probably not the hundreds of millions of Americans who don’t have an investigative mind.
The second theory is this. The higher principalities or puppet master powers that be could be sending a message to Trump that he is getting too big for his britches. That his ego has caused him to disobey what they told him to do. In such case, they would be warning him with this incident that he needs to follow their orders because he is not out of their reach and they do not consider him untouchable. People and principalities much powerful than Trump.
I doubt that it was a lone gunman. Just like the John F. Kennedy assassination where anybody with specialized training could see it was not a long gunman. I can tell you this with great certainty based on my analysis. If it was not a lone gunman, the gunman who is dead probably fired some shots, but he was a patsy and sacrificed. The real gunman would likely have been an expert, sharpshooter or marksman. But if there is an expert sniper, he is likely a ghost and he has disappeared by now.
So here is my thought on that. The gunman who is dead is likely the person who shot the people behind Trump or in the crowd. The expert is accurate enough to shoot whomever he wants, and he is likely the person who shot Trump in the ear. Unless of course Trump was never shot at all, and the damage to his ear, the blood and scratches on his face came from the fall or somewhere else. Not likely, but all possibilities must be considered until there is evidence to exclude them.
Of course, there is a possibility that an expert sniper would have actually shot other people in the crowd just to create the illusion, an untrained gunman or poorly trained gun did the shooting.
That is my analysis so far and I have several specially trained people who agree with it. We just don’t know which one of these theories is actually the right one. Not yet anyway.
But some strange things happened. Nobody ran away when three people (including the former president) were shot? Everybody is just sitting there. Even if some people are in shock, the whole crowd that you can see in view on the television did not run. That’s not normal. So none of those people had self preservation rise up in them? They just sat there like zombies watching a show. And why wasn’t the immediate area around the former president cleared of everyone for their safety and for his?
Also, what is abnormal is the fact that Trump went down on his own after being hit in the ear and not suffering massive blood loss. You can see that. So you have to ask did he actually get hit in the ear or did the fall he seemed to initiate produce the blood, that could clearly be a cover-up. I would love to see the ballistics report, even though it is quite possible that he knew to just “hit the deck”. But I don’t want to assume that is exactly what happened.
If Trump lost his equilibrium, then it would be really hard to gain it back when three or four Secret Service agents pile on top of you like a football team and you are almost 80 years old. Then you jump back up and start throwing your fist up in the air while you break through the Secret Service people trying to protect you. Just to say “fight, fight, fight”. Fight whom? What was the purpose of that message and how loud did it resonate based on the timing of it? And you put your fist up and expose your head when you supposedly were just shot in head? Then he did that again from the suburban with Secret Service agents all around him.
Apparently, Trump had no loss of equilibrium, so what made him fall over in the first place? The shot came in from the left, but then he fell to the left. So the bullet did not knock him back and make him fall, if he fell.
One thing is for sure that can be seen in the video, Donald Trump using this tragedy as a photo op several times between the time up on the podium after being shot and the time he was put in the secure vehicle. I cannot tell as of yet if he staged it or if he is just an opportunist using it as a photo op. But none of this is natural for people to do. Not the fall forward in the same direction, the bullet came from. Not the crowd sitting still with no reaction of self preservation. Sitting still as if they are watching a movie. It is not normal for a human being to expose his head continually when he knows that someone has just shot him in the head. Not even when they stood Trump up at the podium and the Secret Service allowed his head to be exposed repeatedly. Not unless Trump knew that the shooting was finished. The job of the Secret Service, in part, is to shield Trump in cases like this. Not to let him continually be exposed. Not unless the Secret Service knew that the shooting was finished.
Apparently someone knew there were no more shots coming. And the way Trump kept exposing his head and raising his fist, it appears that he did not think any more shots were coming either. How could he know that within two minutes unless either the shooter was dead in two minutes, an expert shooter was already gone, and/or it was staged?
More to come as more information comes out. But sometimes we can learn a lot by what they don’t tell us, even more than what they do. And sometimes conspiracy theories are true, not just theories.
Staff Writer; Trevo Craw
My god, as soon as I saw this, I knew it was completely fake!
NO elderly man responds by waving his fist and mouthing fight after he is shot for real.
He’d be in shock, most likely, and he would have been meek and unsteady and ready to faint.
Not only was he prepared for this, but he practiced how he was going to look like a hero.
A desperate man, facing bankruptcy and even imprisonment.
He has to win, otherwise, he loses everything.
He killed two people and injured two more.
But, that’s Trump, Mr Felony!
When the truth comes out, I suspect he’ll shoot himself for real this time.
Won’t be long, because his lie is unraveling as more each new day.
The truth behind this incident remains elusive. Whether it was an inside job hoax or an actual assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the situation is shrouded in mystery. What is clear is that a life has been lost, and Trump reportedly underwent ear surgery. One thing is certain: Republicans are likely to turn out in large numbers for the upcoming election. Therefore, it is imperative for Democrats to mobilize and ensure a strong voter turnout as well.
If a person’s ear is hurt and bleeding, instinct is to cover it with their hand and paper or cloth, not thrust their hand in the air making a fist. Also, I’ve seen a close up picture of him with his fist in the air showing no blood on his hand or white shirt cuff. i can’t seem to post it here
Your observations definitely have merit.
as soon as i saw clip on the news, i thought it looked…..different. like a radio station that comes in and out. this is just an opinion ==It looks right out of a movie. Candidate on stage gets shot, but in the ear or finger or someplace not vital, Security swarms, there is a tense few seconds (accompanied by somber music) where you’re not sure if he is dead or alive…then Candidate jumps to his feet, pushes thru security ppl to hold hand in air triumphantly as if nobody has shot at him. Then credits roll, At rally location there is only like 5=7 bldg, This kid was able to get ON A ROOF of a bldg 0nly 130yds from the stage. In a city setting where there are a lot of bldgs with ROOFS, i can see where maybe you cannot cover them all, But 5-7 and ON THE ROOF ?
Supposedly there was a local cop who was on roof seconds before shooting and when shooter turned toward him he fell, FELL? …FELL ? Then instead of trying to run n get away, the kid stayed and fired ?? I am thinking the SS was to secure bldgs that were behind stage and local law secure the ones to the right of stage. The cop let the kid up….and probably stayed to kill him if the snipers didn’t. Trump knew when shots were coming that’s why he told the local politician to wait to come on stage instead of the rehearsed time.
So, Trump turned his head to the right, all cameras were in front of him so nobody could see right ear, then shot rang out. He loves wrestling and to cut themselves they cut the corner of a razor blade. Small, easy to conceal, clean cut with little pressure needed. shot rang out, Trump grabbed his ear and ducked, then cut it with blade, let SS swarm him , create a “movie magic” tense few moments and emerged victoriously. he shouted “fight,fight”….fight who ?
Where did that come from ? Why didn’t he say “run.run” there is a shooter ? he had just been shot at and he holds his hand in the air ? Thats better than wearing flourescent orange. Worried about shoes instead of bullets ? He knew shooting was done, Whole thing was bought and paid for….just like the movie “Wag the dog”
I would not have missed, nor would anyone else who was serious about killing him! My instincts are screaming, “Desperate attempt to re-gain the Presidency by any means possible!” As always, Showmanship rivaling that of P.T. Barnum! I sincerely hope the TRUTH prevails…. (BEFORE the Election!) Thank you, for allowing me to comment on this.
All those that think this was planned are fucking idiots! When the left feels that they are losing control, they come up with more lies and how can they spin a story to make Trump look bad. What all you Democrats should be worried about is trying to get “Sleepy Joe” to drop out of the race for president.
When will this all end? It is evident that someone fired at the man, and this is not a staged event. We could have lost Donald Trump to gun violence. I hope that Democrats and Republicans can come together, shake hands, and mend this broken country. The ongoing civil strife must come to an end.
“The chickens have come back to roost”
The most plausible scenario I see, is that this lone-wolf gunman was unhappy with Trump’s ambivalence to abortion and 2025. He gained an advantage point to fire off several rounds. Being a poor shot, he was able to hit a few rally-goers, and a teleprompter, wich a glass shard nicked the x-presidents ear. A bullet would have removed the top portion of his ear.
Honestly, this is why the term “Trump Derangement Syndrome” exists. So the Secret Service that reports to the Democratic Biden White House is in on this? The hundreds bystanders that didn’t run are in on this? The shooter volunteered to sacrifice his life for Trump’s poll numbers to go up? A different trained sniper shot at the tip of Trump’s ear while he was moving his head around??? Trump hit the ground on his own? – Yeah that’s what you’re taught to do when someone is shooting in your direction. Have you heard gunshots from over a hundred yards away? They sound like firecrackers – which would be expected at a rally. You don’t see the panic until Trump hits the ground and the Secret Service snipers (which are close to the crowd) fire back. The only plausible explanations are a lapse in judgement by the SS, or an inside job by a government agency.
Your article is pure nonsense; the desperate devils in the White House probably set us this young unpretentious young man and chose him because they have observed him at the gun club that he is a member of and see that he is good at shooting and his escape after the planned assassination was all planned; BUT GOD STEPPED IN AND HIS ANGEELS WERE THERE TO GUARD THIS MAN DONALD TRUMP! The Democrat Party which has done nothing but use black people and I am so disturbed that not enough black people realize this, cannot win honestly because they have not done anything over the past 4 years that is good for the American people so they will stop at nothing to cheat and win – including taking the life of another. America is now running liked a 3rd world country with uncivilized citizens; Joe Biden is a devil and Obama is running things! GOD IS ALIVE THOUGH! AMEN
I had many of the same thoughts. One thing you didn’t mention is that a local politician running for office was called out by Trump just before the shooting, and the guy started to walk on stage and Trump said “not now, not now” and the guy sat back down. It also bothered me that Trump, as usual wearing his stupid Maga hat, apparently had time to fix his hair before he was led off. I still prefer James Brown throwing off his cape to come back and sing some more to the production I saw from Pennsylvania. It was also interesting that Fox news had it’s long list of mewling geezers ready to blame everything on Biden and Democrats. I was pissed because I would never choose to watch Fox news but I had tuned in to see the scheduled MLB game between Atlanta and San Diego and had to sit through the few minutes to get a sense of what happened. Also interesting, the same people who canonized the little murderer in Wisconsin who got away with it, are saying very little about the weird kid who wore hunting clothes to school and who may well have been duped into thinking he would be a hero, too. The worst part is, there is no way we will ever know the truth.
Saw this show on MMA complete with fake blood! Unfortunately, this worked as election is now over with maga king complete with court and congress likely in charge. God help the world on what’s coming next!!~
That MSN used Edge to apply a link to this ridiculous prose is exactly why I use the Brave browser. Once in a while however, I like to peak over the fence to see what the dumb-dumbs are saying. You did not disappoint! Anyone who believes a word of this is branded livestock. You made me laugh at your silly, racist, uninformed, clickbait drivel. With all the popups one can see plainly see that ThyBackMan is exploiting the poor, unfortunate, fearful, spoon-fed cattle of MSNBC and CNN. I feel sorry for you. Really.
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Article is pure fiction shame on you and your theories.
Trevo Craw wrote, “Fortunately, I have a few theories, and I guarantee you one of them is likely to be correct, but I don’t know which one.”
Noted, “…I guaranteed…”
Number 1. I don’t think anyone would be stupid enough to let even the best marksman shoot them in the ear.
Number 2. A marksman would have used a bolt action rifle
Number 3. Bullets whiz through and do not throw a person like in the movies
Number 4. If I felt pain, heard whizzing by my ear, and then shots, I would have gone down, at any angle, and Secret Service would have pushed them down.
Number 5. When things happen, people freeze, not run. You can only run when you can determine where the threat comes from. There was so much movement in fromt of the seated people, they froze
So lets not sit here and spout out foolish uninformed stuff and leave the conspiracies to the psychotic individuals who are not worth listening to.
what a typical ignorant racist dumb fuck you are.
What part of what he said is racist? Or is he a racist just because you disagree with him? What is this country coming to?
By the way, #5 is true. I work in the govt, and I’m trained annually how to react in the event of a shooter incident, and the training says that our first instinct is to freeze, but that we need to override that instinct and run if possible, or hide if you can’t run. So most people just did what came naturally to them, which unfortunately was not the correct response. In their defense, they probably did not realize the direction of the shot, so they didn’t know which way to run for safety as well…
you are sooo correct. THis guy is an idiot
Your “opinion” is typical of the left-wing stance. You should be ashamed for coming up with totally undocumented and nonsensical fantasies to satisfy/justify your own hatred of the right. You should be prosecuted/sued over such inflammatory, divisive and false claims. I hope you lose everything.
A bullet grazing the outermost part of the ear wouldn’t create enough momentum to push a large man over backwards. After feeling the pain from his ear, Trump ducked behind the podium. The Secret Service kept him lowered and covered until they heard “shooter down”, the vehicle was in place and the snipers joined them. They didn’t leave the scene until the lead agent said to move forward.
To concoct conspiracy theories based on minimal, and largely incorrect, information is irresponsible, unfair and half-as_ed backwards. You build a case as the facts and truths are revealed and discovered. You don’t dream up some wild theories and present them as being most likely what happened. And if facts brought up, in the future, disprove it, so be it. You would be better off using your vivid imagination as a writer of bad theatre.
Correct. No bullet ever pushes someone backward. It’s based on Newton’s laws of motion, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. A bullet with enough power to knock a person off their feet would do the same to the shooter, and we know that doesn’t happen. This entire article is garbage not supported by any of the facts.
Wow! I love your observation ” Something Very Strange”. I was watching Jonathan Gerhardt on MSNBC, interviewing or chatting with Mr. Michael Steele when he suddenly switched to the ” breaking news”. I saw Mr. Trump brush off something from his right ear, after some “Pop! Pop! pop! “Sounds and then went down. People stood but did not run. Very strange. I also heard ” put on my shoes” or something similar. Then Mr. Trump stood and threw a fist in the air with his lips saying fuck or fight…. someone nearly killed you and all you can say is ” fight, ” very, very strange.
PLEASE- just stick with MI-NBC. (mis information NBC) Follow the path with the other sheep.
its interesting how people insert their opinions outside of what the facts show. what happened is the kid snuck around the outskirts of the secured perimeter of the event, climbed a shed, and popped shots off. at face value, thats it. thats what happened. its not at all hard to do what he did, but the vast majority of people don’t do these things, because they’re not unhinged like this kid was.
even as triggered as Trump haters get, their personal freedom and life is worth more to them than the corpse of their enemy is. also, this kid was absolutely seen, just not by anyone willing to take action, until it clear he was shooting. he was seen by bystanders, but they were unarmed because they were inside the secured event where weapons of any sort were not allowed. the secret service on Trump isn’t 1000 people, and specifically they mostly focus on the idea of someone rushing the stage with a knife.
the idea of a distance sniper was not on actively on their minds, although they did have some precautions, these guys have been travelling to rallies with Trump for months or more, and they got lulled into thinking it was just a block and tackle safety requirement. no event has security everywhere in the world. there will always be a distance that is far enough away to be outside the secured perimeter. in this case that distance was not far enough, but consider that 150 yards is not *close* either. thats longer than end zone to end zone on a football field.
further than goal to goal on an Olympic soccer field. for how small the rally was (look at the aerial photos after everyone was cleared out) they quite simply just did not anticipate this, and the kid who did the shooting, clearly he was socially disturbed (because sane and good people don’t wish or cause death on others like this), but that kid was not unintelligent. he was in fact quite smart, regarding the only metrics we can pull about him, which are public school records.
he was also a gun nut, practiced shooter and hunter. that he pulled this off is seriously shocking, but it’s not outside the realm of understanding that a determined bookworm who likes guns and hates Trump could do this thing.
As Americans, more than ever, we must come together. Despite differing opinions, the reality is that the shooter was indeed a real person, and the implications are profound. Losing one of our past presidents is unimaginable, regardless of personal sentiments toward him. This event marks a somber moment in history, and it is reassuring that President Biden has called for peace. It is crucial to allow Mr. Trump the time to recover, and let the upcoming presidential election determine the nation’s future leader through democratic means.
You are right on point. This is an opportunity for all of us to hit the reset button. The question is, is Mr. Trump, ready for a reset? Don’t forget he is the biggest proponent of violence at his rallies. Rallies at which he shouts profanity at his perceived enemies, called them names and promised retribution using the powers of the presidency should he become president again. It is never about improving others’ deplorable condition or moving the country forward in the positive direction. It is always about grievances. ” Live by the sword, die by the sword”.
Reviewing the event, and aftermath: Trump gets his ear pierced. The photos (which were produced by the media), are eerily similar to the photo of the flag raising at Iwo Jima and splashed all over the news. Meanwhile, Biden is accused of provoking violence. Trump gets a big influx of money from billionaires; Judge Aileen Cannon dismisses classified document case against Trump. Nothing to see here folks.
I think we will be able to tell more about the nature of the attack by further investigation of course, and by how Trump reacts in public. This is a man afraid of Sharks and so bullets might quickly jump to #1 on his list, unless he knew about it beforehand.
I can’t find the story now, it may have been pulled but (I found this blog looking for it)..a police statement said they were “worried” because it was NOT a lone gunman. They were asking for video footage from people who were there. I have not read that anywhere else but I read it once a few hours ago. I can’t even find it again in HISTORY.
The recent incident involving gunfire and the lack of reaction from the crowd is indeed perplexing. Even former President Trump appeared unaware of what transpired. Such situations often give rise to theories about hidden agendas or manipulations, reminiscent of the “matrix” concept many have discussed over the years. With the election approaching, it is crucial for both Democrats and Republicans to find common ground and demonstrate unity. Working together, despite differing viewpoints, will strengthen the democratic process and foster a more collaborative political environment.
It’s refreshing to witness individuals willing to express their candid opinions. As Americans, we must critically evaluate the information presented to us, rather than relying solely on major news outlets that may have inherent biases. The recent incident involving Trump is indeed shrouded in mystery. Speculations suggesting that he orchestrated the event only for the Secret Service to eliminate the individual he allegedly hired are intriguing, albeit unconfirmed. Such theories, if proven true, could indeed impact Trump’s efforts to regain the presidency. However, without concrete evidence, it’s essential to approach these claims with caution and continue to seek the truth through reliable and unbiased sources.
The mainstream media does not tell the whole story. I agree, we need reliable and unbiased sources for news. We need to critically think about these events from all sides of the spectrum to arrive at the TRUTH.
Steve Banan is incarcerated now for being so reliable and publishing any “unbiased,” information he can get. All he has to do is get you to believe it until the next headline comes along. Here, drink some more of this Kool-Aide and drink it down.
Fact-check the “brain matter” claim. Also lack of Cerebro-spinal fluid. Head wounds bleed like crazy. He was not hospitalized. Was a head scan done? Was he seen by a trauma neurosurgeon? Why weren’t any of the people surrounding him hit by the “bullet”? Where did the “bullet” go? What is the angle of entry of his ear wound? What does the ballistics report say? Did he have evidence of a close-range injury?
A witness said he saw a policeman go to the roof where the shooter was located. Why did he leave? There was a statement the security sniper failed to shoot promptly? Was the policeman in his line of sight? Was the security sniper’s shot delayed because of that? Head wounds tend to knock you down.
Very inciteful. I was thinking that second one. It had all the markings of the lone gunman in the repository. Conveniently dead. But you are so right about the crowd and him rising up again. Then again, I think the Bushes have another young one they’d like to bring out and Trump does present a problem. Also, interesting is this occurred a day or two after he disavowed Project 2025.