Devout Christians: Jesus – The Fake Messiah (pt.2).

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( We are about to go down the rabbit hole of the truth, a very unpopular and often unwelcome place to be. But we need to go there. Most people in America have been taught to call the Messiah by the name of “Jesus”. But we are going to look at the facts, not tradition and not man-made religion. So let’s get to it.

The fake Messiah is being used by the religious church and Satan himself to deceive and control the masses. To take sincere people straight to hell and to create the TRAP door that leads them there. All in the name of “Jesus” and cleverly using the Bible that is supposed to be used for the children of God and our relationship with the Creator.
Man’s religion has told you that the Bible must be interpreted. And that the church leaders are the ones to interpret it for you. But the Bible does not teach this. Nowhere in the Bible will you find that it is to be interpreted. It must be spiritually understood. The Bible teaches that you are to study to show yourself approved. The Bible teaches that you want to try the spirits to see if they are of God, And that will include spirits as well. The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit will bring enlightenment to you that you have need and no man teach you.
So when people ask, how can you hear without a preacher, they make that a statement when it is really a question. Let’s answer the question. The answer to the question is that you can hear from God in prayer. You can hear from God by Him using other people. You can hear from God through signs and wonders. A child of God can hear from God via the Holy Spirit who dwells inside the children of God. You can hear from God by studying the scriptures. You can hear from God in dreams and visions. And there are several other ways. The church leader is NOT the only way that you can hear from God, but obviously many churches of today do not want you to realize that. The moment you do, they lose control over your thinking, your belief, your actions and your money.
I submit to you that the evidence shows Jesus is an impostor that man with an agenda has presented to you as the real Messiah. Not just in name, but in image and in the agenda of the religious church that continues to make excuses for these unauthorized changes. Changes God never told anybody in scripture to make. And they expect you just to believe and follow them blindly when they say they have been authorized to make the changes.
Devout Christians: Jesus - The Fake Messiah (pt.2).
The Bible speaks of “another Christ”, obviously an impostor. But those who claim to be the church today neither teach that truth nor seem to pay it any attention. Why is that? And it does not seem to bother the church leaders much at all that the oldest texts of scripture never called the Messiah by the name “Jesus”. A name is a name, not just whatever man wants to call it or change it to. Reference 2 Corinthians 11:4.
But before we go any further, let me say this. What you are reading is a message to those who say they follow the Bible and the Messiah of the Bible. It is not a message to those who are Muslim, Buddhist, orthodox Jews, Hindu or any other belief system that places itself in opposition to Christianity. Those are discussions for another time, and believe me, I have no problem going there with you. So before you make your comments, I ask you to respect who this article is speaking to and written for. And not to try and comment just to be confrontational because that serves no purpose. Now down the rabbit hole.
First, the name of the Messiah is “Yeshua” not Jesus. Sometimes referred to as Yehoshua, Yeshua is Hebrew and the Messiah was Hebrew. There was no “J” in Hebrew, which is the original language of all the Old Testament books except one which was in Aramaic (the book of Lamentation). That was also no “J” in Greek either, the original language of the New Testament. People tend to make excuses and say that in America we speak neither Greek nor Hebrew. But if the Bible says we are to be about the truth and call upon the name above every name, we need to get that name right to say the least. And we don’t have to speak Hebrew nor Greek in all the words of scripture in order to get one name right, the name of every name. The name we call upon. The name we are taught that has power and authority and makes demons tremble. The wrong name does none of this.
The term “Jesus” is not even a translation. It is what is called a transliteration, likely of IESOUS. Or so they say. But nowhere in the Bible are we told to change the name of the Messiah nor to transliterate it. That was what man-made religion decided to do. And a little later in this article we will identify motives and agendas for why that was done.
Second of all, man-made religion counterfeiting itself as Christianity was the birth-child so to speak of the Pharisees and the Saducees, the religious church leaders who called for the crucifixion of the Messiah. Why? Because the real Messiah was completely disrupting their plans of control over the masses of people. They projected themselves as leaders of the church with an exclusive right to the truth and to share it as they saw fit. The true Messiah had a problem with that and so should you. So it is no surprise that the apostles themselves were not called forth from the religious man-made church.
There’s a huge difference between the relationship with the Creator as a Father (Christianity) and what appears to be the Christian religion, which is a counterfeit started by man. The Bible explains that the wheat and the tears have grown up together. The Bible explains further about the sheep and the goats, but they can be separated because there are differences between them. The Bible even explains that the dog has returned to his vomit. Why? Because he was not a dog who changed to become a sheep. He was a dog who acted like a sheep, but always remained a dog. That’s why he returned to his old ways, the ways of a dog.
This brings me to the third point. The Romans, along with man’s religion,  infected much of the Christian church after the Apostles died. As the Romans pushed religion instead of relationship, several things happened. The Roman Catholic Church rose up, appearing to have what the Bible calls “a form of godliness”, even though the Bible never even speaks of the Roman Catholic Church as the church that the Messiah created. Also, the behavior and beliefs of pagans was brought into the church. And all of that was put under the banner of this “Jesus”. This impostor.
From the Romans came the Roman Catholic Church. From the Roman Catholic Church came the Catholic Church, including in America. From the split between the Catholics and the protestants came the protestant reformation headed by John Calvin and Martin Luther. But they also brought the pagan beliefs and practices from the Catholic Church they left behind.
Why? Because they only disagreed with some of the Catholic Church practices and beliefs. The ones they didn’t agree with, they brought with them into what became the Lutheran and the Presbyterian Church and so on. You can look up the history of yourself, but the origins are correct. God did not set up denominations, but you see them everywhere and they operate as if they came directly from scripture. They didn’t, They are man-made religion and traditions with their own additional guidebooks, rules, and protocols that are not in scripture. They ignore that the Bible teaches. We are not to add to the word of God nor take away from it.
Based on my research, evidence suggests that since the Romans had Zeus as their chief “God”, to say “Jesus” was to say “Hail Zeus”. The pagans would have accepted it. The Romans would have accepted it. The Catholics would have accepted it from the Roman Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church would largely have accepted it, especially if the true origin was clouded, or cloaked in what appeared to be spiritual, traditional or pagan rituals. And since the protestants breaking away from the Catholic Church also brought many of the Catholic and pagan beliefs and practices, the whole deception would have crept into the protestant denominational churches that are in place today. So you have to wonder. And in Spanish, how do you pronounce “Jesus”? It would sound like “Hey Zeus”. Coincidence? If you choose be in denial and believe it is coincidence.
Catholic priests wear a collar. That comes from the Roman Catholic Church, which actually was a pagan symbol of ownership. Nowhere in the Bible did it say that the Messiah wore a collar. Nowhere in the Bible did it say to signify mass ownership to God by man wearing a collar. The priest and the nines are not supposed to marry, but the Bible wars against those who are forbidden marriage. The Bible does not teach that the priest and the nine under Christianity are married to God. It teaches that the church is the bride of Christ and the wedding occurs later on. Just another example of exposing man’s religious agenda at work. The Catholic Church has “another gospel”. An agenda that has crept into the Christian religious church. You can see that with their mass and with the symbol of their Jesus still on the cross. You can see that and how they treat Mary. You can see that in how their church leaders dress as pagan priests. You can see that in there control over the people. A Catholic priest cannot release you from your sins.
I have listened to the arguments that tried to debunk what you are reading. But if you look up and listen to those arguments closely, they don’t hold water. And those who present those bogus arguments do not offer proof from the Bible that the name of the Messiah was to be changed or transliterated. Even if they could, which they can’t, there’s much more that has been changed by man about the Messiah than just the name. Man’s religious church leaders make excuse after excuse for making changes that they cannot show God authorizing anywhere.
Connecting all the dots, we begin to see an agenda take shape. An agenda of counterfeit Christianity, a fake name, a false image, a counterfeit Messiah and even a counterfeit of the Holy Spirit (“another spirit”). So when religious scholars try to tell you everything in this article is wrong, that is exactly what I expect them to say because those who are promoting religion are not promoting relationship.
So let’s go further into this “Jesus” agenda. Not just an unauthorized name change, but also a change in image or appearance. An image that did not look like a Hebrew. An image that looked more like an Anglo-Saxon European Nordic. To go deeper into that, I suggest you look up Caesar Borgia and the true origin of that straight haired Jesus that your grandmother had on the wall or on the cover of the Bible.
In America in particular, and in other parts of the world, the agenda was simple. An image that looks like the slave owner and the slaves will believe that the slave owner is closer to the divine. Is it any wonder that when you look in Webster’s dictionary, Merriam Webster’s dictionary or Oxford dictionary that the definition of “white” means massively positive things while the definition of “black” means quite the opposite? Look the terms up for yourself.
What better way to enforce the mindset of white superiority and black inferiority than to draw a parallel between the Messiah himself and Massah in America or the slave owners or the people at the top in charge? So while I am not saying that was the agenda all over the world, it can be clearly seen that it was definitely part of the American agenda during slavery. In fact, it is still a big part of the American image agenda today.
Man has tried to remake the Messiah into man’s image instead of allowing the reverse to happen. And man’s agenda has been largely successful, especially when millions of Catholics bow down to the pope and kiss his hand. Give me a break. Especially when people who go to church every Sunday Dont study for themselves and fact check what their leaders are telling them.
Man pushes his own agenda and the agenda of Satan himself, all to the front of the pew or the pulpit in the name of religion. In the name of Jesus. But in order to do that, the leaders of religion need to change the name of the real Messiah so you can call upon a name (Jesus) that has no power and be deceived all the while. Religion needs to keep control of the masses, telling them what to think, what to believe and what to do. All the while separating the masses from their direct relationship with the Creator.
In order to complete man’s religious agenda, religion came up with excuses to remove 15 books (the Apocrypha) out of the original Bible text and passages upon passages are just gone. That is why you see fragmentation in the Bible, where you are reading about one thing then all of a sudden the thought changes completely. What was in between has been removed. Man even convened councils (Nicea, Trent) and appointed scholars to take out what would not suit the agenda of the religious church and those who lead it.
Religion needed to change the image of the Messiah to make sure you obey those who look like the fake or false image. Religion needed a counterfeit spirit that would only bring the illusion of enlightenment, not truth, power and understanding. And most people who go to church all the time have no idea that they are under a spell of religion, not relationship. Man-made religion that does not have the same destination as relationship.
So now you know, and there is no putting the proverbial genie back in the bottle. Even if you disagree with what you have just read, go and do the research for yourself. Think for yourself. Watch what is happening. Ask questions about why your church leaders do what they do. Whose agenda is on the throne? Whose church are you sitting in?
When you do your research for yourself and ask questions, expect religious church leaders to push back by showing their academic, intellectual knowledge. Or they may tell you that they have unique, spiritual knowledge that you don’t have. Those are just techniques to try to get you to shut up and believe what they tell you. Expect them to make excuses for practically everything you confront them with when you are standing on the truth.
Finally, I have referenced several scriptures in the Bible and connected several of the dots. Enough to get you thinking anyway. Enough to get your asking questions. And for some of you, maybe that nudge down the pathway of truth is enough. I know most of you did not want to go this deep, especially because it challenges much of what you have been told your whole life. But that’s what the truth does, challenge you to find it and stand with you when you do as a beacon of light, not allow you to get comfortable with what religious leader promoting his or her own agenda has told you. The truth should make people very uncomfortable when most of what they have been telling is lies.

Staff Writer; Trevo Craw

A Free Thinker, who loves to talk about Politics, etc. Also, all about uplifting the Black Community even if it doesn’t fit your mindset. One may hit me up at;

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