(ThyBlackMan.com) All that any of us have to do is take a look at the real history of this land to see the truth. America was founded on illegal immigration, invasion, colonization, extermination and slavery. That is the ugly truth which many people are hoping you will forget. Yet since the issue of “illegal immigration” keeps coming up in Texas, Arizona, Florida and other states, let’s have that discussion about illegal immigration. But let’s begin with where the problem actually started. This has very little to do with Democrats or Republicans, Trump or Biden, and you know it. Both parties are different sides of the same warped coin. Don’t fall for the okey-doke of gullibility and the partisan distractions.

Before you continue reading, please understand that I am using journalistic style which often differs from English grammar. I do that on purpose for emphasis, so if you are pulling out an English textbook, you are going to be frustrated. Now let’s go down the rabbit hole.
From Columbus to the slave traders to the colonizers, none of the above were asked to come here. That seems to be a forgotten truth, and a sore spot of discussion in these United States. You cannot “discover” a land that was already discovered and inhabited. Especially when you were lost in the first place and thought you were somewhere else like um, India. You can say you discovered “America “, but you didn’t. And saying you did does not make it true.
Today since America is becoming “a little too brown” for colonizer tastes, it appears that America has an “immigration problem”. Hordes of people coming to this land, uninvited. But that sounds familiar. So I have to ask, why then was it not an immigration problem when the people came here from Europe? When they all but wiped out the proud, indigenous people? When they took land? When they bought, sold and subjugated Africans? And even today, if you say “let freedom ring”, the African-American community cannot answer the phone because it is unplugged, hidden and still out of reach. So I have to further ask boldly, who had independence on the 4th of July? The indigenous people whose land was taken or the Africans forced to work it? Obviously neither.
What then of the Hispanic people? Do a little research and history will show you that the Hispanic people are not coming here, they are coming back. Take a look at who owned and inhabited California. Where do you think the name “Las Vegas” comes from? And when it comes to the indigenous people of this land (referred to as “native Americans”), many believe that the the trail of tears should have washed the European “invaders” back across the sea where they came from. If only time machines existed today.
Today those colonizers, or at least their descendants, control this nation called America. They want to close the borders they created. But their ancestors never respected the boundaries and lands of those who were already here. A twisted and sad irony. Borders to be locked down by the descendants of people who did not respect land, territory and thus borders? Really.
So where do non-Caucasian people seem to fit in this experiment called America, named after Amerigo Vespucci (another man who “discovered” lands that were already discovered)? Today Hispanics coming here are looked at as intruders, invaders and a dangerous nuisance. Isn’t that ironic? Who else do you think happened to fit that description hundreds of years ago? And while I am not saying everybody should come in from everywhere, I am saying that America has gotten awfully racially selective. Then again, wasn’t it always from its foundation?
Donald Trump tried to get you to believe that the caravans were coming, the caravans were coming. To rape your daughters and kill you. To commit crime everywhere and not make it safe for good old American-born, white sheet wearing, confederate flag carrying citizens. So where, I ask you, are the caravans of “rapists and murderers” who were going to be wiping us out? And you have to wonder if the indigenous people of this land long ago looked at those who came in ships in the same way instead of those who walked across borders.
Americans of today you need to remember that this land under your feet did not rightfully belong to the ancestors of those who rule it today. That is the truth. Like it or not. Want to discuss it or not. Want to admit it or not. Want to erase it out of the history books or not.
So when you want to build walls and close borders, put people in cages, separate families and cheat human beings like they are beneath you, the tone of those things sounds strangely and ominously familiar.
We would all do well to realize that karma and hypocrisy are not best friends. But one does follow the other. And the blood cries out from the ground as a testimony of the historical truth.
Maybe the native American people of these lands should just tell everybody who was not invited here to LEAVE! That will never happen, of course. Because those who rule and reign would not dare leave. That is not what invaders do. That is not what colonizers do. That is not what subjugators do. That is not what thieves and murderers do willingly. That is not what trespassers do. That is not what slave owners do. And that is not what their descendants do. Ironically yet again, if they gave back all they took, there would be no America.
Staff Writer; Trevo Craw
A Free Thinker, who loves to talk about Politics, Religion, etc. Also, all about uplifting the Black Community even if it doesn’t fit your mindset. One may hit me up at; TrevoCraw@ThyBlackMan.com.
The immigrants that came in the beginning didn’t have their hands out, expecting the people already here to pay their way on everything. There are people born here, sometimes generations that spend their whole lives with their hands out, that isn’t American.
I have often said the same as you state to friends and family. The one of thing you didn’t say is that there were also white indentured servants who being slaves at least had a hope of being free, and that though it was a very rare occurrence, the black slaves did have a very slight chance of being freed if their owner made that decision. As for the new immigrants, we as Americans do not know who is coming across the border and we are afraid of what we don’t know. In all instances, legal and illegal, good and bad people are allowed in this country, we just aren’t aware of what the consequences may be. All that I am concerned with is that my way of life isn’t going to be taken from me. I lived in a house for over 20 years that most people, even welfare recipients, would not live in, until I was able to afford better. I saw people in my situation not liking people in better situations, and not liking people in the same situation, simply out of jealousy because they did not have the means, mental capacity, or opportunity to do better for themselves. My negative outlook about all of it is, don’t think that I am willing to just give you what I have or allow you to live better than me on my paycheck. I can’t help what happened to your ancestors, or mine for that matter (which were dirt farmers and migrants, and probably a thief or two).
The South Americans that are coming across the borders may be meek mannered but look at what they have accomplished, walking that far is more than most Americans can say they did on their own, so why can’t these people learn to organize and fight the way most present-day Americans have to do in this country to keep what is theirs. I understand that cartels have firepower that the underprivileged don’t have, but organize and get someone to lead that can help. In this country, most of us know where we can go and can’t go, and leave it to the government to make passage through those neighborhoods safe. I personally do not want to go through those places unless I have to. The point is, yes we live a good life in this country, but don’t try to take it away because in one form or another, we will fight to keep our lifestyle. Whether it is by scaring you away with a weapon, or by trying to pass laws that prevent people from having guns. We have, in this country, learned how to live side by side, with known or unknown criminals, people with different values, different races, and differences of many kinds. The families of the big land owners are giving up the land for the almighty dollar, so work and save for a better life. You don’t have to live off of what I have worked for. Work for your own, because in one way or another I will fight for what I have, be it a political fight, a gun fight, or what ever you have.
the greatest story written today something that needs to be televised!
The immigrants that came in the beginning didn’t have their hands out, expecting the people already here to pay their way on everything. There are people born here, sometimes generations that spend their whole lives with their hands out, that isn’t American.
All facts Mr. Sanders! FBA/Freedmen are NOT immigrants in any sense of the word. All other groups either immigrated (what became a sovereign country) to or migrated to the land (before it became a country). We have a very unique position and circumstance unlike all other groups here. Totally agree that immigration (which is the VOLUNTARY act of leaving one’s own sovereign country to live in another one) needs to be controlled and not be subjected to open borders.
The article is a bit flawed. The US was not “founded” on immigration, it was “founded” on slavery. Slavery and immigration are not the same. You are now the third black person to spin that B.S. narrative for seemingly the Democratic Party. Moving to another country BY CHOICE to seek a better life, is not the same as being SHACKLED AND CHAINED against your will and transported to this country in the underbelly of a ship. Realize that the rightful people here were native to this region, and not all of Mexico, Central, and South America, nor did they all flee to south of the border. Those Spanish city names (Las Vegas, Los Angeles) are from the Spaniards, not the “returning Hispanics” as you put it. Rafael Rivera was described as the first non-native American from Mexico to step foot in Las Vegas, meaning he was of Spaniard (European)descent. Immigration is fine but it should be controlled like all other countries.
Very interesting piece. I think I understood what the writer was trying to say. I am just wondering what he was trying to accomplish. Facts were presented. Was he asking for open borders that seem to be bringing in drugs, gangs, crime, refugees from nations that could obtain asylum much easier not here? Is it not risky to have wide open borders? So, writer, what do you want us to glean here? Do we complain or what can we do to deal particularly with the border mess? I know you may disagree but to my thinking America was the city on the hill and many immigrants indeed did begin it or capture it when they came, like my grandparents coming over here with no English skills, etc. But, they came to assimilate and not be desirous of bringing the old country with its weaknesses. They did not want Sharia law or a desire to abort children.
Please define Sharia Law and the foundation of its principles. Also, I would like to know if you would discuss the FOUNDATION and/or ORIGIN of the Law by which we abide by here in the U. S. (Constitution and Bill of Rights)