The Truth About Israel At War.

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( All sides on this issue are not telling the whole truth, largely because all sides refused to accept the truth and their role in the conflict. Largely because they are sticking to their spiritual, cultural and historic beliefs. So I am going to give you an unbiased, objective assessment of what is really happening. My only dog in this fight is the truth. So here it goes. God gave all that land to the Hebrews, who became the Jews. That is outlined in the Old Testament. That land was given through Abraham down to his son Isaac down to his son Jacob and their descendants etc.

Black Americans, Asian Americans, Mexican Americans, and White Americans: The Truth About Israel At War.

In 1948 the land was given to the Jews by world vote of the United Nations as many Jews returned home after World War II ended. The Palestinians were given a portion as well. But in 1967 several countries such as Lebanon. Syria, Jordan and Egypt went to war against Israel, because they refuse to accept what most of the world decided. And believe it or not, as if this was not complicated enough, there is a heavy extraterrestrial element to this equation as well. But that is something that would need an entire article by itself and a lot of proof to even scratch the surface, so I won’t get into that right now at all.

In that war of 1967, Israel defeated several countries all at once by itself. And from that point, Israel gave out the land the way it wanted to give it out. That is what happens when you win the war, you get to call the shots. And that type of regional domination has been practiced throughout the world for centuries by the Romans, the United States, the Germans, The Russians, the Europeans, the Africans and the Asians, to name a few. Unfortunately, that’s  just the way it is.

Adolf Hitler was a puppet of the illuminati who followed orders from people much more powerful than he could ever be. He was half Jewish and half Austrian. Hitler was a corporal during World War I, and even went to prison in Germany for trying to overthrow the government. But the illuminati had other plans for him. And you have to wonder how a country that was poor at the World War I rose up to be so powerful, have so many weapons and so many resources that they thought they could take over the world. That was the doing of the illuminati and the financing coming from the 13 Jewish families of the Illuminati. And by the way, the United States protects Israel, because it has been ordered to do so.

Today, many people who know the truth are even afraid to call their name, including Donald Trump. It is not the “deep state” at work, it is the Illuminati that believes they have the right of authority to control this planet. People who believe they are the descendants of the mating that occurred between the fallen angels and human women. People believe that they are the only illuminated ones.

The poor and mostly peaceful Palestinians, Muslims and real Jews have gotten caught in the middle. And terrorist groups like Hamas, Isis and Hesbollah, supported by Muslim countries, rose up to attack Israel since that time. These groups take parts of the Quran literally, so they are not extremists, they are “extreme” fundamentalists at the highest level. That is another article and another discussion for another time. But even those groups don’t like each other, and the truth is there has been an internal war within Islam ever since the death of Muhammad.

The book of Revelation outlines the battle of Armageddon. It says that many nations will attack Israel. And just when it seems like all hope for Israel is lost, Yashua will return within an army and save Israel.

The Arabs and the Jews are actually half brothers through Abraham via Isaac and Ishmael. But even though Ishmael was the first born, he was not born of Abraham’s wife. And Ishmael was not the child of the promise. He was born from Abraham’s maid servant. Under normal circumstances the first born is the air to everything first. But not in this case. This one truth has always been a major point of contention, hatred and division between the Arabs and the Jews.

Of course, the other side of the coin is that God himself has allowed the Jewish people to suffer for centuries, because they have rejected the Messiah, Yashua/Yeshua. And all the Jews are guilty of this, except the Messianic Jews. If you ask the Jews, who actually accept the truth that the Messiah has come, they will tell you this. The rejection of the Messiah has come at a terrible cost. The point being, quite a few people are to blame on every side of this issue between Israel and the Muslim nations. And there are puppet masters in the background controlling all of this.

Today, there is an even bigger dilemma. For a long time in Israel, there have been people in power who say they are Jews, but they really are not. The Bible spells this out also. They are Zionists infiltrators and Jewish impersonators. They are the people on the back of the dollar. They call themselves Jews, but they and the people who give them orders actually financed Hitler and the war to murder six million Jews. They are the heads of the illuminati, the 13th families. These are some of the people referenced by leaders, such Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam. He spoke more generically, and unfortunately made it seem like all the Jewish people were bad.

Jewish families like the RothChilds have always played both sides of the fence. They don’t care about the Jewish people nor the Arab and Muslim people. This is the truth that you will not hear many people say.

This is the truth about both sides, all sides. Now, you know, no matter what your ethnicity, nationality, geographic area, religious belief, or genetic connection. Now you know the unpopular truth. As for me personally, I have no hatred for either side nor the innocent people stuck in the middle. Many other people responding with hatred either don’t understand the truth of what is happening or live in denial, only seeing their perspective. Unfortunately, there will never be peace without truth from all sides. And as the angel told Daniel, these things must come to pass.

Staff Writer; Trevo Craw

A Free Thinker, who loves to talk about PoliticsReligion, etc. Also, all about uplifting the Black Community even if it doesn’t fit your mindset. One may hit me up at;