Devout Christians: A Sympathetic Church.

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( Sympathy is like a hand out. A hand out is done out of sympathy to “help” someone. But in most cases the “help” isn’t help at all but an enablement that tears down that person or helps them to destroy their lives. You give a drunk a couple of bucks for food. He takes it and buys more wine. What did your couple of bucks really accomplish? People say that’s the way that they show their love or concern for someone. How can you say that you love or care for someone if what you are doing through sympathy is only hurting them?

The old saying “give a starving man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach that man how to fish and you feed him for life!” Giving him a fish is sympathy. Teaching him how to fish is love! One takes very little effort on your part and eases your conscience. The other takes time on your part but is real love and very rewarding!


Devout Christians - A Sympathetic Church.
One of the worst things that a church can be called is “a sympathetic church”. Sympathy can destroy through approval and enabling. Sympathy is not Christianity. It is a worldly view of Christianity! Sympathy can be a form of compromise. Sympathy is not the Truth. Sympathy can be deceiving. Sympathy is an excuse not to change. Sympathy does not demand repentance! Not all sympathy is bad. Too often it becomes an excuse to come into an agreement with a person who is suffering. That enables them to continue to suffer verses facing and overcoming the cause of their suffering. Today’s church falls into that trap and because of that the church fails to render any useful Biblical help to suffering people. A sympathetic church is a fruitless and useless church without power and purpose!

The spirit of sympathy is a demonic spirit who answers to the Jezebel spirit. The Jezebel spirit works in both men and women without preference. The Jezebel spirit is a religious spirit that likes to make itself at home in any church that is a threat to Satan’s kingdom. Awareness is a valuable key! Regardless of your level of spiritual growth the ignoring, excusing and denying the working or the existence of the Jezebel spirit is a dangerous thing. God is bringing His church and church body together in unity in the common ground of belief in His Word for the work of His kingdom. That church unity, as God desires, will only happen if the Jezebel spirit has been cast down in those churches. The spirit of Jezebels exists where the spirit of Ahab is. Today’s church is widely suffering from the lack of men in the church body who are willing to be the spiritual leaders in their homes and in their churches! That is where Jezebel thrives where Christian men are useless! To what level or degree is the spirit of Jezebel working differs in each church. Christian men are called to father the fatherless not women! It takes powerful Christian men of integrity who are determined and committed to be the leaders in their homes and in their churches! Because those men fail often it is the women who get stuck with that job.

Those churches that are operating as a sympathetic church have compromised their beliefs with that of the world to the point of being ineffective for God’s kingdom. They have traded their Godly conviction for worldly compromise. Churches who won’t confront leaders who live in sin as a lifestyle or have no problem with sins of abortion, sexual fornication and divorce outside of infidelity are only letting themselves be deceived! Excuses are no substitute for repentance. Those churches can’t operate under God’s blessings, anointing and favor but instead have brought curses on themselves. They must repent and submit themselves to the mercy and grace of the Father! Accountability awaits those churches that are not willing to change!

God is bringing an awakening to His church body. A shaking to awakening! It is all part of God’s preparation of His church! God wants His church to be ready to be used for His kingdom! The familiar will be shaken down and a new landscape will replace the old, just as an earthquake can change the landscape. God’s church will operate as One church through several churches together in alignment and agreement. The blessings will be great for those churches that join together as One in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. To be lovingly obedient and willing to do what the Father asks without hesitation, without doubt and without fear of man. Are you ready?!?

Staff Writer; Steve C.

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