(ThyBlackMan.com) It has been stated that Harriet Tubman allegedly said she could have freed more slaves if more people knew they were slaves. Today I tell you it is the exact same situation. Slavery has not gone anywhere in America, it just changed form. Have we made progress? Yes. But not nearly as much progress as it appears to be.

Want more proof? Black people for the most part in America still work for Caucasian America and some of the same companies that benefited from the plantation. As a People, Black people do not own the gas stations, the hospitals, the banks, nor the grocery stores they frequent. Want more proof? The standards are rock-bottom for our local black politicians, many of whom do little more than hand out boxes of food and pose for photo ops.
Want more proof? Look at role models in the black community. Talk show hosts like Oprah (with neither an accurate concept of marriage nor God), or a comedian womanizer like Bill Cosby. Or somebody who bounces a ball. Or a woman who gets on stage, even though she is talented, and presents herself like a stripper. Megan, Nikki, GloRilla, Ice Spice and so on.
When Black people are still calling each other, “boo” or Will Smith is singing “let’s get jiggy with it” or Jay Z is saying he is the “Jiggaman”, all they are doing is repeating slave programming. You need to understand what a “jigaboo” was. Too many Black people are still dancing a jig. And then, of course, there is the emasculation of black men throughout the black community. From Martin to Chris Rock to Chris Tucker to Terry Crews to Eddie Murphy to Wesley Snipes to the ultimate, which is Tyler Perry. Once you can make a man wear a dress for money and fame, you have control over his manhood and his soul. The black community esteems these people as entertainment, but other ethnic groups look at these people and laugh at us, not with us.
So before you just jump up and celebrate Juneteenth, you need to take a look at what is going on today. Not making excuses for it, but coming to the realization that slavery never ended for Black people in America. And don’t let the fact that we had a half African and half Caucasian president fool you. We have a culture of slavery-bred ignorance that has infected and stayed with the black community. So what does the black community do instead of stepping up to correct it? The black community embraces it. Big mistake. From Ebonics to wayward and ignorant hip hop, to wearing your pants pulled down to role models who should not be role models at all. Promoting money over integrity, welcoming emasculation and calling each other “nig@@rs/nig@@s” and “hoes”.
Want more proof? If you work for corporate America, in many cases, some of the same corporations that benefited from slavery, they still tell you what to do. How much you will make. What you do at work. When you can eat. When you can leave. When you have to be there. And if you are on any government services like EBT, you buy when they tell you that you can. You buy the amount they tell you that you can. And if they say you cannot buy hot food, you can’t. Even with WIC, they tell you how much you can feed your infants, when and what. So I ask you, where is black independence?
Staff Writer; Trevo Craw
A Free Thinker, who loves to talk about Politics, Religion, etc. Also, all about uplifting the Black Community even if it doesn’t fit your mindset. One may hit me up at; TC@ThyBlackMan.com.
Amazingly great article.
First, Let’s Look At The WHAT:
Juneteenth is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the emancipation of enslaved African Americans. Deriving its name from combining June and nineteenth, it is celebrated on the anniversary of the order by Major General Gordon Granger proclaiming freedom for enslaved people in Texas on June 19, 1865.
Now on the surface, designating a holiday for this may sound like a good thing, but let’s look a little bit deeper, shall we?
Now For The WHY?
My first question would be WHY did the federal government wait 156 years, (until 2021) to make this day a federal holiday in America?
After all, an entire war, (The Civil War; 1860-1865) was fought over this with a Great Deal of bloodshed.)
This is therefore a SETTLED ISSUE in America, and no person living in America today was EVER a slave, nor were their parents or even their grandparents!
WHY, therefore, would the government of the United States have such an interest at this very time in bringing this issue back up so profoundly that they would designate a national holiday for it?
Let’s uncover the TRUE AGENDA behind Juneteenth:
Now for starters, ANY honest study of politics concerning racism and the rights of minorities in America will clearly show that the Democrat Leftists have ALWAYS worked to hold down minorities in every way…
Did you know for instance that abortion laws were first proposed to REDUCE THE POPULATION OF BLACK PEOPLE IN AMERICA?
It’s true, just google Margret Sanger, who first proposed this action without shame.
At every angle, and in every way, it has been the Democrat Liberal Leftists who have sought to make the black community PERPETUAL VICTIMS, who should be FOREVER ANGRY due to their past history in America.
(The problem with this is that “VICTIMS” never take responsibility for their own lives or actions, being that they have what they feel is a valid excuse not to. The Liberal Leftist can then USE that anger and victim mentality AGAINST the black community, telling them that they will “come to their rescue” with a myriad of social programs, such as food vouchers, public housing and welfare, and yes, abortion…
You see, when a person, or a group of persons truly believes that they are a VICTIMS, they are essentially CRIPPLED in their mentality, and can Never Reach Their Full Potential!.. The Liberals know this.
This victim mentality holds them back and keeps them in a VERY LOW STATE; (much like an invisible prison that they can NEVER break free from.) After all, they are the Victims Of Society and now Need to be cared for… (A Victim NEVER Takes Responsibility For Their Own Life Of Their Own Actions!)
The animosity and hatred against their “supposed” oppressors, alone places them in a position where they can NEVER break free and form real bonds with people outside of their own group, making it IMPOSSIBLE for them to ever rise from the state of BONDAGE imposed upon them, keeping them “pawns” of an evil and corrupt government system for life!
The victim mentality that has been placed upon the black community of America is certainly nothing new, and has been going on in one form or another for generations now, however within the last 20 years, and particularly within the last 3 or 4 years, this has been greatly RAMPED UP… The Democratic Liberals in America have now gone ENTIRELY SOCIALIST, in a WAR against Everything that America Stands For… free rights & speech, the Constitution and all the good that America stands for!
They have introduced Critical Race Theory in our public schools, in a great attempt to poison the minds of our children with HATEFUL RACIST IDEAS, stating that all black children are PERPETUAL VICTIMS, while all white children are SYSTEMIC RASIST HATERS!
Now, anybody with a lick of common sense can see through this agenda, and MANY parents of all races have risen up to fight this wicked agenda of the left…
Since they are intent on destroying America and all the good America stands for, they want the citicens of this nation to be so caught up in HATING ONE ANOTHER, that they will not pay much attention to the damage they are doing to our rights, economy, military, religious freedoms ect…
And That is why we now have a holiday called “Juneteenth”… It is fully designed to FURTHER ENFORCE THEIR AGENDA OF BIGOTRY AND HATRED AMONG THE CITIZENS OF THIS GREAT NATION!
Donald Trump was a President who loved All People of All Races, and during his tenure in The White House. He lifted up people for Who They Are As People, not for their ethnic heritage of the color of their skin, and that is one reason why he is So Hated by these power hungry leftists… But, Truth ALWAYS WINS OUT IN THE END!.. This is why the criminal element in the government works So Hard To Stop Free Speech, but they absolutely will not win this game in the end… God’s Eternal Word is CLEAR ON THIS!
Jesus Christ is coming Soon dear friends, and whether you are black, white, or any other race, creed or color, He Loves You and He Shed His Precious Blood for YOU, So That You
Jesus Christ is the Only Savior, and God’s Word, The Bible, is the Ultimate Truth for all of us!
THE HOUR IS VERY LATE! Let’s Keep in The Word Of God, in Prayer and in Fellowship With Other Believers In Jesus Christ.
By remaining close to God in this way, and putting Him First Place in our lives, we will ALWAYS MAINTAIN THE DECERNMENT TO SEE THROUGH THE ENEMY’S FOOLISH AND FLIMSY LIES!!
(John 3:16-18) (John 14:6) (Revelation 3:20) (1 John 1:9)