(ThyBlackMan.com) Trump’s presidency was a turning point for the pro-life movement, as he became the most pro-life president of our generation. His support for the March for Life and the appointment of conservative judges to the Supreme Court were significant victories for pro-life advocates. His pro-life stance was also reflected in his administration’s policies, such as the expansion of the Mexico City Policy that restricted funding for foreign organizations that perform or promote abortion.Trump‘s opposition to abortion was not limited to policy. He also used his platform to speak out against abortion, delivering a powerful address to the March for Life in 2020 where he declared that “every person is worth protecting.” This message resonated with many religious people, who see the protection of life as a fundamental aspect of their faith.
However, In contrast, the legacies of Obama and Biden have been focused on issues related to LGBT rights, transgender rights, and other progressive causes. While these issues are important and deserve attention, they are fundamentally opposed to the idea of procreation and the traditional family. This has led many religious people to view the left’s agenda as a threat to their beliefs and values. The left’s opposition to Trump’s pro-life stance was intense and often vitriolic. This is reflected in the current indictment of Trump, which many see as a politically motivated attack. While the indictment may have legitimate legal grounds, it is clear that Trump’s stance on protecting life in the womb was a key factor in driving the left’s opposition. It is important to note that the protection of life in the womb is not just a religious issue. It is a human rights issue that affects us all. The right to life is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which recognizes that “everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.” Protecting life in the womb is therefore not just a matter of faith, but a matter of basic human dignity. Furthermore, the impact of abortion on African Americans is a significant issue that cannot be ignored. Abortion rates are disproportionately high among African American women, and this has led to concerns about the impact on the African American community. In 2016, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that African American women had an abortion rate of 25.1 per 1,000 women, which is more than three times the rate for white women (7.2 per 1,000). This disparity has led to accusations of systemic racism within the abortion industry. The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, has been accused of promoting eugenics and targeting African Americans for population control. While there is debate over Sanger’s views and legacy, the fact remains that the high abortion rate among African Americans is a significant concern. Despite the intense opposition to Trump’s pro-life stance, there is evidence that it resonated with a significant portion of the American public. A 2020 survey by the Knights of Columbus found that a majority of Americans, including a majority of women, believed that abortion should be limited to the first trimester of pregnancy at most. This suggests that Trump’s stance on the issue was not as out of step with public opinion as his critics might have believed. In conclusion, Trump’s pro-life stance was a defining aspect of his presidency, and it remains a deeply divisive issue in American politics. While the left may view it as a threat to their progressive agenda, many religious people see it as a fundamental aspect of their faith and a human rights issue that affects us all. The impact of abortion on African Americans is a significant concern that cannot be ignored, and it is important to have respectful and constructive dialogues about this issue, and not work towards policies that marginalized communities, particularly the African American community.
The indictment against him is not just a political witch-hunt, but an attack on religious freedom and the right to life. As individuals, we must recognize the value of every life, from conception to natural death, and work to protect it. This is not a political issue, but a human rights issue that affects us all.
Staff Writer; KJ McKenzie
KJ is the 1st Vice Chair of the Baltimore City Republican Party. She has a BA degree in Political Science and minor in History from UMBC. She is a native Baltimorean and also serves as the Vice Chair of the Maryland Black Republican Council. KJ is also Co-Founder of her own media company, Metro Conservative Media.
Follow this sister online over at Instagram; Bmoreconservative and also Facebook; KJM.
Can also contact via email using this address; KJ@ThyBlackMan.com.
Donald Trump is an immature liar, narcissist, cheater, rapist and traitor to America. Anybody who supports him he’s clueless about reality. Trump does not care about America, he is a capitalist, opportunist who cares about himself, and likely screwing his daughter and porn stars more than his wife. His trial for rape is coming up soon, the first of two.
We must not loose sight of the fact that America, a capitalist nation,need a large lower, and middle class workforce in order to prove the worth of its overall political mechanics.Rich men like Trump who acquired their wealth through American capitalist practices are not the best suited to politically lead this nation because they are politically, and economically satiated,and at the top of their economic game.Trump has excessive amounts of time to have nihilist, and authoritarian thoughts rather than constructive ideas which may improve our democracy.When we look at the overall functioning of our democracy, and capitalist systems, we see that the souls of our citizens are burnt like a cord of wood by rich men seeking to get even richer, and the only quality of life the worker has is to look forward to even more work.
I believe two things can be true at the same time. I believe Donald Trump support of a prolife movement was not out of conviction but rather convenience. I do not see him as a wholly person but rather as a salesman. Agree people should have a conversation about abortion knowing that neither position is completely right or wrong. Finally, I believe he is in trouble with the law because he did not follow the teachings of the bible that he claims to protect. He committed adultery and he try to cover it.
Republican Donald Trump was indicted on 34 felony counts. None of which involved any babies of any kind, except his attempts to produce one with Stormy Daniels. I’m not going to read the article because the title is such stupidity I can’t be bothered to force that tripe into my brain. Be a conservative if you want. Just stop being so publicly stupid.
So, obviously this article is complete nonsense and I’m glad the other comments realize this.
HOWEVER, want to have a good laugh? Check out the “About” section on this website. Among the many grammatical errors and bad writing on that page, my favorite has to be where it says that the blog was “Formerly established; 2010 and Counting…”. It is my favorite because, not only is it a nightmare grammatically, not only do the creators of this website (who claim to be published writers) not know the difference between “formally” and “formerly”, but they haven’t realized the mistake for 13 years! LOL!
Dear writers, I suggest you pray that your “spirit of Christ” answers your prayers for Hooked on Phonics.
One of the writers lists “artistic socialite and future librarian” as their credentials, so you know they are super legit. I also love how this article is apparently written by “Staff”. Like they were so ashamed of it they couldn’t even put their name on it. You’d also think that, as a proud black-run blog, the profiles in the “About” section would have pictures of the writers. Nope. Honestly, this whole website is probably run by some racist white dude somewhere.
I think you should “formerly” shut down this website. HAHA! What. A. Joke.
Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment.
And ‘Formerly‘ is correct.
This article is certainly propaganda. Fascism loves propaganda
Seek truth… always.
The basic premise I hear in this article is Democrats want to kill babies. That is totally wrong. We want the choice of the person who is most affected to be able to make the decision whether or not to continue with a pregnancy. The other thing is that the Christians (or so they call themselves) want to shove their beliefs down everybody’s throats. Those that do not believe in your ideology, have different beliefs but we do not try pushing them down your throat. There was a reason our Forefathers adopted a separation of Church and State. When one religious group tries to push there beliefs on everyone else then we are right back to why people came to this country in the first place, to get away from religious persicution! Think about that, long and hard!
Trump pro-life? Is that why he paid for multiple abortions when he didn’t want children throughout the years? Is that why he said he could stand in the middle of NY and shoot someone and no one would do anything? Is that why he held off aid to Ukraine as a spite against Hunter Biden and consequently more than 100,000 Ukrainians have died in an unprovoked war with Russia? Is that why he directly caused the death of one his supporters and one DC Capital cop during Jan 6th and praised those who tried to kill others during that insurrection? Is that also why he supports any policy that puts money in HIS pocket, regardless to the cost of life, including anti-environmental issues that directly risk the lives of millions of people?
Oh wise man, the wool has pulled over your eyes as it has so many other fools in America. Only the truly WOKE see Trump for what he is, a shyster, con-man, an wannabe dictator and above all, a CRIMINAL!
Republicans this week sent out emails to all their constitutes, stating that Alan Brag should be focused on street crime, instead of a political ploy attacking a former President that is running for office in 2024.
John Locke once said “Where-ever laws ends, tyranny begins”.
Article I section 9 of our constitution, confirms the following:
“No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States”.
White collar crime in the United States is over 400 billion in loses per year, wage theft is around 15 billion, alone.
If you take robberies, theft, and burglaries in the United States it equals around 15-billion-dollar loss as well.
Alan Bragg has had something like 126 cases brought toward white-collar crime since taking office. This includes in January 2023, charging 24 individuals and 26 companies engaging in multi-million construction kickback schemes.
Alan Bragg took on Wage Theft –Establishing the creation of a $100,000 stolen wage fund.
Here a few other cases Republicans don’t want you to know about regarding Alan Bragg.
• January 2023: We announced the indictment of Oneteam Restoration Inc, its owner, and a Certified Public Accountant for defrauding the New York State Insurance Fund of more than $7 million in workers’ compensation insurance premium payments. “NYSIF provides critical insurance coverage to injured workers, including those in some of our most dangerous industries like construction and manufacturing. By intentionally underreporting payrolls, scammers save millions in premiums at the expense of hardworking New Yorkers who put their physical safety on the line,” said D.A Bragg.
• August 2022: We indicted an electrical company, its principals, and project foreman for stealing more than $1.7 million in wages from workers on School Construction Authority and New York City Housing Authority projects. We allege company supplied non-union, unqualified labor through two shell companies – pocketing the difference in wages – and bribed an investigator in an attempt to cover up the scheme.
• October 2022: We secured the guilty plea of Dragonetti Brothers Landscaping, a longtime city contractor, for evading more than $1 million in insurance premiums by misclassifying workers for financial gain. “New Yorkers who do dangerous work deserve every protection possible to ensure that they go home safely to their families,” said D.A. Bragg.
Truth hurts, that’s why Republicans do everything they can to make sure you don’t know it.
Troy Prouty*
Actually, Donald Trump is being indicted as a plot by the liberals and the democratic government of Devian Bident and Karmala Harris to prevent him from Running for president in the 2024 elections. We all know, that the first time he ran for president he got or received over 3 million votes from African American black men who saw him as someone different from your usual deep state candidates.
Donald Trump is the solution and the key to getting rid of the old system and brining something new that will benefit all; but more so the black population because he was the first president to bring forward a committee of black business owners and educators to find a solution to the issues in the inner cities; but the white liberals or leftist began with their garbage of lies about Trump been a racist and what not; therefore, causing the black committee of business owners and educator to break apart.
I say lets give trump a second chance to see what He will do for black America, since we gave a second change to half breed Obama and He did not do nothing that was tangible or specific for the black community. Black people put Obama in office and He did more for Hispanics, LGBT and illegal immigrants than for our black people of this nation; So, if we gave him a second chance then I think it will be okay to give Trump a second change since Former President Trump created over 750,000 jobs for black men and black women within the first 2 years of his presidency.
Vote for Trump or Vote for no one, because the democratic government of Biden and Karmala are going to do nothing for Black America.
Hitler failed.
So would Trump and desantis.
Why don’t they have the same concern for the lives of school children unnecessarily killed to protect some out-of-date Amendment?
I like to ask the author, KJ Mckenzie a direct question. Did the GOP push any programs for black American business leaders, businessmen to make it easier (fairer) to obtain business loans? Because I know the Democrats did nothing like that.
If not obvious by now “many” see any and all forms of disagreement with Trumps policies or actions as “politically motivated attacks.” If you think the indictment has “legitimate legal grounds” as you pointed out why then contradict yourself and expose your bias by calling the indictment the lefts response to Trumps pro-life stances? While that possibility does exist it is no more provable than extraterrestrial involvement. He either did the crime or he didn’t. Your contradiction suggests you think he is above the law. I couldn’t help but notice that like all Trump defenders you did not try to deny or even acknowledge the root impropriety that brought this about in the first place. (He committed adultery with a porn star) Distracting readers by blaming Trumps indictment on the Dems, his pro-life stance or the Clintons with zero evidence if much preferred to facing the obvious truth about his lack of ethics, morality or legality. We’ve grown to expect this from the uneducated masses but am shocked to see this transparent unsupported drivel pushed on your site.
Donald Trump is not in any way, shape or form “pro-life.” Trump is only “pro-Trump” and getting himself elected was a decision that he made to help him out in HIS life.
As for abortion, nobody forces anyone to terminate a pregnancy just as nobody (except a rapist) forces someone to get pregnant. Therefore, any consequence that comes to a person in any community (whether we are defining that community by race, education, location, religion or wealth) is something that the INDIVIDUAL CHOOSES.
We don’t live in a Christian theocracy and our laws are not supposed to favor any specific religion or a religion at all. The problem you have with people not obeying the rules as you wish them to be is that you are trying to force your religion on others. KNOCK IT OFF!
If you want to live in a theocratic society, MOVE TO ONE. There are a lot of them out there although I will remind you that many of them discriminate against people who aren’t the color they favor (so THAT may not work out for you).
Why do you think that propaganda is a good thing just because it comes from your perspective?
Trump is indicted for breaking campaign finance law. He also was an anti-abortionist. The two are unrelated and drawing a parallel is irresponsible journalism. This could just as easily be titled, Trump indicted for supporting an anti-black agenda. or Trump indicted for misogynistic views. Or Trump indicted for inciting an insurrection. While all of those statements arguably contain facts, none of them are factual. He is under indictment for misappropriation of campaign finances.
JB said it perfectly.
I might ask:
Is this a Christian site, or a political one?
The godless empire and the rightwing fundamentalists conspired to kill the perfect human being. Why? Because they were afraid of losing power.