Christians: Study The Bible for Yourself.

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( The bible is truly an amazing text, and it can serve quite a few purposes. It can be seen as a beautiful literary document, some may see it as a way to study the history of different peoples at different times, it can be a guide of a belief system, and in the wrong hands it can be used to control the masses. Growing up I always thought of the bible as a sacred yet magical book that was full of wonder. You see, I loved history, and a good story. It is important to know there were Africans that knew of what, in English, would be known as the bible before enslavement.

However, when our people were enslaved the ability to understand the language of the those in power, and the ability to read were stripped away. There was only what we were told about the bible from those who wish to use us, and did not see us as human. There was even an amended version of the Bible that was used specifically for the enslaved known as “The Negro Bible”, and its sole purpose was to reinforce the institution of slavery. Today the misuse of Bible can come in various forms; trying to “scare” people to a man made ideal of salvation and righteous living occurs often.

Christians and Bible Study.

It is okay to be told bible stories when we are young and unable to read or comprehend. One can argue that even then who tells the story, how, and their intent is very important as these stories do become the basis of our understanding. It is so unfortunate to listen to some elders and clergy all your life only to go to college, or leave home and realize that much of what you have been taught is wrong or out of context. Slavery is evil, hypocrisy can be deemed evil, it is a sin to judge people as that belongs to God, just as kids are not to provoke parents…parents were instructed just the same, women are not merely here to be wives and mothers, and to find out that no one is above the law of God…there are just a few areas that when studying the bible for self…one will come to realize much that is taught is wrong. The very idea that we are “made in God’s image”, hence not mere weaklings with no power to truly effect change is negated in the bible. Upon studying one can find an empowerment of self in ones spirituality that is often unrivaled. This is important for all, but definitely for a people who were subjugated by twisting a text that was designed to strengthen and enforce the dominion of all human beings…not just those that would deem themselves the “powers that be”.

I’ve always found it ironic that some Black people, in America, were driven to disavow [due to the misuse of the text] the bible and any faith attached to it…especially given that many of the people in that book look like them. One can only wonder if it was a plow to create a hatred and deepen a self-hatred should the descendants of the enslaved ever start reading and rebelling against anything that was used as a weapon against them. Its not a far fetched concept…if I can no longer enslave the body I’ll create conflict within the soul, and the origin of the conflict will be self if they ever find out that everyone in the bible, despite the pictures, is not white. Yes, this is next level evil and subjugation still, but when we study we free ourselves from the snares of those who only seek to continue to use us for gain. Yes, our people are still being used. Unfortunately  the war for true equality nerve ended in this country. Of course we can still see the brutality, but a deeper system is still at play. That’s a story for another day.

Take the time to study the bible for yourself. It is important in one’s spiritual journey to receive continual confirmation verses being misled by someone with a different agenda in mind for the congregation. Its better to get an understanding of what the text says regarding many of the challenges of the day, and how it applies to your life.

Parents and elders tend to give us the best of what they have, but sometimes our faith is used to control…and regardless of the intent there can be no freedom where there is no truth. Thinking for oneself is important. We can learn from others, and build with others as this will sharpen all parties involved, but you must always know what you must for yourself. In studying the Word for yourself, you are allowing yourself the opportunity to know God for yourself…to have that spiritual relationship for yourself and that is priceless.

Staff Writer; Chelle’ St James

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