Blacks Continue to be Sold Out by Media Appointed Black Leaders.

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( The sun rises in the east, sets in the west, NBA player, LeBron James, is a hypocrite, Democrats continue to play Blacks for a fool, the Earth is round, and media appointed Black leaders continue to sell out Black people. Yada, yada, yada.

These media appointed Blacks convinced many Blacks in 2020 that if they could only get rid of “racist” former president Donald Trump, all of Black’s problems would disappear!

One year later, things have gotten far worse under current President Joe Biden than when Trump was president.

To Biden’s credit, he has delivered to Blacks what he promised—absolutely NOTHING!!! He and Vice President, Kamala Harris promised nothing and they have delivered nothing.

During the 2020 campaign, he and Harris promised to do things for “people of color” and “minorities,” but nothing for Blacks.

But somehow they were able to promise to do “specific” things for the homosexual community, those in the country illegally, Hispanics, Asians and white women; but when it came to Blacks, listen to Kamala Harris. 

this will stun you!!!

In December of 2020, Biden and Harris set the tone for how they would engage with the Black community.

Most Blacks were thoroughly pissed and offended that Biden talked so condescendingly to these “media” appointed Black leaders. He was Obama on steroids in terms of the level of condescension!



If you have not seen the video, click on this link and let me know what you think.

The meeting was over ninety minutes and is one of the most disgusting things I have seen relative to the Black community. The meeting was supposed to be off the record; but anyone with half of a brain (which is most Democrats) knows that there is no such thing as an off the record meeting.

Participants in the meeting were all radical Black liberal Democrats who have absolutely no standing within the rank and file of the Black community. People like former President & CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights Vanita Gupta, President of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Kristen Clarke, Founder, the National Action Network, Al Sharpton, President & CEO of the National Urban League, Marc Morial, CEO NAACP, Derrick Johnson, the President, NAACP’s Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Sherrilyn Ifill, to name a few.

To read the transcript of the meeting is one thing; but to watch the video and see and hear the condescension and disdain Biden has towards Blacks is remarkable.

Listen to Morial’s opening remarks at the 7:40 timestamp , “…with an intense focus on racial justice, with a particular emphasis on African Americans for many of us.” You are sitting with the incoming president of the United States and your top agenda item is racial justice? What the hell is the meaning of that? “Emphasis on African Americans for many of us?” If Blacks are not their focus, why would they even be on the call?

These media appointed Blacks are not, I repeat, are NOT the leaders for and of the Black community. Have you ever wondered who are the white leaders or the Hispanic leaders? Why is it that a bunch of white, radical, elite liberal Democrats are constantly deciding who our leaders are?

At the 1:00.20 timestamp, Al Sharpton stated, “We will not embarrass you…so I am very happy that you are there, I’m happy that Ms. [sic] Kamala Harris is there, Sen. Harris now the vice president-elect, not because of your stellar records, not because of your positions; but I seen you hold George Floyd’s daughter’s hand; and I seen you vice president-elect, Kamala Harris hold Eric Garner’s mother’s hand. That’s the kind of president-elect and vice president-elect that we need to turn that compassion into some concrete legislation and the policies we need so we not just holding hands, but we moving forward…).

What the hell was Sharpton talking about?

Johnson, from the NAACP, started to feel himself and decided to show the other participants on the call that he was a “man.” Biden said in no uncertain terms to Johnson (and I am paraphrasing), “Boy, shut your *ss up before I put my fist down your throat.”

If you don’t believe me, click on this link and go to the 1:02:19 timestamp.

As we say in the hood, “my sister may be a hoe, but you can’t call her that.” Those are fighting words to any “real man.”

But what was more offensive was the fact that these Black pimps allowed a white man to speak to them in such a manner. And it’s been downhill from there with this White House.

Biden was the face of white supremacy in full public view. Listen to Biden’s voice and the look on his face as he dressed down Johnson. Not one of these weak media appointed leaders defended one of their own. This is exhibit A as to why no one respects the Black community.

To my conservative friends, Blacks are looking for a viable option to the radical liberal policies that these Black media appointed charlatans are trying to force upon the Black community.

The question for conservatives is, are you listening?

Staff Writer; Raynard Jackson

This talented brother is a Pulitzer Award nominated columnist and founder and chairman of Black Americans for a Better Future (BAFBF), a federally registered 527 Super PAC established to get more Blacks involved in the Republican Party. BAFBF focuses on the Black entrepreneur. For more information about BAFBF, visit You can follow Raynard on TwitterRealRaynardJ.