Ancestral Worship From Ancient Times to the Present.

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( Ancestral worship is as old as time itself. Many cultures from around the world pay homage to their ancestors, from the ancient Kemites to modern-day Christians. The rituals that comprise the offering of meat and drink to the ancestors are the ancient traditions of our foreparents in Kemet, and not only Kemet but also Nubia, even the Olmecs (an ancient civilization in the Americas), and many other cultures all over the world, even the ancient Hindus who still offer meat and drink to the ancestors this same day. The Catholic Eucharist is a symbolized version of an ancestral meat and drink offering to the Jesus of scripture. The bread is the “meat” while the wine is the drink offered to the Jesus of faith in commemoration of his death on the cross. The Christian cross is also a Europeanized version of the ankh, a Kemetic symbol for “life” and resurrection. The Kemetic cross was inverted by the Babylonian Brotherhood to become a symbol of death. The Eucharist is also symbolic of human sacrifice, as Christ became the sacrificial lamb…his body offered up unto death and his blood offered up for the sins of mankind. How many other saviors in the ancient world have been offered up as sacrificial lambs? Was not Krishna (i.e., Christna) also purportedly crucified? Or was the crucifixion story of Krishna ancient symbolism for the risen Savior of man or the rising of the sun? Was Krishna’s resurrection myth also symbolic of resurrection not of one’s mortal body, but of resurrection of one’s consciousness not only in the physical world but in the immaterial world?

In ancient Rome, the cross not only served as an instrument of death for slaves but crucifixion was symbolic of one’s resurrection in the afterlife to the status of a deity. Julius Caesar, after having been slain by his enemies, was resurrected as a god during the Liberalia festival on the 17th of March in 44 BCE. A wax effigy of Caesar was raised high on a cross and paraded around to the people (Liberalia: Julius Caesar’s funeral and Resurrection). This ceremony honored Caesar as a new Roman god, resurrected in a higher state of consciousness, and no longer limited to this physical plane of existence. Thus, the Jesus crucifixion myth was also symbolic of a resurrection of one’s pure consciousness once their physical body no longer encases it. Unlike the Christ of scripture, Krishna was a god-king, a living ruler on earth. Many ancient rulers were worshiped as “living gods” on earth. Historical records and archeological findings suggest living figures worshiped as god-kings such as Pharaoh. The Queen of Egypt—many—were often personified as Auset. Auset, herself, was a living ruler who ruled Kemet alongside her husband, Ausar, until he was murdered by his brother, Set. Whether they were hybrids of ancient extraterrestrials, or born of a natural man and woman, they were living rulers that existed and not only worshiped as living gods on earth but also in death.

The Europeans took the ancient spiritual concepts of ancestral worship from Kemet, Nubia, even from ancient Canaanite religion and encapsulated it in the worship of “whiteness” creating graven images in their likeness, and changing the Kemetic “black” god-on-earth king Heru into a Europeanized version of a false messiah-like figure called Iesus of Galilee (i.e., Jesus) who became the new Roman god of Christianity at the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE and presented to the world as God on earth. But many ancient Gnostic Christians knew better. The Gnostics asserted that there was no bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ; and that he was a bringer of knowledge who never claimed to be the Son of God. How many other figures in the ancient world were also bringers of knowledge? The Gnostics understood the resurrection myth to be a symbolized version of the resurrection of one’s consciousness.

Mithraic worship was also prevalent in the ancient Near East over three hundred years before the birth of Christ. The Romans later adopted Mithra into their pantheon. Side by side, Mithraic worship contended with Christianity until the latter won the battle, stamping out all other texts which did not coincide with the Four Gospels, and the Pauline writings. Perhaps, part man and myth, Mithras was the predecessor of the biblical Christ of scripture, invented by a Roman imperial family known as the Flavians. According to author and historian, Joseph Atwill, the Jesus of the Four Gospels was invented to counteract messianic Judaism in 1st Century Palestine.

Your ancestral meat and drink offerings are a continued tradition from our ancient Afrikan roots. Even Roman Catholicism adopted ancestral worship, as Catholics all over the world pay homage to the “Virgin” Mary, a mythologized figure, and conduct yearly pilgrimages to Israel to visit what has been mythologized as the Tomb of Jesus. But the Gnostic Christians did not believe in a bodily resurrection of Jesus. In fact, they believed the bodily resurrection represented the raising of one’s consciousness. They believed that even in death, consciousness lives on.


Is There Consciousness After Physical Death?

According to the ancient Gnostic Christians, consciousness, once escaped from its physical barrier, is free. In the Judaic-Christian tradition, the “soul” which is consciousness either goes to one of two places: Heaven or Hell. The concept of the Christian “Heaven” is a figment of one’s imagination, and the Christian “Hell” is a not a real place. In fact, early church theologians took concepts of the Underworld from the ancient Greeks and Romans and invented what later became a Hell of fire and brimstone where souls of the wicked are tormented in flames forever.

There is a plethora of information regarding medical research in near death experience cases in which research papers have been published stating that there is consciousness once the brain shuts down and the patient has been declared clinically dead. This means the deceased’s consciousness continues to have memories. Memories of their lives while in the physical body continues. One medical doctor stated that in most of all his cases, there was consciousness long after the deceased’s brain had shut down. He also said that they know they’re dead.

What if the deceased whose life has been suddenly snatched from him or her through violence, treachery, murder, etc. cannot leave this plane and has not crossed over? They miss their physical lives. They miss their loved ones, children, food, even sex. Everything that made them who they are at the core of their being lives on even after their physical body dies. The spirit body is no longer encapsulated in a physical cage, which is the body. Pure consciousness can travel anywhere outside the physical body. The “real” you are most alive after you have been declared clinically dead, which is when your brain shuts down completely. All the deceased’s memories are intact. Except now, they’re in another dimension, which also leads me to the Hollow Earth. I think many people deny the existence of life after death due to their own personal fears, especially those who have been raised in the Judaic, Christian, and Islamic traditions. Perhaps, they are long removed from these institutions and instead of facing their own fears that those fear-based teachings produced in their conscious and subconscious minds, they’d rather deny the existence of anything outside themselves. If they tell themselves enough times that none of it is real, then perhaps they can sleep better at night. This is called religious trauma syndrome, which produces a set of symptoms experienced by people who are now struggling with the aftermath of religious indoctrination and harmful experiences associated with their indoctrination.

What is Hollow Earth?

I recall a story out of the Old Testament in I Samuel Chapter 28 in which the King of Israel, Saul, had consulted a woman who was a medium. The term “witch” was a later interpolation in Judeo-Christian theology to demonize those who had the ability to see beyond the third dimensional veil and see what we know to be deceased persons and multidimensional beings (shapeshifters; humanoids; ETs). According to I Samuel Chapter 28, the medium told King Saul that she saw gods coming up out of the earth. (They were ancient multidimensional beings). Then Saul asked the woman, “What form is he of?” The woman replied, “An old man cometh up, and he is covered with a mantle.” The woman saw multidimensional beings and Samuel coming up from the nether region.

The King James Bible does not reference the term “witch” as it relates to the medium at Endor. I Samuel Chapter 28 and Verse 7 states, “Then said Saul unto his servants, Seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit, that I may go to her, and enquire of her. And his servants said to him, Behold, there is a woman that hath a familiar spirit at Endor.”

A woman with a familiar spirit means that she is a medium and necromancer. These do not infer the terminology for “witch.” However, in orthodox Christian communities, many women who were mediums and necromancers were declared as witches who were demon-possessed and, as a result, later burned at the stake by their Catholic and Protestant rulers. The term “witch” was a later interpolation into Christian theology to demonize those who could see beyond the third dimensional veil and those who opposed the Church’s official doctrine in demonizing indigenous populations that held onto their traditional roots in Afrikan and Native American spirituality, which include ancestral worship.

The natural ability to see beyond the third dimensional veil and see deceased persons and multidimensional beings is not something one can acquire through knowledge and just simply turn on and off at will or decide not to see. Many women were tortured, mutilated, and burned at the stake for having second sight and being able to see and communicate with deceased persons and multidimensional, shapeshifting beings from the subterranean regions where they live in these underground tunnels and cities otherwise known as the Netherworld.

In fact, what the ancients called the Netherworld or abode of the dead is really the Hollow Earth because there are subterranean regions below Earth’s surface wherein those who have died physically from the body but have not crossed over reside. And that world is just as physical as this one…to them. It’s only another dimension or plane of existence. That world is just as violent and dangerous as this one. The deceased are still the same persons they were while in their physical bodies. Their consciousness has not diminished, but instead becomes much more heightened although they now reside in another dimension called Hollow Earth, the fourth dimension. Other entities (called multidimensional beings or ETs) also reside in the Hollow Earth…in the nether regions. According to the ancient Greeks, the boatman called Charon was the ferryman of the Netherworld who carried the recently deceased across the River Styx between the world of the physically living and the world of the physically dead.

In fact, Greek mythology when referencing the Underworld never mentioned any souls engulfed in fire and brimstone and tormented for eternity. Greek mythology refers to the Underworld as a dark and gloomy region. In addition, the Hebrew word “Sheol” in the Old Testament does not transliterate to the Greek word Hades. Hades was an Olympian god in the Greek pantheon known as the god of the Underworld. Poseidon, Zeus, and Hades between the three ruled the sky, the seas, the Earth, and the Underworld. Even so, these are the stories of ancient extraterrestrials. Zeus became the supreme god in the Greek pantheon, elevated over his brothers, Hades, and Poseidon. Zeus had sisters who were the goddesses of ancient Greek mythology. They were the children of the Titans. When Zeus became of age, he got revenge on his father Cronus and defeated the Titans. Zeus and his siblings emerged victorious over the Titans, and Zeus later became the king of the Olympians.

The Hollow Earth is a new term for the Underworld or Netherworld. The original Hebrew bible recognized a place known as the Underworld. In fact, the Old Testament word “Sheol” transliterates to the words pit; the grave; abode of the dead; nether regions. It was not until Christian authors’ contribution to the writing of the New Testament when we see concepts of eternal torture in flames in the Underworld for the soul of the deceased and those who reject the biblical Iesus as the new Roman god of Christianity.

Below is an excerpt from my book, God Is On Trial:

“Only until the New Testament did Sheol become a fiery place of brimstone where souls are tormented in flames forever and ever! The fear of spending an eternity in hell is the reason many people remain in these fear-based religious teachings and continue to be depressed and feel empty!…The original meaning of Sheol is the grave and pit where the dead get buried. Gehenna is another word mistranslated by the writers of the Septuagint. Gehenna was originally a fiery pit outside Jerusalem where all kinds of trash was taken and burned.”


The views expressed in my essay are not necessarily those of any of my associates at RealitysTempleOnEarth Internet Ministry. This essay is based on my own personal observations and views as well as research on ancient mythology and belief systems around the world.

Work Cited

DIVVS·IVLIVS. Liberalia: Julius Caesar’s funeral and Resurrection. 17 March 2010. Web. 21 Feb. 2021.

Retrieved from

Staff Writer; Alberta Parish

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