Ten Reasons Why You Should Dance Tonight.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) I wanna get dressed, I wanna go out, Can you tell me where the spot is?

Where the party is all night and everybody’s having a good time.

~R.Kelly “Happy People

Let me begin by saying I’m an advocate for dancing EVERY night! I’m one who believes there is no satisfying, result oriented, fun and variety filled form of exercise than dance. I’m also one who believes in learning a variety of dance forms rather than staying stuck in one’s comfort zone.

The highlight is on Friday nights since that’s the night I most associated with fun as a youth. I remember growing up when Friday nights included hot fish, laughter, family and my mom getting super jazzy for a fun night out. I can recall Johnny Kemp “Just got paid” bumping in the background and me flipping around the house, during those days I was much more of a gymnast than a dancer.

I think the adult Friday night experience and being able to drive were the only reasons I wanted to grow up. I even remember my grandmother sharing stories of her young adult days and how they’d spin, jump and twirl at the juke joint.

Fast forward to my generation and it’s as if we’ve lost all reasons to dance. Just mentioning dance is likely to get a “I don’t do clubs” response. I do!! However, for those who don’t know about or have access to jazz, blues, old school, hip hop, underground, grown & sexy, 30+ adult night scenes, know that many gyms offer dance classes these days. Here in Atlanta, we have a variety of stepper groups & social dance clubs that unite, mostly on Friday nights, to unwind for the week.

I often wonder when did we as a people get so stiff, so uptight and so boring that our youth aim to do everything the opposite to us? Why do we no longer allow ourselves to enjoy the freedom of being able to move our feet? Whatever your personal answers, today we’re exploring 10 reasons why you should dance TONIGHT!

1. Reduced Stress Levels. It’s something about the rhythm of the music and being in the company of happy people that allows you the space to relax and truly enjoy the moment. It’s hard to sit down and focus one’s attention on issues of the week when the opportunity to dance presents itself.

2. Improves Flexibility. Aside from Pilates and Yoga, dance is of the best exercises to improve your flexibility. Being flexible within your body also strengthens your ability to be flexible in life. Flexibility is the art of being able to bend without breaking whether mentally, physically or emotionally.

3. Heart Health. Dance gets your heart rate up and depending upon the DJ or cd played, you can keep your heart rate up for an hour or more. A good DJ is able to elevate your heart rate several times within the hour to ensure you break a sweat.

4. Builds Stamina. Like running or speed walking, when you dance often you build your stamina and endurance. You’re able to do more strenuous work for a greater length of time.

5. Tones the Body. Dancing helps to build muscles which gives you a more lean and toned physique rather than one that is narrow and fragile. Dancing adds definition to your body giving you a more athlete look, in other words, you’ll look like action is a part of your life.

6. Enhances Posture & Balance. Various forms of dance require that you be able to kneel, twist, turn, lean and move gracefully while maintaining your balance. When we strengthen the foundation which supports us, we’re less prone to slips and falls as we have skills to help us glide and slide out of danger.

7. Helps to Maintain Youth. Have you ever seen elders dance? I absolutely love to watch them! The glow of their skin, the big smile on their face, the silly phrases and the effortless movement are all examples of how dancing keeps us connected to our youth. I’ve yet to meet a stiff, uptight person who loves to dance.

8. Better Memory. Learning new dances as well as new routines that you must execute during class or while on the divine dancefloor helps to boost your memory. This also aids your ability to remember daily chores and routines much easier outside the classroom.

9.  Reconnects you to your culture. We were dancing years before Soul Train and will continue to do so for years to come. I once heard of an African tribe who would work 6 months of the year planting food, hunting and building and the latter 6 months celebrating, dancing, singing, drumming and enjoying the fruits of their labor. I knew immediately that was my tribe. Dancing reconnects us to the beauty of life, it scares many as it opens the mind up to realizing there is much more to the life experience than working, paying bills and having material things which can’t last forever. Happiness is the ingredient missing in the lives of most people.

10. It’s Fun! After all is said and done, dancing is just down right fun. It’s easy to lose track of time when you are dancing. You are open to meeting new people without the judgement and expectations. You release your worries. You drop your guards and you just allow yourself a moment of pure bliss and pleasure. Dancing is a ritual that allows you to release all that is no longer necessary in your journey of life and if you dare, will open your imagination to things, people and situations better suited for you at this time in life.

DJ Quik said “Tonight is the night” and I concur! Call up a friend or two, put on something nice and comfortable, enjoy a glass of wine or a stiff one if you dare and go dance the week away.

Staff Writer; Dina Tuff

Connect with Mystic Philosopher & Inner Fitness Coach Dina Tuff @

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