The Gaming Community Can be Toxic.

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( Gaming has become another world with many communities build around consoles and the games themselves. For many, especially during this pandemic, gaming as been another way to occupy time, relax, and stay connected to others. It has been a God save for so many people. There are those that might have questioned the importance or point of gaming and now they find themselves glues to an Xbox, PS4, smartphone, or Nintendo Switch for the sole purpose of gaming with new found friends across the globe.  As someone that is often alone, I have found that gaming helps to inform my socialism. I learn so much about different people and cultures while in party playing Smite or a variety of other games.

There was a point, while sick, when I realized all I truly needed was my laptop and my Xbox from them I could stay connected to humanity. However, as with every community, it is important to acknowledge that every interaction won’t be peachy. It isn’t as simple as someone getting upset because you didn’t know how to use your ultimate, so we lost the game in the final moments. There are spaces whereby gaming can be just as toxic as any other interaction.

black woman - gaming community

Sometimes when I hear gamers talk to non-gaming folk about the awesomeness of gaming everything positive aspect is mentioned. It is important to note that the same people gaming…are the same people that you would have conflicts with if you ran into them in the grocery store or at the gas station. Yes, there is a toxic element in the gaming community that should be addressed. There is sexism, racism, intolerance, and definitely online bullying. Ironically, sometimes the people acting upon this toxic behavior are minors. There are tweens & teens online that stir up the trouble, and they feel protected the screen and controller.  Gaming is still a space dominated by men so there is the toxic behavior towards women that is also present.

In addition, there are spaces where women, especially in live stream spaces, are particularly cruel to other women as if they want to mark territory. It is unnecessary and makes no sense. Knowing how to navigate this space is necessary if you don’t want your love for gaming to be diminished. There are many heated arguments that take place over games in regard to social issues. There are people that use the gaming community to be dishonest in the relationships they are in; this is in part why some spouses hate their spouse’s “addiction” to gaming. They get the feeling it is more than a game. Sometimes that is the truth.

Gaming is a dynamic part of my life and many others. Just be aware that those spaces are reflections of what we see in other society. Sometimes the gaming spirit is not enough to overcome the personal challenges many face. It is very important, if you have children, to know something about the games they play and try to see to it that they are not in party with adults. There are predators that game and prey on minors. At the time it is important to make sure the bully in the room is not your child.

Control your circle when gaming just as you would with people you physically interact with. Gaming is something I and many other love. Yet it should not be done without knowing things can get dicey when dealing with certain types of people. The bright side is you can choose not to deal with them at all.

Staff Writer; Chelle’ St James

May also connect with this sister via Twitter; ChelleStJames.