When The Chickens Come Home To Roost; The Poetic Justice Associated With The ‘Coronavirus’ For American Elites.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) With the benefit of hindsight, I am sure that I got on my close friend Regina Alhassan’s last nerve by repeating the phrase “Maybe God is trying to tell you something.” My frequent use of that popular axiom was meant to serve as a not so subtle push that would result in her mustering the courage to become the entrepreneur that everyone except for her believed was her destiny.

Regina Alhassan is one of my closest female friends, we attended THE Ohio State University together and have managed to maintain our connection through the unpredictable twists-and-turns of life. At times we have been each other’s confidant, cheerleader, and critic. It was during one of these moments that called for harsh criticism that I expressed my foremost frustration with my dear friend. She, like the vast majority of people, placed unnecessary limits on herself that muted prodigious talents and genius for the stability offered by a job that enriched her employers immeasurably. This brilliant sister who is unrivaled as a fundraiser had long possessed an internal urge to break away and start her own business. I am sure that there were a legion of friends and family members who did their best to silence Regina’s self-doubt. I have no doubt that Regina tired of my constant refrain of “Maybe, God is trying to tell you something” when she accomplished a difficult task for her employer. Yet, I meant what I repeatedly stated. God, in his own way, had told Regina for the longest time that it was time for her to become an entrepreneur.

Although I am sure that God loves Regina Alhassan, I do not for a second believe that he loves her so much that he only speaks to her. He certainly speaks to the rest of the world on a continuous basis. As for myself, one of the things that God has repeatedly emphasized to me is the belief that “We (humans) are inextricably linked with one another.”

The arrival of COVID-19 aka coronavirus that has infected over 95,000 people and killed 3,200 is yet another reminder that “We are inextricably linked with each other.”

Domestically, there have been nearly 250 cases with 17 deaths attributed to the coronavirus. The following states have all reported cases of the virus that many fear will become a pandemic: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin.

For me, these developments birth an understandable question of “What is God trying to tell humans?

I believe that the message is that “You are all inextricably linked.”

It is ironic that Americans who during advantageous moments promote the “inalienable rights” that Thomas Jefferson highlighted in the Declaration of Independence frequently resist the notion that at its best, America serves the interests of its citizenry. Despite their stern protestations, it is impossible to effectively argue that their resistance to universal healthcare plan is a parcel of the U.S. government serving its citizens’ best interests. From my perspective, it is this failure to realize that “We are all inextricably linked” that has created the cavernous opening being exploited by the coronavirus.

This moment appears to be the perfect storm to produce untold damage not only within this nation, but also around the globe. Consider for a moment what the absence of universal healthcare means for poor and working-class Americans. In the event that they do become infected, they will go undiagnosed.

I am sure that you are wondering “How does this impact the lives of others?”

Well, when poor and working-class people are sick, they tend to resist calling off of work and missing a much-needed paycheck; they simply cannot afford to do so as they are the working poor who are already “living paycheck to paycheck.” This desperation to secure money threatens to expose untold others to the virus. Despite what American elites may think, history reveals that their financial status will not protect them from this virus. In fact, the virus may be personally delivered to their kitchen or bedroom by servants whose sole function is to serve their financial superiors.

I have little doubt that “God is trying to tell us something.” And no faith that Americans’ as a whole are listening to the admonishments. Instead of heeding God’s warning regarding the dangers inherent in humans not taking care of each other, far too many American elites behave as if their kind are protected from such things.

What a silly and foolish people they are proving to be by their inability to recognize when the chickens come home to roost.

Staff Writer; Dr. James Thomas Jones III

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