Five Ways to Make Your New Year’s Resolution a Reality.

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( As the year comes to a close many people begin to think about what they would like to change in the coming new year. What is a bit different, as we come the end of 2019, is it’s not just the end of a year but the end of a decade. Instead of looking back over twelve months we are looking at the trends of our life over 10ys and we are determined to have a better year…a better decade. There is nothing wrong with this concept, however this happens every single year. There are those that hit January running on fire to make changes in their life only to settle back old ways by February. There are memes that speak to that very truth: “My New Year will start in February”.

The month keeps getting pushed up without change ever occurring. The year always feels like it’s moving quickly, and we can’t seem to get he change we need so we simply shift into survival mode. In this space we are just trying to make it though the year so we can have our do over in the upcoming year. This is a vicious cycle. What happened to the resolutions you made at the end of 2018? Let’s look at five ways you can actually achieve your resolutions which would make 2020 a better year for you.

1. Take a moment to look at the resolutions set the previous year and see if you can see where you were derailed. No one likes looking at the past when it is not favorable. However, assessing where you might have gotten off track can help you not fall into that same rut again. You don’t want to find yourself on a cycle of repeat and fail.

2. Have a journal, be it paper (which I highly recommend) or a notes space in your phone, and write your resolutions down in detailed steps. Break them down into short term and long-term resolutions. This will allow you to see what you are trying to achieve. There is some truth regarding success when you write the vision and keep it before your eyes.

3. Have a small circle of people that you can truly trust, and they are invested in your success, to tell your resolution. The purpose of this is so you will have someone(s) walking with you that can hold you accountable to the plan you have set. It can be difficult sometimes to stay on track when you are alone.

4. Guard your resolutions against negativity. If someone doesn’t like your resolution that’s fine its not for them. You have nothing to prove to no one, and you shouldn’t feel guilty about wanting to move in a direction that will benefit your life.

5. Make sure your resolutions are tailored to you. It doesn’t have to be what we hear all the time, and it doesn’t have to what those in your circle are doing. If you find step two to be difficult make sure that what you are doing is truly for you and your life. Sometimes it’s hard to map out a plan of action for a resolution that is based on trying to ride in a lane other than your own.

Your New Year’s resolution doesn’t have to be a useless list of things that you never achieve. They can be things you can truly work towards. There is nothing more gratifying than knowing at the end of the year you have truly moved your life forward. It is awesome when you can look back at your resolution list and know you have accomplished many things on your list, or all of them. It won’t be easy, but you can get it done.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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