How to Work on Your Purpose Before You Know What it is.

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( Many people grow old without ever knowing what their purpose is. For some people, it’s because they never thought to actively seek it and for others, their quest to figure it out didn’t or hasn’t panned out.

We don’t have to wait for an unknown moment in the future to figure out our purpose to start working on it. You can work on your purpose now by working on you. Improve yourself. That is how you can start working on your purpose before you know what it is. No matter what, our purpose requires us to be at our best or in the realm of our best, to be able to fully engage and maximize it.

For some people, their purpose requires that they be at a certain level in their lives. They must know more, “have” more, think more, etc., to be able to accurately identify what their purpose is. For others none of that is necessary.

Not knowing what your purpose is alone can cause self-doubt, times of depression, negative thoughts, and many other things that don’t serve self. It’s important to know that not knowing what your purpose is doesn’t make you inadequate, weird, weak, ignorant, or any of the other labels that are created during the period of time before you find your purpose. It simply means that you have more time to improve yourself to maximize your purpose once it is finally revealed/realized.

Here are 3 things that can be done now to work on your purpose, even when you’re not sure of what it is.


The purpose of meditation is to free your mind of stress and be present in the moment. Meditating allows your mind a moment of intentional silence. Silence to our brains can be equated to a break or “off” setting. “Off” setting in the sense that it allows your mind a break from the continued stress that comes when thoughts are constant. Just like a power nap, meditation is a reboot that allows you to be more productive, present, and creative, which are all things necessary to navigate life.

Meditation doesn’t need to be very intricate or long to be effective, especially when starting out. Allow yourself 5-10 minutes per day to just sit in silence and not FOCUS on any one thing specifically. As a thought comes to you release it just as fast as it came and be still. You can even use a mantra or sound to focus on as a way to stay in the present.

Read Daily

Reading daily does two things that are essential to maximizing your purpose. The first thing that it does is creates discipline. Doing anything every day allows you to flex and build your discipline muscle. Discipline is essential when working on your purpose because once you do find your purpose having discipline will sustain it. Sustaining it by allowing you to do whatever work is necessary to fulfill your purpose when the time comes. Knowing what your purpose is is only half of the battle. Having the discipline necessary to carry it out is the other half and readying daily develops discipline for you.

Secondly, reading daily feeds your mind and allows it to be more open to finding out what your purpose is. A lot of the time we don’t know what our purpose is because we haven’t come across the catalyst that leads to it. Reading increases your knowledge, concentration, and reduces stress, all of which are things that make executing your purpose easier once you’ve found it.


Get it all out. Journaling is the opposite of meditation. Instead of not thinking and focusing on the moment, journaling is all about thinking and releasing those thoughts on paper. When you release your thoughts on paper it allows you the opportunity to identify, examine, and categorize your thoughts. This is the perfect opportunity for you to realize what’s important, what’s not worth the stress, and what gives you a starting point or central location for ideas that need to be further developed.

Journaling also allows you to be able to reflect on your journey in the future during times where you forget your strength and just how far you’ve come. Writing things out also increase your creative ability. As you write your thoughts seem to flow more than if you were to type them out or even think on them for a second. The act of writing itself is a form of meditation and stress relief.

Excuses are easy to make when it comes to how we choose to live our lives. Often blaming the lack of knowing our purpose as the reason why we stay stagnant and make poor decisions. We can remove our own excuses when we make ourselves accepting of the fact that anything productive, improves self, and moves us forward and helps with living out our purpose once it’s realized. Move forward with purpose.

Staff Writer; Sister Victoria X

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