5 Things To Do With the Family This Season.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) It’s the fall season—meaning it’s the holiday season. Unlike the summer where there’s a ton of stuff to do outside, the fall and winter don’t really afford you that flexibility. It’s nippy out there and for some reason, people don’t enjoy the cold. I love it and you’re likely to find me outside more often in the fall and winter than the summer anyway.

With that said, what exactly is there to do with the family during this brisk season? Water parks tend to wrap it up before October rolls around. Outdoor festivals roll to a stop the further it gets past soft summer—September. So, what can you, bae, and the little ones get into? There’s nothing to do, right?

Here are five things you can do this fall.

Fall Festivals

There’s a festival for every season. You even have winter festivals that get good attendance. That said, the fall festival is one of the really fun ones to attend. It’s not too hot and it might not be too cold. You’re not going to have kids running through sprinklers or swimming with that cool, dry air out there but there tends to be a good amount of activities for them to enjoy.

Actually, fall festivals tend to have everything—music, food, fun—that a summer festival has outside of a lot of ripping and running stuff for kids. Everyone can still enjoy themselves since when it gets down to it, most children really just want to be outside at the minimum.

Depending on your area, there might be multiple ones a month. Also depending on your area, the weather might not even be nippy out and it would be like going to a spring festival.

Christmas Lights Viewing

So, you’d rather pay as little as possible for a fall activity? My favorite thing to do during the fall and winter is to go look at Christmas lights. Some folks get together and hold lights displays at some unused locations.

At these displays, you basically pay for a ticket and drive through the location looking at some creative displays. Well, most are creative, sometimes they can be pretty basic. A snowman, Santa and his sleigh—things like that. The thing is, if you have a to drive a bit out of the city and pay a ticket, the organizers are going to put some work into the displays and they really standout at night.

Other times, the city itself will put on displays. You just drive through the city and it’s basically the same thing you’ll see during the day. I mean, you know they got the snowman lights up and stuff of that nature. They’re often not that intricate but you don’t have to pay admittance. Bonus.

Then you have the lights in your neighborhood. You might have those neighbors who will always put out their Christmas lights and while it’s like the city’s Christmas lights—the same thing each year—it’s free. Hell, you don’t necessarily have to drive through and look at them so it’s doubly free.

Haunted Houses

This is an October-specific event, obviously but haunted houses usually open up early in October and some might stay open into the first week of November. You know, to get that cash from those who just really love haunted houses. Now, you have to pay an admittance fee to get in and you’re really going to want to research which one you’re going heading to. I mean, you don’t want to pay $20 and it’s a lame haunted house.

The haunted houses now and days tend to have more going on. You have the haunted house itself where they’ve invested quite a bit of time and resources for a frightening experience. Gory scenes, creepy stalking people, and jump scares are the hotness in haunted houses now. You also have food, drinking, and—at some place—freak shows.

The ones with the freak shows are the ones you want to hit up. You’re getting what other places are offering and then some. If you’re going out with a party of friends and letting kids chill at home, pre-gaming before going in adds to the experience.

Hit Up The Zoo

Often times, the city zoo will have some sort of fall-themed thing going on. Plus, the zoo tends to be open into the winter. As a matter of fact, I actually prefer the winter zoo event. Here, the fall zoo event is “Boo at the Zoo.” So, you’re getting some soft spookiness for the kids while getting to see whatever animals are still out.

And that’s another thing, the further in the year it gets you’ll see fewer animals out in their areas. I mean, during the summer, there’s been times when animals I really wanted to see weren’t out. Big cats and bears are my favorite and the bears were…not there. Neither were the cougars and tigers. I guess the lions were alright.

At any rate, see what your city zoo has going on for the fall. You might even find an event in November to check out. The main thing to remember from the zoo’s side is that it costs to keep up the zoo and the care for the animals. That means keeping it operational for the public year-round means hosting events after the summer.

In spring and summer, people just come in come. It’s selling the zoo during the fall and winter where the effort comes in.

The Fair

Similar to going the fall festival, with the state fair you get the same experience and then some. The fair is where you take kids to rip and run because there’s rides and the fairgrounds food. I’ll put this second to Christmas lights because it really depends on what ride the fair brings out.

For kids, it probably isn’t going to matter since they will want to ride everything and play all of the games. Bonus if they win something. Many a goldfish was won in my youth. So hit up the fairgrounds with the family this fall.

Staff Writer; M. Swift

This talented writer is also a podcast host, and comic book fan who loves all things old school. One may also find him on Twitter at; metalswift.