Healing Requires Work.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Sickness is hard on the person dealing with it, but it is also a challenge for their family and friends. There are may ways by which a person dealing with illness does about handling their mental state. Some find solace in religion; the idea that one’s faith in God, or a supreme being, will make them physically whole. There are those that don’t believe in religion but put their trust in spirituality. They want to channel the right vibes and energy…along with aligning chakra and crystals to aid in healing. Then there are those that believe the power of positive thinking will render them positive results when they go to the doctor’s office for tests. No matter which path one decides to take healing requires actual work. It requires one to make changes and comply with doctors’ instructions.

There are many black people that do not trust doctors nor hospitals with just cause. Many of our people have lost loves ones at the hands of incompetent, and racist doctors. Some were misdiagnosed, and when they go in to be seen its as if the doctors and nurses are not listening to a thing they say. A person may not be a medical professional, but they can explain what is happening to their body. However, there are many times when a person does understand what is going on, and the doctors have given the proper diagnosis…but the patient simple won’t comply.

How many people do we know that are diabetic, or have high blood pressure, but refuse to make the necessary changes to their diet? How many know they need to take their medicine at certain times, and are able, but find every reason not to get it done? These kinds of situations are dangerous and tend to land said person in the hospital. No one likes being in the hospital, and family hate to see their loved ones in the hospital.

In addition to none compliance with lifestyle changes the secrecy can cause many illnesses to become seriously life threatening. No one wants to feel like a burden; this is a feeling many with illness face. However, one must be honest about injuries, not feeling well, and knowing something specific is wrong. If you were to injure your foot knowing you’re diabetic, have neuropathy, and many other ailments you’ve probably been instructed to let someone know. Hiding the injury from loved ones for the sake of not wanting to be a burden, or just being stubborn, can lead t more severe problems that causes your hospital stay to last much longer. You may end up having to endure procedures, such as amputation, that are traumatizing but could have been avoided. Complying with doctors’ orders and reporting different kinds of injuries could save your life.

Faith confessions, spiritual practices, and positive affirmations are wonderful to have; however they do not replace the tangible work you must put into healing and wellness. Many that are Christians are familiar with the scripture, “faith without works is dead”. This principle applies to all that one would do in the area of belief. In addition to these things one must make the necessary lifestyle changes. If you must adjust your diet do so, if you are told to exercise do the best you can to comply, or if you need a home nurse aide please don’t be stubborn allow them to help you. If you hurt yourself say something. You aren’t a burden. Going in and out of the hospital because you refuse to comply, or hide injures, is hard on your body…and your loved ones. Don’t just talk about being well…do the things necessary to get there while keeping yourself positive in the manner that works best for you.

Staff Writer; Chelle’ St James

May also connect with this sister via Twitter; ChelleStJames.