Why Is Exercising So Difficult? Answered.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) It takes only a month to see the positive effects of exercising – that’s the advice people pass around, and it is true. The only thing you find missing from this piece of advice is that making your mind for exercise is really very difficult. But you can easily overcome this internal fight. It’s easy, but of course, you need work from the ground up to address the challenges. Following are the reasons why exercising is so difficult. It’s your turn to overcome the obstacles.

You’re not guarding your thoughts

Why eat healthy food? After all, you are not using the gym membership you’ve paid for. Why worry about exercising when you can just go to walk for like 20 mins? Amazing excuses, right? But deep inside you know that it’s not enough and you need to break this habit of finding easy alternatives. When you start the day by hitting the snooze button on the alarm clock, you support the thoughts that increase your laziness and habit of procrastination. You’ll likely repeat the same thing next morning and similar thoughts will control your mind later in the day.

Guard your thoughts because your own habits will determine your behavior. The same is happening with your exercise routine. No matter whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, your habits and behavior should not define who you are. Sacrifice now and enjoy the rewards later. Everything will remain the same but the joy of using social media, watching TV, reading magazines will be more if you do that after checking off all the tasks you have on your to-do list. Remember that guarding your thoughts is not easy. If it was easy, everybody would succeed at a 100 percent success rate.

Part of guarding your thoughts is understanding that most of the time, the obstacles or challenges you face are self-imposed. You have the choice to wake up on time, go to the gym, eat healthy food and exercise. You always have the choice to believe in yourself and prove that you are not a procrastinator, and exercising isn’t hard for you.

Your energy levels don’t match your goals

Every time you plan to spend some time in exercise, you use a huge amount of energy resources. From morning till evening, you do many things and your energy level goes down every time you complete a task and move on to the next. During such times, your habits and excuses take their toll and make you skip exercise.

Your energy levels and your body’s capacity are two major factors that determine how you’re going to feel after a workout. After a terrible experience, you’re less likely to stick with your exercise routine. Your body and your mind are programmed to avoid things that make you feel bad or exhausted. When this repulsion comes, it makes you feel bad about exercise. When your mind encourages you to exercise, your body does exactly the opposite.

The reason many people don’t follow their exercise routine is that they fail to maintain a balance between their body and its limits. Maybe you are pushing past your limits because you have set unrealistic fitness goals or you want to impress others by showing off your physical strength. Maybe you want to achieve your goals faster than everyone else or you just want to look familiar in a new environment.

Why exercising is so hard because most people don’t know their limits. They just want to follow a strict routine without understanding their body’s limits. This balancing is hard because nobody on the internet or at the gym knows anything about your body, routine, diet and stress level. It’s not always good to go beyond limits, especially when you’re starting out. Pushing hard when your body is not supporting your decision is the point where you’re surely going to give up.

You exercise for all the wrong reasons

Why do you exercise (if you do by chance)? If you ask this question, you will get to hear something like “I want to lose weight,” “I want to get in shape” or “I want to build muscles.” Rarely you’ll find someone who says “I exercise because it makes me feel good.” If you don’t enjoy it, you won’t stick with the routine. Instead of beating yourself up for hating certain activities, integrate exercise into your daily routine. It will make it easier for you to stay on track.

Remember that sweating in a gym won’t make you feel better if you’re not built for it. And the gym is in no way the only place that can keep you in shape. If you hate weight lifting but love some other physical activities, spend more time doing what you love. It will not only make you feel better, but it will also help you avoid the burnout that keeps you away from exercise.

If you love skateboarding, spend more time there. If you want to get into mountain biking then take a course on mountain biking for beginners. If you want to run a marathon then start preparing for the next event you could be a part of. Most importantly, feel good about what you do and do things that make you feel good.

Staff Writer; Jay Baker

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