Call of Duty Mobile Beta, Release Date, Features and Gameplay Details.

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( You can pre-register now for the Call of Duty Mobile beta on Android and iOS. The free-to-play mobile game will receive a public beta soon this summer. Call of Duty Mobile brings together maps, fan-favorite game modes, characters, and weapons from the franchise’s popular games including the ones from the Call of Duty: Black Ops and Modern Warfare series.

Interestingly, Activision has partnered with Tencent’s award-winning Timi studio to develop the Call of Duty Mobile game. Tencent is one of China’s leading mobile game publishing companies and Timi Studio is known for popular games like CrossFire and Arena of Valor.

Call of Duty Mobile Beta Release Date

Pre-registration for the Call of Duty Mobile beta is now open in Europe, North America, South America, and other select regions. Android and iOS user can pre-register for the beta to receive updates and access to the first COD Mobile public beta which will go live this summer. Excitement for the beta is sure to be high, but fans should know that pre-registration doesn’t guarantee access to the beta as more than 10 million people have already pre-registered.

According to the game’s official website, Activision is planning to hold multiple beta sessions for Call of Duty Mobile game. The company has not confirmed how many beta events it will host, but if Activision is aiming to release the game later this year, it’s possible we could see several public and closed beta sessions before the game’s official release.

Maps and Game Modes

The free-to-play game will bring some popular maps like Nuketown, Hijacked, and Crash. Activision has also confirmed that more maps from the previous Call of Duty entries will be available in the mobile game. The game will maintain the look and feel of previous generation consoles on mobile devices, meaning that there won’t be any compromise in terms of the game’s graphics quality and gameplay mechanism.

The mobile game promises the return of some of the most popular game modes including Team Deathmatch, Frontline, Free-for-All, and Search and Destroy. Developed on the Unity platform, Call of Duty Mobile has customizable player loadouts, a wide variety of characters, weapons, and vehicles.

Device Support

There’s still no clarity on the minimum device requirements for Call of Duty Mobile. The company says it is optimizing the game to run on both high-end devices and also on as many devices as possible. To maintain a stable gameplay performance on devices, it is possible that Activision will target flagship phones first during the beta events and later by launch the game will support more devices.

Gameplay Features

Just like many other free-to-play online multiplayer games, Call of Duty Mobile requires an internet connection. The game will be available for free to download from Google Play and iOS App Store. Players will be able to join free-for-all combats where 10 players can join or they can form a 5-player team to combat in game modes like Search and Destroy. There’s no word on whether the game will get a battle royale mode like Blackout that also features Black Ops combat style.

Activision has not shown any raw gameplay footage during the Call of Duty Mobile game announcement, so we still don’t know how the controls and menu options will look on different screens. The company promised smooth control and 60 frames-per-second graphics for the game. We are yet to hear official words on how Activision plans to monetize the content and how the publisher is planning to implement microtransactions.

Call of Duty Mobile isn’t a new game with fresh content. It is an attempt to bring all the fan-favorite content together on mobile phones. All the popular maps, characters, competitive modes, and weapons from across this the franchise will be available in one place. For players, the most important things will be how microtransactions will work and how the game performs in terms of graphics, controls, and connectivity.

Staff Writer; Corey Shaw

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