6 Surprising Tips for Your Next Job Interview.

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(ThyBlackMan.comMany of us have been on at least one job interview in their life, it’s not a comfortable experience, and it takes much time to prepare yourself. If you want to succeed it is necessary to know the hiring company, desired position, and employers, not to mention, to try to calm yourself down and feel confident. It sounds challenging, but you can minimize all the stress by preparing yourself before the big day. A strong background is essential to stand out from other candidates and represent yourself as a perfect fit for the position. To help you achieve great results we suggest 6 tips on how to prepare before, during, and after a job interview.

How to Master a Job Interview

  • Keep up with the company’s updates

Everyone can do a quick research about the company they are applying to, but if you want to stand out from other applicants and impress interviewers, it is necessary to know more than plain facts. To attain that, check the company’s social media channels and blog. If you can discuss the current business situation and state your insights, interviewers will consider you as a devoted candidate. Moreover, it is recommended to engage with business channels, by that we mean that you should follow them on social media and subscribe to their newsletter if they have one.

  1. Clean your social media

As we spend more and more time on social media, it becomes impossible to hide your personal information. Also, it’s not a secret that sometimes we post pictures, articles or jokes that after a while may seem more inappropriate or irrelevant. However, each piece of data that was posted online can be accessed by the hiring company. It is a common practice to check applicants’ online presence before inviting them for a job interview. To avoid negative representation clean your social media, check all the photos and post you’ve posted, and delete the ones that might seem inappropriate. A great tool is Social Sweepster which recognizes bottles, solo cups, and similar objects. Also it can spot curse words on your posts, it will help you to look spotless online.

  1. Pick a suitable time

Do you know what is the best time to arrange a meeting? Scientists say that the most suitable time for a meeting is 10:30 am. Why so? As researchers state, 10:30 in the morning is the ideal for meetings because it’s not the first thing in the morning when you are still barely awake. At the same time, it’s not too late when everyone dreams about going home or having lunch. As we all are humans those simple details as early morning or an empty stomach can ruin an interview you were preparing for days. Therefore, if you can arrange an interview time, try to put it on 10:30 am.

  1. It’s all about pitching yourself

In today’s world is necessary to know how to pitch yourself, which includes understanding your strengths, soft and technical skills, not to mention, brief profile description. It is crucial to state features which fit your role best and show that you are the most suitable for the position.

Other than that, your pitch begins before the interview day because it starts when you send your resume. A professional resume has to represent the main facts about an applicant and indicate regarding achievements. Moreover, it has to look appealing, to make a resume more vivid use premade templates. An ideal tool is https://www.novoresume.com/resume-templates/ – resume templates by Novoresume. Here you can find various templates to make your resume stand out and look more engaging.

  1. Master questioning

Hiring companies always give priority to those who are genuinely interested and seeking more information. Before the meeting it is recommended to prepare questions and insights, it does not only help with clarifying the information you want to know but also shows that you are taking the position seriously. Nevertheless, questions and comments have to be thoroughly weighted and planned. To attain excellent results, use the data about the company and compare it with current trends or affairs and give your insights. It will represent your analytical thinking and attention for details.

  1. Remind about yourself

After a long day of job interviews, it’s not a surprise if interviewers forget about your performance. To avoid this situation send them a brief email thanking for the meeting, it will not only make a positive impression but may also lead to further communication. Although the hiring company finds a better fit for the position, it’s still possible for you to apply for other available jobs at the company. By reminding about yourself, you ensure a positive reputation and a promising outcome.

We are living in a fast-paced world where everything changes in the blink of an eye. As a result, people are changing their occupation more often. Due to that, it is inevitable to attend job interviews and pitch yourself to attain the desired position. Sometimes it gets challenging, especially if the job you are applying to is crucial for your career. To avoid the unnecessary fuss, prepare in advance and be confident when the interview comes. If you carefully read this article through, then you can be sure that a new job is going to be yours!

Staff Writer; William Shaw