The Maryland Football Scandal: The NCAA’s Vicious Tyranny Towards Black Athletes.

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( Recently, a big football scandal has rocked The University Of Maryland to its core when a white football coach named DJ Durkin was placed on paid administrative leave by the university after they found a black Maryland football player named Jordan McNair had died of a heatstroke he had sustained during a workout and had a body temperature of 106 degrees after being taken to a hospital.

Throughout the past several weeks, two current Maryland football players and people close to the program had revealed a toxic football culture under Durkin and strength and conditioning coach Rick Court. Here’s what they revealed they witnessed:

Fear & IntimidationExample: A football player holding a meal during a team meeting gets it slapped out of his hands. There were other instances where small weights and other objects deliberately thrown at players whenever the head coach was angry.

Belittling, Embarrassment, & Humiliation Of PlayersExample: A certain player who coaches wanted to lose weight was forced to eat candy bars while he was also forced to watch his fellow teammates workout.

Verbal Abuse – Players specifically black players were the targets of obscenity-laced epithets from white coaches meant to demean them and mock them when they were unable to either complete a workout or lift weights. Example: One player was verbally belittled after getting passed out during a drill.

Bad Food – White coaches forced mainly black players to eat unhealthy food punitively. Example: A Maryland football player said that he was forced by the coaches to overeat or eat to the point of vomiting.

Here’s my take on this scandal: The physical and verbal abuse is common under the corrupt and exploitative NCAA system because white coaches are allowed to get away with it because they are paid millions of dollars each year for having high winning percentage and low graduation rates. White college coaches in particular are definitely not rewarded for having high academic rates and low winning percentages because it will lead them to getting fired by the university.

The NCAA is guilty in its role in the scandal because they are a corrupt organization that operates like a modern day plantation where most of the black athletes put in the labor on the football field and the basketball court while most of the white guys (coaches, commentators, athletic directors, etc.) benefit from the exploitation of the free black athletic labor that’s generated from the college football and basketball programs. The NCAA also extracts over a billion dollars a year in exploited labor from the black community which is indicative of this parasitically exploitative relationship we’ve had with white people for over 600 years.

An example of this parasitic relationship is that under The NCAA system, parasitic white capitalist coaches like Nick Saban makes $11 million a year at the expense of the unpaid and exploited labor of black athletes.

The Conclusion – The NCAA is one of the most notorious enemies of the black community because of its oppressive tyranny it inflicts on a daily basis against black athletes under that system.

Staff Writer; Kwame Shakir (aka Joe D.)