5 Reasons Nintendo 64 Classic Release Will Happen In 2019.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) The Nintendo 64 Classic release announcement will certainly make many people happy. Now when the NES Classic and SNES Classic are back in stores, we wish to see N64 Classic Mini. Here are 5 reasons why Nintendo 64 Classic release will happen in 2019:

  1. Indications of N64 Classic Mini release

Nintendo has applied for a Nintendo 64 trademark in Japan. The company is suspiciously quiet about the Nintendo 64 Classic release but it’s not new particularly for Nintendo who’s always unpredictable. And this is not the first time when we are seeing a trademark application for the N64 Classic Mini. The company filed a similar application in Europe in 2017. The latest trademark filing includes mentions of a “video game program,” “controller for game machine” and “TV game machine” under purposes.

  1. The success of the NES and SNES Classic systems

While some might argue that a trademark application doesn’t necessarily mean Nintendo will launch the console, the huge success of the NES and SNES Classic consoles says it should. In May, Nintendo confirmed that the NES Classic and SNES Classic will be back in the store and the supply should last till the year-end.

Even today, it’s hard to find these mini consoles on store shelves and if Nintendo 64 Classic release happens, the situation won’t be any different. If Nintendo can bring two of its popular mini consoles back in the market, there’s no reason why the company wouldn’t do the same for the N64 Classic. It is one of the most successful consoles gamers have ever seen.

  1. Impressive game library

Those who bought Nintendo 64 in 1996 didn’t have the idea of how impressive the game library would become. Not only the Super Mario 64, but the console’s entire game catalog is amazing. Titles including The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Majora’s Mask, GoldenEye 007, and Star Fox 64 make N64 a must have.

The huge game library is one of the strongest reasons people won’t mind buying the console again if Nintendo 64 Classic release happens. For some titles, including the ones developed by Rage, licensing issues could be complex to solve but it won’t turn out to be a deal breaker.

  1. NES and SNES Classic systems are ruling 2018

Nintendo will keep selling the NES and SNES Classic systems throughout the year. The company has confirmed that additional stock for this year is already in production. We don’t see Nintendo 64 Classic release happening in 2018 because these two consoles will be there to rule the console space for hardcore Nintendo fans. Both the consoles sport a strong lineup of games and fans of multiplayer games won’t miss anything as both the consoles support multiplayer mode and by paying $20 more, one can get SNES Classic that comes with two controllers.

  1. Nintendo 64 Classic can justify a price hike

Two things Nintendo could do with the N64 Classic – include 4 controllers in the package and sell it for a high price or keep the pricing low and let people separately buy controllers. The NES classic does the same as the package only includes one controller. So even if Nintendo decides to follow the same route, there wouldn’t be any problem in finding buyers for the console even at a higher price. The Nintendo 64 console led many developers and players to jump into multiplayer gaming. With four controller ports, the N64 opened up new possibilities in multiplayer gaming.

Emulating the N64 is not easy but it isn’t impossible. If Nintendo 64 Classic release happens, we shouldn’t expect it before 2019. Nintendo is focusing on Switch, one of the best selling consoles of all time. And it won’t likely bring one more console this year. We don’t find any valid reason to deny the possibility of Nintendo Classic 64 release, and we are hopeful that it will happen sooner or later.

Staff Writer; Corey Shaw

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