4 Beauty Tips for Black Women.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) When it comes to hair and makeup, there are all kinds of tips out there. It’s actually really cool because knowing that there are other people who go through similar issues is very encouraging. This is especially true for black women. When in the past most beauty efforts were focused on non-women of color, it is good to know that we live in an age where there are plenty of tricks and tips for black women by black women.

YouTube is one of the best things to happen to the world of hair and makeup. If you want to know how a wig is going to look or if a certain foundation will work for your skin, the social media outlet has the answer. With that, things in the beauty industry can be a trial and error hit and miss.

Here are a few tips for black women when it comes to hair and makeup.

Wrap Your Hair

You would be surprised by the number of women who don’t wrap their hair before they go to bed. This is a bad practice. Black hair, especially natural hair, is fragile and takes a lot of learning in order to be successful with it. You need to do all that you can to protect it. And in the case of treating is correctly at the end of the day, use a satin or silk scarf on your head every night to lessen the possibilities of damage and breakage.

Moisturize Your Face

This is an important part of the beauty process, but far too often, women ignore it. After you wash your face, you need to use a good moisturizer to ensure healthy skin. With this tip, you are going to have to understand your skin and know whether it’s oily, dry, or normal and what negatively affects it. Once you do that, find a moisturizer that works for you. I like to use just plain old 100% organic shea butter. But again, figure out what’s going to give you your desired results.

Know Your Colors

There is an old saying that dark-skinned women should not wear red lipstick. I am of the belief that you can literally wear whatever you want to wear. I do believe, however, that everyone has colors that really make their beauty pop! Know what they are for you. This comes with trying things and reading up on how colors compliment the skin. As a black woman, having a clear understanding of what that is for you will greatly enhance your beauty routine.

Exfoliate Your Skin

You have amazingly beautiful skin. From light to brown to dark, black women’s skin is envied the world over. Take care of it. One of the best ways to do that is to exfoliate it. You should do this for your face AND your body. You can use a sugar scrub or another kind of scrub to achieve, soft, supple, yummy, glowing skin.

Who doesn’t appreciate having insider info about beauty tips that maximize your efforts? These are just a few of the things you can do to take your makeup, hair, and life to the next level. Try some of them today and see how they work for you.

Staff Writer; Rasheda Abdullah