7 Hurdles That Stop Women From Succeeding in the Workplace.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) There’s so much talk about what stops women from succeeding in their workplace. Most of the discussion forums are filled with gender discrimination, inequality, and emotional strength related talks, but if you look at the bigger picture, there are some big hurdles that hold women back. It’s not just the society, but sometimes, women themselves are responsible for their failure in the workplace. Read on to know how.

1. Women misjudge their own potential

Sometimes, overthinking holds people back and working women are no exception. When it comes to choosing a new opportunity, men tend to accept it immediately while women feel hesitant to show their interest. Imagine a room full of board members and everyone is being asked to get to the next level. You will see that most of the men, almost 100 percent will accept the challenge while women will be thinking over and over again. The reason is most women are introspective and they often underestimate their own potential. Women don’t easily see themselves at the next level and that’s one of the biggest hurdles that stop women from succeeding in the workplace.

2. Women have so much to do in less time

Especially married women face this problem. They have to take care of many priorities and they often struggle to manage their time. They have to pay attention to their kids, work, family and their partner’s ambitions. Men tend to work with focus while women struggle to prioritize things and as a result, they are either labeled less productive in the workplace or they are simply called slower than men.

3. Lack of support network

If there are more women in a workplace, they can build a great support network. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough women to pull the others up. With the majority of the business world is being led by men, women find it hard to make their own path and build strong business connections. Most of the businesses and staff members believe in who you know rather than what you know. As a result, women find it difficult to turn their connections into strong business relationships. This is a big challenge for women.

4. Ego clashes

Ego clashes are like a disease that can harm anyone’s willpower and destroy their desire to work. In a working woman’s life, ego clashes are common. An alpha male will try to find faults in others especially if he has to report to a woman. Many men feel that their ego is crushed if they are reporting to a female manager. Women who are at higher ranks face communication and coordination related problems because handling such peers becomes the toughest part of their jobs.

5. People’s assumptions

Most of the working women care more about people’s assumptions and there are obvious reasons behind this behaviour. For many female workers, earning respect in a male-dominated industry is a challenge. When you come in as a female manager and have to give directions to males people tend to make assumptions. The best way to deal with such things is not getting affected by what others think. Such assumptions stop women from reaching their full potential.

6. Non-inclusive workplace

If you have ever experienced the feeling of being left alone, you will realize that most of the women go through this every single day in their workplace. When women feel like an outsider in their workplace, they feel that they are not a part of the main vision. This can be due to any reason – race, gender, religion, nationality or age. Not only the woman but the whole organization suffers because the feeling of exclusion reduces work effort, and it also increases the intention to leave the company.

7. Job acceptance

No matter how much our government preaches about equal salaries, at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter at all because women often don’t get what they deserve. The ‘pink collar’ jobs for example cosmetology, bartending, waitressing are sadly the choices of women because these professions are labeled as women’s jobs. As much as we applaud ourselves for the growth and modern thinking, it’s sad that we haven’t achieved the goal. So when women are bound to take up such jobs, their salary is obviously lower than what men earn.

Staff Writer; Corey Shaw

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