(ThyBlackMan.com) August is the month when parents bid farewell to not only their college-bound youngsters but also a sizable chunk of cash for tuition. More than 18 million students attend our more than 4,300 degree-granting institutions. A question parents, their college-bound youngsters and taxpayers should ask: Is college worth it? ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Affirmative action is once again in the news. This time because of a leaked Justice Department memo indicating possible action regarding complaints from Asian-American groups that Harvard University is discriminating against Asian-Americans in its admissions policies. As this story was breaking, Harvard released news that, for the first time ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) For some people, it is the best part of their job. For others, it can be very inconvenient, and they hate spending a few days apart from their family. However, there are some jobs in which business trips are necessary and completely unavoidable. Most people don’t enjoy traveling for business ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) ‘BUT YOU DISOWNED THE HOLY AND RIGHTEOUS ONE AND ASK FOR A MURDERER BE GRANTED TO YOU ! …ACTS 3:14 LIKE all crime families the CLINTON’S are involved in many illicit endeavors , bank fraud, charities, drug dealing and murder when necessary but even by the CLINTON’S standards the theft ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) This past Monday Pat Robertson offered his Christian Broadcast Network audience a conspiracy theory, as a legitimate response, to Fox News contributor Eric Bolling’s suspension from the network for allegedly sending unsolicited nude photos to at least three coworkers. Robertson said: If you wanted to destroy the Fox News, you ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Despite an abysmal job approval rating for President Trump, 37 percent approve 55 percent disapprove, according to Gallup, and no major legislative wins nearly seven months into his presidency, the Democrats have nothing to fall back on except for the Russia-collusion investigation that has done more to embolden Donald ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) What is so hard about sharing our money with one another? And when we do share, it’s for a moment; it’s not sustained. Any person who is relatively aware of how things get done in this world knows that whatever our goals, missions, or objectives, somewhere down the line it ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) That there is a mélange of Erebusic marplots committed to preventing President Trump from accomplishing his agenda and also preventing him from keeping his promises to We the People cannot be denied. There was a time when it was inconceivable that politicians from a president’s own party would work ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Over the weekend, the Pro Football Hall of Fame gained seven new members. Former quarterback Kurt Warner, former running back LaDainian Tomlinson, former defensive end Jason Taylor, current Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, former safety Kenny Easley, former running back Terrell Davis, and former kicker Morten Andersen are all now ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) We play the game of life with one goal in mind: to win. For some, winning is not everything, it’s the only thing, to quote a legendary coach. But how may we improve our chances of winning every day? How do we wake up and go to bed knowing that ...
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