Rediscovering SPACE A TEDxFSCJ Event.

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( “Rediscovering SPACE” a TEDxFSCJ community event hosted at the Museum of Science and History (MOSH) in Jacksonville, Florida.

William Jackson, M.Ed. and Dr. Jose G. Lepervanche, Social Media Team broadcasting on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  The knowledgeable panelist speaking about the future of SPACE travel, evolving careers in STEM, manufacturing in space and traveling to distant planets and galaxies. The panelists shared their knowledge, experiences and passion for the SPACE industry and discovery.

Also discussed that minority children need to be exposed to careers in STEAM to allow them growth in careers that will allow educational progression, exposure to new and developing technologies and equipping minority children to have a voice and a place in future decision making areas where technology is the key to advancement and success in life.

Taylor Richardson a 7th grade student one of the awesome panelists dreams of being an astronaut and is an advocate for literacy for inner city children, STEAM education in schools and is active in her community of Jacksonville, Florida.

Taylor is an honors student at The Bolles School and travels nationally speaking to youth, teens and young adults about career choices in STEAM and building girls’ confidence to motivate them to dream big and reach literally for the stars in space exploration.

Other members of the panel represented private space industries, NASA scientist, engineers and astronauts that will be flying into space in the future. SPACE allowed the audience to learn about constellations, future missions to deep space, the importance of the International Space Station and humanities potential role in the galaxy and beyond.

There is great passion for the exploration of SPACE and the experimentation of manufacturing in weightless environments
that offer new opportunities to discover and create new substances. The development of new industries in science, engineering and the passion for exploration helps to fuel industry, education and coming commerce related to SPACE.

The passion for SPACE was seen in the audience as a video production of the formation of the stars, the importance of comets and how deep space research influences life on earth.

The community is encouraged to take opportunities to visit the MOSH and learn more. How to apply that knowledge to future careers that broaden man’s understanding and take advantage of community events. The panelists consisted of:

Lead Certification System Engineer for NASA’s Commercial

Crew Program

Engineer for Lockheed Martin Space Systems at NASA’s
Kennedy Space Center.

Professor of Astronomy and Physics at Florida

State College at Jacksonville and the Executive

Director Emeritus of the Chabot Space & Science Center in Oakland, California.

Student at The Bolles School in Jacksonville and an accomplished
science advocate. She is a student space ambassador for

The Mars Generation.

President and CEO of Silicon Valley-based Made In Space, Inc.,
the first manufacturing company in space.

A NASA Solar System Ambassador and has hosted several events centered on space and space exploration.


Staff Writer; William D. Jackson

Find out more about this talented writer over at; OCS For Education.