Three Things Donald Trump Doesn’t Want You to Know About Himself or His Finances.

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(ThyBlackMan.comDonald Trump creates a lot of uncertainty, there’s no denying that. People are still uncertain as to what his next presidential move is likely to be, even now, nearly a year into his reign, because he seems to show no pattern in his decision making. And people are even still uncertain as to whether or not they actually like him, not only in politics, not only in America but in the world over. Yes, he’s a president that creates a lot of uncertainty, alright. But, what is certain about Trump is that there are things about himself, his finances and his financial prowess that he is hiding from us. Yes, there are things that Trump doesn’t want you to know about The Donald; to find out what three of these things are, make sure to read on.

He has underpaid his workers

Before The Donald took the reigns at the White House he owned a few hotels and, quite famously, a tower erected as a monument to himself known as Trump Tower. And, in the erecting process of this tower, although Trump himself has since denied it, many illegal Polish immigrants worked on constructing it. They regularly worked 12 hour shifts, and were paid a meagre $4 to $5 an hour to do so. I wonder if he pays his loyal second in command, Mike Pence, quite so meagrely?

The money he made on The Apprentice

Something else that The Don did with his time before moving into the White House was star in the hit show The Apprentice. In fact, he didn’t just star in it, he owned it. And for starring in this show that he owned, he made $375,000 per episode. So, after a season of 15 shows, Trump would have pocketed over $5.6 million; seems quite a lot, really, especially when you consider it was his own show, doesn’t it?

He’s not as good at business as he thinks or says he is

Despite making such a pretty penny from his show, Trump is still not the businessman he will have you believe he is.

In the 1990s, for instance, he owed billions to several different banks and had to divide his wealth and assets up in order to pay off these debts. That’s not good business, is it? What’s more, when you consider the amount of time Trump has been in the world of business, the amount of businesses that he has owned and the total sum of the money he inherited from his father (which is more than a pretty penny), you would expect his net worth when he first stepped foot in the White House to have been way higher than it actually was.

And, further evidence in his presidential reign has in fact pointed towards the fact that he is not the businessman he says he is, too. As pointed out by Mark Dubowitz, the Iran Nuclear deal is ‘fatally flawed’ and the Administration is looking at how to update and revise the conditions for improved compliance. So, although Trump may have been filthy rich before he became president, and will be again when his term ends, he is still not the businessman he thinks he is or says he is.

The three points above are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to things that Trump doesn’t want you to know about himself. No, The Don is hiding many more secrets; naturally, then, it is your job to uncover these secrets.

Staff Writer; Peter Hall