What You Should Do After an Accident at Work.

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(ThyBlackMan.comDepending on the type of career you have chosen and what kind of place you work in, getting injured on the job can be a real possibility. Even if you have chosen a relatively “safe” profession, accidents can still happen when you least expect them. Should you find yourself in an accident at work, it’s important you follow the specific steps that look out for your health and welfare.

So what exactly should you do after you have been in an accident at work? Here’s a closer look.

Start with Medical Attention

Obviously the very first step is looking after your immediate health. If that includes seeing a doctor, then that’s what you do. For serious injuries you could actually be looking at time spent in the hospital. Even if you don’t think the injury is serious, it’s still wise to see a doctor so there can be an official record of your medical exam. The report the doctor writes may be required later on. Your employer may also insist that you get a medical exam as will the insurance company.

The Accident Needs to Be Reported

As soon as your immediate medical needs and concerns are dealt with, it’s time to report the accident. This provides an official record of the accident. The employer should have an accident book, or some sort of formal reporting system. This report is usually called the “First Report of Injury or Illness”.

At this time it may also be a good idea to hire an attorney that deals with workplace injuries. Let’s take for example a trucker who has been in a trucking accident. It just so happens that vehicle accidents are among the top five injuries in the workplace, making this a common scenario.

As an injured party in a truck accident you will want to contact a truck accident attorney who has experience filing these types of claims, and dealing with employers and insurance companies. By hiring an attorney you won’t have to worry about which step in the process comes next, and they will have a much better chance of coming out successful against those huge insurance companies.

Familiarize Yourself with the Workers Compensation Laws

Now is the time to familiarize yourself with the Workers Compensation Laws. In all states, except for Texas, employers must have workers’ compensation insurance. This program offers four different types of programs meant to provide compensation should an employee become injured on the job. There is medical treatment, wage replacement benefits, vocational rehabilitation, and other benefits. Your attorney will be able to work on your behalf when dealing with the workers compensation board and ensure you get what you are entitled to.

Making Sure You Get the Help You Deserve

Because an accident at work can be a very serious thing that affects you not just now but in the future, it’s important you look after your well-being and follow all the appropriate steps. Hiring an attorney will ensure the process goes smoothly and your needs are looked after.

Staff Writer; Craig Shaw