Trump Insults Americans Again.

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( There are a few things we need to clarify before we can go any further. Puerto Ricans are AMERICANS, and they are human beings. They deserve to be treated with compassion, and dignity. How much more do we need to see to understand that Trump is not a president that cares about his citizens. He has no heart for the people of this country. Too many have tried to defend the behavior of this man only to be made a mockery of yet again. He has not shown a degree of compassion befitting the leader of this country. Trump has no shame, but he has embarrassed this country yet again.

Hurricane Maria has devastated Puerto Rico leaving the lsland battered, without proper food, water, nor electricity. Try to imagine it…the citizens of Puerto Rico have been in the dark. There are many parts of the island that are still in the dark when the sun goes down. Hospitals are going all they can but without diesel, without power the death toll will. The bottom line is the current president has NOT responded efficiently nor quickly enough.

Trump had the audacity to speak about money, and debt where Puerto Rico is concerned while the people are literally trying to survive. If I were them I would not be sure I’d want statehood when the president would rather speak in a condescending manner than do his job. Harvey, Irma and Maria…hurricanes Americans will never forget as they hit back to back and caused severe devastation.

The problem is the president was more concerned with the Alabama senate race, and fighting with the NFL than pushing to get aide to his people immediately. Yes, Trump if you are going to call yourself president… then all of the people are your people, and you have failed them. You had the time to call the Dallas Cowboys owner about what they were going to do on a football field. This is shameful on epic levels, unfortunately the worst was yet to come.

Pleading for assistance when doing all you can to help your people is not weak. Criticizing leadership when it does not do its job is not offensive. Trump calling the mayor of San Juan “nasty” for demanding assistance for her people that have been devastated is obscene. Granted is seems “nasty” is his word for women that would challenge him, as it was a word he used to describe Hillary Clinton, there was no excuse for his behavior. When he finally went to Puerto Rico he spoke to the people as if they were a burden, and the government was issuing a handout verses caring for their citizens.

He would throw paper towels at the crowd like it was a game…as if it were a show. People are without bare necessities, people have dies, and people are dying and the current president showed no regard for the life of these Americans. The truth is he doesn’t see them as Americans…they aren’t people he feels he should care about. In that regard Puerto Ricans are in good company. If you are not white, and in a certain tax bracket you aren’t the Americans he feels he represents. Unfortunately, Trump is not done insulting Puerto Rico as they rebuild; he simply can’t help his incompetent cold nature. He is an absolute disgrace.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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