Pride Threatens Donald Trump.

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( After having his White House completely turned upside down, and losing people that technically can destroy him due to the information they possess what makes the president believe pride will save him. I heard Paula White, in an interview, say Trump is a strong leader. Well, that would depend on who you are asking. Regardless of religious belief there are many elders that do believe pride contributes to the fall. When you step on people to get to the top you see those people as you fall down. These are some concepts the president should consider. Granted, I am not a supporter of this administration, but I have enough sense to know those in leadership make decisions that affect my life, and they could affect my safety.

There is power in saying I made a mistake…I was wrong. These are words this president doesn’t seem to understand, and whether he admits it not he has made plenty of mistakes. Holding on to his pride will further divide the nation he claims to want healed. It is not enough to stand up and say all hatred must stop. Its’s not enough to try to ride the fence saying some white supremacist are “fine people”.

The president can’t get on Twitter and handle himself like an adult baby offering blazing harsh words for anyone that would question or criticize him, yet feel justified in his terrible behavior. We know he feels he can do as he please, and this will be his undoing. When Barack Obama was president Trump felt it was quite okay to criticize, and demonize the President of the United States. However, now he deals in some of the same things of which he falsely accused the previous president.

The question is does he truly want to heal this nation? Does he care even a little bit for the people in which he serves? That is a more necessary revelation…as a president you are a servant of the people, not its boss. This is not a Trump company, and this man is playing with the safety of millions with the manner in which he handles both domestic and foreign situations. This country needs leadership it can rally around to get to a point whereby it can stop the bleeding first in order to heal. The only way the conversation will begin is the president will have to humble himself before the American people. As much as many of us don’t like, nor respect, this president I admit if he led with an apology for his behavior I would try to hear him.

If he were to ask what does he need to apologize for…well Sir for not protecting your citizens from hate crimes, and for embarrassing us beyond belief on an international level. That would be a decent start. Granted, I am not holding my breath at all. However, what seems to be happening is the unraveling of a president. He is not above the law nor that of impeachment. He may want to find his humility because pride threatens to destroy him, and his family. He has isolated himself in Washington DC, and its time he takes a hard look at himself, his presidency, and the consequences should he continue on this path. At the end of the day none of us can afford for the country we live in to go down…so we must hope the president comes to himself immediately.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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