Donald Trump If Fired, Mike Pence Is Next.

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( A White House implosion is on the horizon. Personally, I have never believed Donald Trump would fulfill his first term in office. Politics is just not his cup of tea; he suffers from that ultimate aphrodisiac known as “Power” and the presidency was the final conquest for him. But having to comply with political constraints and that pesky document known as the Constitution, he is frustrated, rebellious, and uncooperative. If he is not the boss of everything, like in his businesses, he cannot handle it. He is better suited to King Trump rather than President Trump, because the co-equal divisions of government are anathema to him. Trump subscribes to the Orwellian premise mentioned in the book, Animal Farm; he believes that he is “more equal” than anyone else. So, what will happen when he finds a face-saving way to get out of his current job?

Well, unless he takes his “Christian” Vice-President with him, we will inherit the dreaded Mike Pence. The man who said, “I am a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order,” and a man who stands by his man, Donald Trump, supporting his every lie, nonsensical contention, and immoral vagary, will then occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The words “politician” and “hypocrite” are redundant in many cases, but in my opinion Pence not only takes the cake, he baked the cake. I’ve seen a great deal of political hypocrisy on both sides of the aisle but the hypocrisy I see in our VP is off the chart. What kind of President do you think he will be?

Trump fired Reince Priebus, the guy who said, “…Mr. President, we thank you for the opportunity and the blessing that you’ve given us to serve your agenda and the American people…” Pence said serving Donald Trump is the “greatest privilege of my life.” (What about his privilege of serving God; where does he rank that, according to his own words?) Since Trump cannot fire Pence, the VP will be elevated to the highest office in the land if Trump leaves.

The 65% of the American people who do not support “The Donald,” many of whom want him gone, you had better think long and hard about your desire to evict Trump from the White House. The results of your hatred for him will in all likelihood put you in a worse situation than you are in now. Mike Pence knows all the right moves to make the Trump agenda a reality, and since he supports everything Trump does and says now, he would be even more of a hypocrite if he abandoned the Donald Trump agenda altogether.

So be very careful about what you wish for, irrespective of your dislike for the POTUS. I say, let’s keep The Donald. The media will always have something to talk about; Black folks and some Whites will always have something to rail against; conspiracies will abound, and they always make for great conversation; SNL will be even funnier; and we will always be able to count on King Trump for intrigue, rumors, outrageous contentions, bluster and bombast, insulting comments, and his ability to keep the North Korean crazy person in check. You know it takes a crazy person to threaten another crazy person and have him believe that threat.

What do you say? Shouldn’t we keep Donald Trump, considering who is waiting in the wings to take over: Mike Pence and then Paul Ryan in that order? Trump is an outright liar, a self-absorbed and child-like man who doesn’t care that his true self is on parade. He let us know who he was years ago—not just over the past two years. We don’t have to guess about Trump; he lays it all out there for the world to see. Yes, he is unpredictable, but most of what he says cannot be implemented without congressional approval. The nuclear codes? I say those around him should give him codes that won’t work. That way, if he decides to play Doctor Strangelove, the missiles will not fire on his personal command.

Pence, on the other hand, is a hypocrite; he hides his true self behind the mantle of religiosity. He tells us one thing and acts in a completely different way when it comes to his support of the ethical and moral turpitude of his boss. How can the VP say it’s the privilege of his lifetime to serve a liar, a misogynist, a narcissist, a braggart, and a father who engages in conversations with Howard Stern about his daughter, Ivanka, being a “nice piece of ass”?

Mike Pence does not have the backbone to call his boss out on anything he says or does, despite his evangelical bent. Is he the kind of guy you want to be President? Be careful.

Written By James E. Clingman

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