Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson Foot the Family.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) I’ve been sitting here thinking to myself lately…outside of the Jackson 5 what have the other Jackson family members done lately. Granted it can be argued that the relevance and legacy, in large part, of the Jackson family rested solely on the shoulders of Michael Jackson and then Janet Jackson.

Only Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson would reach a level of international stardom that no one in their family can touch. Yet it seems they must put up with the dead weight of the rest of the family. This could be completely off but lately, other than Janet Jackson’s divorce, all you hear about is money connected to Michael Jackson’s estate. It’s just sad and high level foolishness.

It would be awesome to see something else from this family, or better yet just keep Michael Jackson’s estate out of the news. Janet Jackson’s in the new is a catch 22…sad she is facing a divorce, but happy she is resuming her tour. I admit her little boy is precious, and we look forward to hearing great things about little man. It just seems like there should be more upholding the family legacy other than just Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson.

Joseph and Katherine Jackson had nine children and its only fair to wonder what has come of them, and their children. There must be more than infighting and arguing over money. Furthermore, its appalling that Katherine Jackson should ever have to fear for her life. Is that connected to money? When Michael Jackson put together his will he only mentioned his mother, and children…maybe there was a reason for this.

Regardless of the craziness…the Jackson family is music royalty I guess. Michael, Janet, Jermaine and even LaToya have had solo careers, but as we know only two of those siblings took off. With so many children and grandchildren one can only wonder what other talents are in this family other than music. Focusing in that direction could expand the Jackson legacy, beyond just Michael and Janet, in a positive manner.

Staff Writer; Adonicka Sassy